Liking Jews and “the Holocaust”
by David Sims
A QUESTION WAS asked on Quora:
“If Hitler didn’t kill the Jews, how would he have been remembered?”
Some of what constitutes officially standard World War 2 history is misinformation. The winners do write the history books, and, in this case, much of what was Allied propaganda during the war passed uncorrected into the historical narrative regarding the war. “The Holocaust” is the best example. A narrative created by the Soviet propaganda minister, Ilya Ehrenberg (who was Jewish), transferred uncritically into a political dogma that Jews have been using ever since to morally bludgeon the people of the West into granting special favor and special protections to Jews.
Now, hear me. Adolf Hitler certainly did not like Jews. But he had good reasons. He was aware that the economic crisis and the cultural degeneracy of the Weimar Republic was caused by Jews and by the unfair terms of the Treaty of Versailles that the Jews had a hand in crafting. Germans starved to death. Germans died of diseases spread by degenerate behavior. Germans pushed into alcoholism by the difficult economic times that Jews created with their bogus money manipulations and unjust “war reparations.” It is no wonder that Hitler didn’t like Jews.
If you knew even a fraction of what Jews have done to your country, then you probably wouldn’t like them, either. Preventing you from learning that information is why Jews push for “hate speech” laws, and for laws against “anti-Semitism.”
But much of what are passed off as “Holocaust atrocities” aren’t true. The Germans weren’t exceptionally cruel prison guards. Auschwitz wasn’t the kind of place you were told it was. Jews did die in Auschwitz during the war, but most of the deaths were from diseases that could not be controlled because the Allies bombed the German railroads going to their prison camps in Poland, stopping food and medical supplies and many other necessaries. The deaths were not caused by gas chambers.
The only gas chamber suitable for killing people that ever existed in Auschwitz was built by the Soviets after the war ended. They built it for propaganda purposes, and, at first, they tried to pass it off as the real thing. Later, after dated aerial photography proved that it was not there during the war, the Jews admitted that it was a mock-up — but then they began asserting that the Germans “destroyed the original” when they knew that they were going to lose the war. This, also, is a Jewish lie.
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Source: Author
That’s all well and good that the Holocaust is a myth, but the lead-in was: “If Hitler didn’t kill the Jews, how would he have been remembered?” One should never miss the opportunity to point out that National Socialist Germany accomplished in peacetime what the governments of (((capitalist))) nations only accomplished through war; that is, they lifted millions of Germans out of poverty with effective economic proframs, created good paying jobs through visionary public works projects, such as the Autobahn, as well as the creation of a line of affordable cars to drive on it with Volkswagen. Hitler and the NSDAP created art and promoted culture and education for all Germans, offering numerous educational resources to the public for free, as well as having musical and cultural festivals celebrating Teutonic… Read more »
What about us Whites using the lie tactic against the Jews? Would that be practical, or a bad idea? Obviously being sincere with them is like insisting to play within the rules while aware that the other guy is cheating. Hitler said ”The only way to respond to terrorism is with terrorism”, and (in his case) it worked indeed, being simply more skilled at it than his opponents, who had brought him down onto their own field. Simply refusing to fight makes one sound wise and all, but in reality it isn’t always a good idea, as we well know. So how about using our creativity and general fighting superiority to beat them at their own game (assuming it is realistic in the present state of affairs, I know –… Read more »
We in the National Alliance seek state power of our own to put our race back on a progressive path, we cannot afford to be like the liars that Jews get to help them with their genocidal and generally destructive aims. Lies would make us no better than they are, no matter how noble our cause, and destroy our credibility. Besides, the truth of things must be adhered to so as to keep our efforts in important things going forward. Eliminating what’s false and sticking to truthful results when pursuing eugenic aims for our populations, for instance, would show the best results in my view.
I’m glad to see you’ve got enough space so as to not be as defensive as I am on this question… I’m so concerned with the damage being done to our civilization, that I honestly didn’t think of the possibility of feeling safe and out of reach that much, at least not so as to be as result-oriented as you are Jim, not letting go off the thought of protecting/defending myself from the assault they’re doing to us as a group. Looks like I haven’t quite extricated myself completely from this society, from its lifestyle and pollution. Indeed, even after leaving the big city, and gradually abandoning bad habits and exposure to its parasitizing and lifestyle, I still complain of the people around me here, and how I need to… Read more »
The Truth alone is deathly enough for jews. Like Leo Frank. I’m german and i think the murder about Mary Phagan is a Ritualmord. The jews gave two Romanov a special threatment. One was the 13 year old Alexei, the other Maria Romanova. Born on a 26th. 5 years ago they!! killed a 13 year old christian girl. A virgin with the name Mary…on 26th April. 26 is jahwe for jews.
The basic system is always the same: Start with one or two foundation lies, then build upon them.
‘muhJeebus was real and muhBahble is historical truth and fact.’
The basic lies upon which 1700 years of mind poisoning of White people are built.
‘Nero was crazy.’
‘Napoleon was short’
‘Hitler killed Jews’
‘There’s a brand new deadly virus’
etc. etc. etc.
Why do they hate on Nero? I have heard he was nuts but I’m curious – was he actually good?
Based on what I’ve read, he was aware of the growing Jewish problem, which is probably why he’s described as an evil, crazy tyrant.
If anyone in that family was crazy, it was his mommy.
I’ve honestly never looked into him. There’s so much to research and learn about, I’m constantly doing this – admittedly thus not retaining as much as I should. Thanks for the reply!
I just read your 2015 article about black languages, morality, and abstract thinking… where you denigrated the ‘Nazis’ for their atrocities (and lack of record keeping on said atrocities)… I’m glad to see you, like most of us, have come to the conclusion we were lied to…
Now if you have a chance I’d love to learn the correlation semantically to their writings and their complete moral depravity and blood lust. . . It might be very hard to do, however, as their complexity is far, far greater than the prior subject.