The Work of the Lord
by Douglas Mercer
COMING UPON Hitler’s account of his awakening to the Jewish Question is astonishingly like reading the best and most eloquent dissident right Twitter accounts today; it’s startling how many of the same themes are adumbrated, the same patterns seen, the same ideas expressed, the same tricks noticed, and in nearly the exact same language.
It’s almost as if the pattern that emerges is always the same pattern; not only once a Jew always a Jew; but a Jew is always the same Jew, the same in all places and the same in all times.
Hitler first is at pains to say that he did not start out as an “anti-Semite.” Indeed, at first he looked askance at anti-Semitism, and seemed to think of it as a low class and petty bourgeois phenomenon. He says that his father’s rise in the social system made his father think himself somewhat above his former station, that his father had become something of a “cosmopolitan.”
“It is impossible for me now to say when I first heard the word ‘Jew’; and “I don’t remember even having heard the word at home.”
He says that in his father’s home anti-Jewish comments would have seemed to his father to be a sign of cultural backwardness.
It is this attitude which Hitler himself inherited and held for quite some time.
Hitler writes that he only saw Jews as men of a different religion, and that he considered anti-Semitiism to be “unworthy of the cultural traditions of a great people.” He recalled the so-called persecutions and pogroms of the Jews during the Middle Ages and thought they should not be repeated.
That is, he bought into the lies we are all fed.
He then goes on to tell his account of how he became radically disabused of such false notions.
Crucial in this journey of knowledge and awakening was when he came to Vienna.
The great anti-Semite Karl Lueger was mayor of Vienna at the time. Later he would exalt Lueger as a hero; but at the time he opposed him as a “reactionary.”
Hitler was a voracious reader and began to read the great Viennese newspapers, what he calls “the World Press.”
He began to see how these newspapers were uniformly anti-national and anti-German. And how at the same time they were quick to curry favor with the Hapsburg Court and equally quick to criticize Germany itself.
As an alternative to this he turned to the anti-Semitic press. He had to acknowledge that they made some good points and gave him much food for thought, but he still disagreed with their “sharp anti-Semitic tone.”
He says that as he continued reading gradually his doubts grew.
I bet they did.
When it comes to the Jews they always do.
Soon they become certainties.
Crucial in his epiphany was one day when he saw a foul-smelling Jew in his long caftan and his black sidelocks. He noticed right away that the Jews were not “water lovers” and the smell which emanated from them made him nauseous.
Upon seeing this alien creature he asked himself: “Is this a German?”
Then he asked himself: “Is this a Jew?”
He might as well have asked himself : “Is this a human being?”
It’s a good question.
His reading of the anti-Semitic pamphlets only took him so far. He realized quickly that these pamphlets assumed a vast knowledge of the Jewish Question on the part of their readers. He realized that the subject was “so enormous” and the “accusations so far reaching.”
Thus he turned to books, as he always did.
The key insight that he got from these books was to see that Jews were not in fact German, but they were a different people, a nation within a nation.
He learned to see the Jews in fact for what they were: a different race, an alien race.
And as he began to look around him he began to see Jews everywhere he looked. He came upon what has recently been termed the “Every Single Time” phenomenon.
“Wherever I went I saw Jews.”
And he also saw the activities of the Jews, and how anti-German they were.
He learned what we all learn when we go down this road, that wherever you see treachery, wherever you see subversion, or anything unwholesome, wherever you see anything that undermines the nation, or preys upon White people, you can be sure a Jew is behind it.
It’s always and everywhere, Jews — Jews all the way down.
Every. Single. Time.
He first noticed the movement called Zionism. And he noticed that the idea that “liberal” Jews did not support Zionism was a ruse and a ploy, a way to throw smoke in people’s eyes. He saw that all Jews were perfectly united in all things, were “at one in their inner natures,” and that the appearance to the contrary was simply an underhanded tactic.
And as he delved further into this Question he soon saw that as bad as the physical smell of Jews was, this was nothing compared to their “inner moral rot.”
Here his writing shows that for a long time he began a campaign of what dissidents on Twitter call “noticing.”
First, he noticed the “activities of Jews in certain fields of life.”
And he asks the perennial question:
“Was there any shady undertaking, any form of nastiness — especially in cultural life — in which Jews did not participate?”
No, sir, there’s not.
