Pornography as Jewish Activism and Terrorism, part 2
by Kenneth Vinther
Sexual Revolution as a Jewish Defense Against “Anti-Semitism”
One notorious example that is not treated above is Sigmund Freud. Freud laid the intellectual groundwork for the theories of Wilhelm Reich and the Frankfurt School by launching his own assault on conventional sexual attitudes and behaviors. And just like the Frankfurt School, Freud also saw his theories “as a mechanism for ending anti-Semitism.”
The notable Jewish sexual revolutionaries of the 20th century were motivated by the same goals. Reich called the family “the authoritarian miniature state” because it produces people who are “afraid of authority,” “good,” “adjusted,” and “obedient” — people who are conscious of themselves as committed members of a political body. By attacking high-investment parenting and conventional sexual morality, the mortar that binds every cohesive political community together, Jewish sexual revolutionaries sought to inaugurate a new social order incapable of cohering as an exclusive political body, because such a society would be incapable of discriminating against Jews.
Free love, critical race theory, and gender studies (all derivatives of critical theory) are the dominant ideologies of the West today. And now that these ideologies are firmly in power, you can find plenty of books and articles in which the Jewish community happily takes credit for pushing the cultural envelope, and for its role as a vanguard of the sexual liberation movement. Jews call their mission to fight against all forms of discrimination and prejudice tikkun olam (Hebrew for the Jewish obligation to “heal the world”).
An article from the Times of Israel reads: “How ‘tikkun olam’ inspired world’s first openly gay politician Harvey Milk.”
An article from Tablet Magazine reads: “Broadway’s First Lesbian Kiss Was Originally in Yiddish.”
An article from Haaretz reads: “Brilliant actors like Larry David and Sarah Silverman are challenging America’s powerful religious, family-friendly culture and asserting their Jewishness by glorifying obscenity.”
While praising Jews at a Jewish American Heritage Month event, Joe Biden stated: “I bet you 85 percent of those changes [referring to the public acceptance of gay marriage], whether it’s in Hollywood or social media, are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry.” Professor Abrams agrees: “Those at the forefront of the movement which forced America to adopt a more liberal view of sex were Jewish.”
The works of Freud, Reich, and the Frankfurt School were tremendously influential in the social sciences and the academy, though these are not the only avenues through which Jews “heal the world.”
Jews also “heal the world” by producing and distributing violent and degrading hardcore pornography.
Pornography as a Jewish Weapon
According to Nathan Abrams, a Jewish professor at the University of Aberdeen, many Jewish pornographers identified as sexual revolutionary activists and were inspired by the antifascist praxis of Reich and Marcuse. And while students and Jewish anarchists were throwing Molotov cocktails at the police “to resist the fascism of whiteness” in the 1960s, Jewish activists also sought to liberate women from what Betty Friedan called the “‘comfortable concentration camp’ of the household” by enlisting them as actresses in hardcore porn films.
Another example is Greg Lansky. A self-obsessed Jewish porn mogul from France who revels in media attention, he illustrates that pornography isn’t just about the money. In an interview with Haaretz, Lansky describes how he “routinely suffered from anti-Semitism” as a child in France, below a photo featuring Lansky as a young boy beside the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. In a pattern remarkably similar to the motivations of other Jewish pornographers, Lansky says he’s “taken on this effort [the adult film industry] because I feel like I belong in this fight for acceptance.”
Abrams elaborates on what this “fight for acceptance” means to Jewish pornographers:
Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP establishment in America. Some porn stars viewed themselves as frontline fighters in the spiritual battle between Christian America and secular humanism. According to Ford, Jewish X-rated actors often brag about their “joy in being anarchic, sexual gadflies to the puritanical beast.” Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion. Astyr remembers having “to run or fight for it in grammar school because I was a Jew. It could very well be that part of my porn career is an ‘up yours’ to these people. . .” Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged. Porn is no longer of the “what the Butler saw” voyeuristic type; instead, it is driven to new extremes of portrayal that stretch the boundaries of the porn aesthetic. As new sexual positions are portrayed, the desire to shock (as well as entertain) seems clear.
In this same vein, the aforementioned Jewish pornographer Al Goldstein stated in an interview with Luke Ford: “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.”
In his autobiography, Goldstein shares a fantasy in which he equivocates his porn publishing with heroic antifascist resistance, and refers to himself as “the Hebrew Pit Bull.”
Pornography is a crucial weapon in the Jewish struggle for “acceptance” against anti-Semitism and authoritarianism — i.e., healthy families and responsible heteronormative sexual morality. This is why the ADL, which exists to “fight anti-Semitism” and violate the First Amendment rights of anybody who criticizes the Jewish people, fights for pornographers. As E. Michael Jones describes, porn is one vehicle through which Jews promote a secular humanist vision of society, which they see as important for guaranteeing “individual Jews a civic equality and equality of opportunity dreamed of by previous Jewish generations.”
A society that is tolerant towards every form of sexual deviancy is a society that is tolerant towards Jews.
