Posts Tagged
Jewish Race
Their Hosts, Their Slaves: A Theory of Jewish Racial Mixing
Introduction by Hadding Scott THAT JEWS married their White slaves, resulting in some blond Jews, was the finding of the respected German-American anthropologist Theodor Poesche. In the same way one can explain common Jewish physical characteristics like the “Jew-fro” by the fact that Jews sometime…
1919: Adolf Hitler First Writes on the Jewish Question
September 16, 1919 DEAR Herr Gemlich, If the threat with which Jewry faces our people has given rise to undeniable hostility on the part of a large section of our people, the cause of this hostility must be sought in the clear recognition that Jewry as such is deliberately or unwittingly having a pernicious…
Birthright Israel: 100,000 Gentile Lives Worth Less Than a Single Jewish Life
MAIMONIDES, supposedly the greatest Jewish sage of all time, extracted all the behavioural rules from the Talmud and put them into more digestible form in his Mishneh Torah. Some of these rules are quite astonishing in the cold contempt they express for non-Jewish life. Here, for example, is one of…
If Jews Didn’t Exist… Who’d Want to Invent Them?
HATE SPEECH. It’s an ever-growing, ever-more-threatening, ever-more-sickening phenomenon, but fortunately there are teams of dedicated experts working night and day to help Western governments combat it. Their fees may be high, but these guys are the best in the business: Jews like Rabbi Abraham…
Jews: A Religious Community, a People, or a Race?
by Mark Weber DEFINING “Jew” has never been simple. Is he someone who practices Judaism, the Jewish religion, or is he identified by his ancestry? While many Americans assume that Jews are essentially a religious group, Jews themselves take for granted that their community is much more…
How to Recognize a Jew
First published in Der Giftpilz, a German children’s book published by Julius Streicher. Immediately after World War 2, the Jews and their allies put Streicher on trial for writing and publishing things of which they did not approve. They executed him in 1946. THERE IS EXCITEMENT in the air in…
The Vexing ‘Jewish Question’: A Nineteenth-Century Scholar’s View
Introduction by Mark Weber ALTHOUGH TODAY it is considered tactless if not hateful to speak openly of a “Jewish question,” the often thorny matter of relations between Jews and non-Jews in society is a real issue that has bedeviled countless governments and scholars for centuries. In…
Charged With “Hate”: The Trial of Arthur Topham in British Columbia
Five security guards, members of the RCMP, two in bulletproof vests, all entrants pass through metal detectors, undergo a wand search, check all electronics including cell phones and have their bags meticulously scrutinized. Why all the security? The crown was presenting its criminal case against…
Jewish Daily Forward: Jews Should Reject Rabbis Who Marry Non-Jews
EDITOR’S NOTE: Race is the reality and religion the justification: Jews want to preserve their Jewishness and prevent their race from disappearing through racial mixing, as this editorial shows, while at the same time working on all fronts to dispossess and miscegenate the European race to…
Only 24,000 Jews Left in Italy
Intermarriage rate exceeds 50 per cent. “THE Jewish community in Italy is a small world, but very diverse,” said Renzo Gattegna (pictured), president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities. “There is a phenomenon of demographic decrease of the Italian communities. But I think this is balanced…