EssaysHadding Scott

Their Hosts, Their Slaves: A Theory of Jewish Racial Mixing

Introduction by Hadding Scott

THAT JEWS married their White slaves, resulting in some blond Jews, was the finding of the respected German-American anthropologist Theodor Poesche.

In the same way one can explain common Jewish physical characteristics like the “Jew-fro” by the fact that Jews sometime long ago mixed with Negroes, perhaps also their slaves. The finding that Jews in general have considerable Negro admixture was published by Jew A.E. Mourant in 1978, and in some of them it is obvious. Indeed the Lemba Jews of southern Africa appear entirely Negro; yet they have been authenticated through genetic testing as a genuine Jewish population that bears the Cohenic Y-chromosome. In ancient times the Book of Ezra told them to put away their “foreign wives.” In spite of that, the Jews today are a very racially mixed people.

Why There are Blond Jews
by Theodor Poesche

Excerpted from Die Arier: ein Beitrag zur historischen Anthropologie, 1878, pp. 31-32

Translated by Hadding Scott, 2014

Finally let us consider the blond Jews, which in Germany are about 11% of Jews according to the surveys in the schools*. These must be declared straightaway as racially mixed, like the blonds of the Turkic peoples. The proof is found in the fact that blond Jews occur only in the countries of the blonds. In Africa there are none; where blonds were prevalent however, miscegenation also happened.

A Polish law around the year 1100 forbids marriages between Jews and Christians, likewise an old Spanish law: proof enough that this took place. From another law of that period it is evident that the Jews converted their servants, slaves that they had bought, to their religion, and thereby totally assimilated them.

About the participation of the Jews in the slave-trade of the Middle Ages, unexpected revelations have recently occurred. I find in the work of my esteemed teacher, Dr. Alfred Schmeckel, the following report about Ditmar von Merseburg (reproduced in the Merseburger Gymnasialprogramm for 1855) on page 10: “In the year 1010 Margrave Guncelin von Meissen was deposed by a court of princes appointed by the Emperor at Merseburg, and imprisoned for a long time because he was found guilty of having sold Christian families to Jews.” Since then Waitz has published in the Anzeiger zur Kunde der deutschen Vorzeit quite a number of cases from which it emerges that in the early Middle Ages Jews took just as much interest in peddling slaves (in most cases Slavs, hence Slav = slave) as now in peddling horses. Waitz cites old municipal tax-schedules [Staedtetarife] in which it is set down how much entrance-tax [Eingangssteuer] a Jew had to pay for a slave.

These blond Jews thus are probably not, as Virchow loves to proclaim, “Urgermanen” and their posterity, but probably the mixed progeny of Aryans, especially Slavs, and of Jews.

* * *

* Most likely Poesche refers here to the survey of 6,758,827 of Germany’s schoolchildren in respect to color of skin, hair, and eyes that was undertaken in the 1870s by Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902). Virchow had gained fame through contributions to medical science but also held some idiosyncratic views: he was an anti-Darwinist, denying evolution entirely, and also an anti-Nordicist and anti-anti-Semite. Virchow’s survey was apparently intended to prove the opposite of what it did prove. The Jew Franz Boas, founder of “cultural anthropology” (which is essentially anti-racist propaganda in the guise of scholarship) was one of Virchow’s students.

* * *

Source: National-Socialist Worldview

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20 March, 2021 12:19 am

Imagine how many of the orphaned of WW2 Germany ended up as slaves and snuff from Russia to Israel. I often wonder how many children they stole. And to think of how they might have used them to improve their hideous genetics.

20 March, 2021 1:46 pm

A real head-scratcher is how you end up with Bar Paly or Bar Refaeli.

Best case scenario, their genetics are only capable of producing Abby “Khazar Milkers” Shapiro.

22 March, 2021 8:26 am

I call it gene stealing.
See also: Ivanka Trump, or every Revenge of the Nerds-type movie ever made.

25 March, 2021 1:55 pm

This shows that cover is not as important as the actions of an individual.

A white looking person who encourages the extinction of whites (especially Nordics) must be treated accordingly.

Do not judge a book by its cover.

Reply to  Jamie
7 October, 2022 4:25 pm

All Gentiles of any color need to do is this: Just type and post comments all over Tik Tok, IG, FB, Twitter, etc.. promoting and encouraging White AshkeNAZI Jewish women and White Sephardi Jewish women to have sex and babies with black dudes. Day in and day out. It’s a 100% guarantee people will start to see their accounts being terminated, comments deleted, but more importantly, many people will also start to see Jews have mental breakdowns and freakouts. They hate reading or hearing about when black sperm/DNA gets inside Jewish vaginas and starts impregnating fertile Jewish eggs!! FACT.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  SexyJewess2526
8 October, 2022 9:28 pm

We’ll pass, thanks SarcasticJewess2526. We have better things to do than to promote the breeding of frizzy-haired Schnozzim mongrels. Don’t come back.