Do Jews use pornography to subvert traditional sexual norms?
Verdict: guilty.
To “Cause Changes in Sexual Orientation” and “Create a Crisis of Reproduction for the White Race”
Once pornography is contextualized as a Jewish phenomenon, and particularly as one expression of the Jewish revolution against the traditional family, its role in “creating a crisis of reproduction for the white race” becomes immediately apparent, especially when associated with other Jewish “accomplishments” and agendas.
Birthrates have plummeted in the Western world. Below replacement birth rates have been used by governing parties of America and Western Europe to justify mass replacement migration from the third world (also note that major refugee and immigration organizations are overwhelmingly Jewish). Why have birth rates collapsed?
One reason is the widespread accessibility of contraceptives and abortions. For instance, the abortion rate (ratio of live births to abortions) typically hovers around 20%, meaning 1 in 5 pregnancies in the United States are terminated. As mentioned earlier, Jews were the vanguard of the feminist movement. The Jewish Daily Forward corroborates: “Jewish women were overrepresented in reproductive rights everywhere in the US,” and they were inspired with an urgency to fight for “reproductive autonomy” because of the “immediacy. . . of Nazism.” The notables included Betty Friedan, Susan Brownmiller, Ellen Willis, and Gloria Steinem (notwithstanding crucial icons like RBG). Today, 83% of the Jewish community in America believes that abortion should be legal in all or most cases, whereas in Israel, abortions need to be approved by a “termination committee.” Abortion aside, Jewish figures were also prominent pioneers of contraception, such as the Jewish chemist Carl Djerassi, who is known as “the father of the pill” (oral contraceptives).
The influence of contraception and abortion is likely overemphasized, however, and cultural factors are the most significant contributor to the collapse of reproductivity in the Western world.
Note that Hollywood, like the porn industry, is overwhelmingly Jewish. In the words of Rabbi Dresner, Hollywood is the principal institution laying siege on “the traditional family” in America and throughout the world with its cultural products that promote “‘rebellion, self-fulfillment, and promiscuity’ and a ‘debased view of the human body and spirit.’” Because of Hollywood, “the avant-garde has become the man on the street. Bohemia is Broadway. The filthy jokes formerly restricted to burlesque houses and certain nightclubs’ are now available on ‘films and TV for the millions. Las Vegas is no longer a city but a condition.’”
Dr. Andrew Joyce brings attention to the enormous mass-media campaign led by Jewish entertainment and media executives during the middle of the 20th century to “fight fascism” and to “make white Americans find their own ethnocentrism abhorrent.” One key individual in this regard is the Jewish mass-communications researcher Bernard Berelson. In 1969, he corresponded with the Jewish president of Planned Parenthood Frederick S. Jaffe about how to reduce the population of America. Their infamous correspondence is known as the Jaffe Memo. Among the proposals were compulsory abortion and sterilization, a line reading “chronic depression” (assuming to be induced amongst the population?), and the line “encourage increased homosexuality.” Here we have an explicit link between the promotion of hedonistic alternative lifestyles as a strategy suggested by powerful Jewish figures to curb the population growth of the (then predominantly white) American population.
In this regard, hardcore pornography has unquestionably normalized sodomy and created the perception of sexuality as primarily recreational, divorcing it from its procreative function entirely. Further, studies even suggest there may be a correlation between pornography consumption and the rise of alternative sexual orientations. Of course, this suggestion isn’t new; the President’s Commission on Obscenity and Pornography in the 1970s recommended against restricting access to pornography after concluding that frequent exposure could make people “have more tolerant or liberal sexual attitudes.”
While feminism, contraception, and Hollywood seem to have killed procreative sex, pornography seems to be killing sex in general. The widespread accessibility of internet pornography is a central factor in the present sex recession (the phenomenon wherein young people appear to be having less sex than ever before) and the drastic decline in marriage rates. Jewish cultural revolutions (the New Left) and related products like pornography, all explicitly designed to break down culture and social cohesion, have produced a generation of young people incapable of forming fruitful and fertile relationships. Jews assure us that this is a good thing. As Eva Wiseman (a Jewish novelist who is very concerned about anti-Semitism) explains, pornography has made men more docile and less interested in physical intercourse by “deadening male libido in relation to real women.”
This is why she thinks that “disaffected young men need more pornography.”
Organized Jewry engages in an enormous amount of abhorrent and destructive behavior to ensure that white society remains debased, disorganized, and therefore incapable of discriminating against Jews. As mentioned before, Jewish feminists, abortion activists, gay rights activists, and pornographers were and are principally motivated by the goal of making society safe for Jews. This is also why Jews promote multiculturalism and mass immigration (see especially David Cole’s quote, here), and even pedophilia (see here). In his recent book The Transgender Industrial Complex, Scott Howard shows that the massive movement to normalize and glorify transsexuality is manufactured by rich and overwhelmingly Jewish philanthropists who promote transgenderism because they believe it will make society resistant to fascism. Another recent example is Richard Doblin. According to the Jewish Telegraph Agency, the Jewish founder and executive director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies dedicates “his life to promoting psychedelics as . . . an insurance policy against another Holocaust.” In many cases, this Jewish activism — alongside other Jewish influences in society — has been absolutely devastating to white civilization.