He likens this injection of trash and filth into the healthy body of the German to a “pestilence,” to the “Black Plague,” saying that it is a “mighty dose of poison.”
He writes that when one takes one’s knife and begins to probe the abscess of corrupt cultural life one finds behind it “like a maggot in rotting corpse” one thing and one thing only:
One finds “the little Jew.”
Our Führer was an eloquent man.
He said that this is true in all walks of culture, in the “press, art, literature, the theater,” and of course in the “monstrous productions of cinema.”
And then he began to study the names; he began to name that Jew, which is an exercise that is eye-opening and profitable to the present day.
And as he continued his investigation into the names of the fabricators of this culture-poison he found that ninety percent of “filthy literature, the artistic trash, the theatrical idiocy” was produced by one nation: Jews.
To his utter horror he also found that Jews were behind the prostitution of poor German women.
And when it came to the newspapers, he found that Jews always praise other Jews, and that they always have a bad word for Germans.
And when it came to the publishers of the newspapers and the writers for the newspapers it was of course almost nothing but Jews.
He listed the names: “Austerlitz, David, Adler, Ellenbogen.”
Today we could say likewise: “Kristol, Boot, Ioffe, Klein, Frum, Reich, Kristoff,” ad infinitum.
The list is as bottomless as their treachery.
And so he discovered that these Jews he saw were a nation within the nation, a nation subverting the nation, a people who lived apart.
He found that Jews were behind Marxism which sought to destroy all national feeling among the German people.
And he says that he found that in arguing with Jews they lied, they were slippery, they misused words, they threw logic aside in the name of promoting their own interests. Just like today Jews will call themselves “fellow White people,” disclaim their “White privilege,” but when the word “racist” comes along, then they will stand up straight and be “Jews” once again.
A Jew is nothing but a sophist, and they proceed by misdirection.
And perhaps this was the final straw for Hitler, a man who put such stock in careful investigation, in rationality, in logic, and in proceeding fairly, step by step, in argument.
And so his long inner struggle ended. His last doubts fell away.
The scales fell from his eyes and he saw the world as it is.
He saw the Jews for what they were: his mortal enemies.
At the end of his journey he wrote that “the man who comes to know this race succeeds in removing a veil from his eyes.”
Indeed, knowledge of Jewish guilt is the beginning of wisdom.
To this very day and for all time to come.
And so Hitler declared war on the Jews, a war that we wage as well. And in so doing he says he had no doubt at all that he was doing nothing less than “the work of the Lord.”
Heil Hitler.
* * *
All quotations from Hitler are from Mein Kampf, volume 1 (2017) as translated by Thomas Dalton
Source: Author
Another powerful piece to aid in our people’s awakening, and on 4/20 no less. Thank you.
Everyone must begin somewhere, even “Our Führer,” as you rightly name him –whether we be German or of another European people.
Appreciate your known wisdom here Sir.
You’re doing an excellent job with the legacy that was bequeathed to you.
For what it’s worth, coming from a stranger on the internet.
A perfectly written/ presented little essay here. DM never fails.
As JG said *paraphrasing* Jew awareness is a matter of mental hygiene.
I almost pity those who haven’t had this ultimate epiphany. It’s the most important thing anyone could learn on Earth.
Once I got aware of the J.Q. , the more antisemitic I got. As Hitler said in his famous book, “…gradually, I grew to hate them “.
A perfectly written/ presented little essay here. DM never fails… I almost pity those who haven’t had this ultimate epiphany. It’s the most important thing anyone could learn on Earth.
It’s what one does with that epiphany after experiencing it that counts
It’s easy to agree with you on the genius of Mercer — currently our most powerful and prolific observer of the mess The Race finds itself in. Fans should know he now has his own section on our little forum with scores of his essays that have not appeared on National Vanguard: (146) Douglas Mercer – White Biocentrism
Your appreciation for my service is my payment. Thanks
Hatred of Jews is somewhat redundant. How does
one hate a maggot, a flea, or a cockroach? It
is only acting in accordance to its nature. The
solution? The immediate solution for the
aforenamed? Reach for a can of RAID! On
the conceptional level, the racial state being
established in Eastern Tennessee would be
the equavilent of a can of RAID! There may be
other Caucasian racial states being created
on other parts of the planet as well. As Earth
continues its desent into this most terrible of
Dark Ages, from out of the rubble will come
a New Order – a world totally free from the
scourge of Jewry, and its handmaden of