Jewish international financiers and vulture capitalists have globalized and destroyed the economy, making having families unaffordable for young people; Jewish pharmaceutical companies have drugged the heartland with opioids; Jewish immigration and refugee organizations have flooded white countries with hostile, non-white invaders. Add the normalization of obscenity and the distribution of hardcore pornography to the list of ways that organized Jewish activity has rendered white society unfit for reproduction.
Have Jews created “a crisis of reproduction for the white race” by mainstreaming pornography?
Verdict: guilty.
To “Promote Miscegenation” and “Increase the Sexual Lusts of Men of Color or Jewish Males for White Women”
According to Abrams, because “‘the leading male performers through the 1980s came from secular Jewish upbringings and the females from Roman Catholic day schools,’ the standard porn scenario became as a result a Jewish fantasy of schtupping the Catholic shiksa.”
Repeating what he was told by Ron Jeremy, Kulich corroborates that Jews are in porn “to f___ Roman Catholic chicks” and “fulfill like every fantasy that every Jewish boy has ever had.”
Harvey Cohen has also allegedly stated: “As you’re aware, it’s a Jewish fantasy to screw gentile women. . . Besides, why would Jewish pornographers care about gentile fantasy?”
Shiksa is a Yiddish pejorative amounting to “gentile whore.” Unclean Lips: Jews, Obscenity and American Culture goes further, defining it as “‘unclean creature,’ reptile; abomination, detestation, uncleanliness.”
This attitude can be extrapolated to the broader Jewish entertainment industry, notwithstanding the enormous amount of sexual predation by Jews in other fields, such as the infamous Jeffrey Epstein child sex trafficking operation and its constellation of complicit Jewish modeling agents. This is doubtless one reason why Stanley Kubrick, who made esoteric Jewish elite sexual abuse cults a central topic in his films, said that “Hitler was right about almost everything.”
The Jewish Washington Football Team (formerly Redskins) owner Dan Snyder has been accused of making lewd videos of his cheerleaders and pimping them out to friends, which is one instance in a discernible trend of Jewish entertainment executives preying on “shiksa” actresses and gentile-employee cattle. Snyder allegedly told a cheerleading coach: “You better keep them skinny with big tits or I’ll f___ing kill you.” Turning to Hollywood, Larry David commented on SNL about the “very disturbing pattern” of Jewish sexual harassers in the film industry. The Tablet Mag article “The Specifically Jewy Perviness of Harvey Weinstein” explains why this is, by describing Weinstein as “a character straight out of Philip Roth, playing out his revenge fantasies on the Goyim.”
But the shikses, ah, the shikses are something else again [. . .] I am so awed that I am in a state of desire beyond a hard-on. My circumcised little dong is simply shriveled up with veneration. Maybe it’s dread. How do they get so gorgeous, so healthy, so blonde? My contempt for what they believe in is more than neutralized by my adoration of the way they look, the way they move and laugh and speak.
— Philip Roth, Portnoy’s Complaint
This trend extends to Jewish pornographers as well. For instance, Ron Jeremy — whom the Jewish Daily Forward describes as “your goofy Jewish uncle” — was recently charged with 28 counts of sexual violence, following a flurry of allegations in which Jeremy is accused of violent rape and of “sexually assault[ing] a 15-year-old girl at a party in Santa Clarita.”
To be continued
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Source: read the full article at Birth of a New Earth; originally published at Counter-Currents
Few Americans realize that the principal tool of Communist penetration in the United States is the pseudoscience of psychotherapy.
Not only have many patriots who opposed Communist subversion been imprisoned for life without trial, but many others have been rendered helpless, their fortunes seized, and their
exposures of Communist treachery discredited by the accusation of “mental illness”. In 1848, Karl Marx issued his Communist Manifesto, detailing the Jewish plans for subduing the gentile, but it was not until 1896 that the most workable system to achieve this goal, “psychoanalysis”, was unveiled by his fellow- Jew Sigmund Freud.
We women know what a body is, probably because of our monthly thing, and because we are the ones who usually change the baby diapers. We are really not into any romantic visions of the human body. That is also why I was able to make extra money by being a nude model at our local art school. After about five minutes, it was no big deal. The body is, as Buddha said, a jointed puppet, a shadow, the foam of a wave. I feel that men are deceived by Nature into a romantic conception of womens’ bodies. It is the same as yours, with a few modifications. That the Jews were able to capitalize on this is distressing in the extreme.
To separate ourselves in every way from Jews and other non-Whites is an important goal ( one of many you can participate with us if you choose) that is necessary for our race, Miss Fontaine. Consider applying to Join Us because individually we cannot do it alone, but together we can.