Guest opinionPerspective

Imagine There’s No Lennon

It isn’t hard to do.

by Kenneth Roberts

TRAITOROUS race-mixer John Lennon died forty years ago this week, shot in Manhattan when karmic justice was finally served.

It was Lennon who was the pied piper of the infamous “counterculture.”

It was Lennon who fed mind poison to the millions, teaching them that “all you need is love.” It was Lennon who mocked his betters as “All-American bullet-headed Saxon mother’s sons.” It was Lennon who pioneered the “feminine man” and the “house husband,” showing millions of men the way to get in touch with their inner sense of surrender.

A “working class” zero is something to be.

It was Lennon who sat on his millions and told us to have no possessions; it was Lennon who acquired the inestimable prize of American citizenship and who preached that there should be “no countries.”

My fondest recollection of this prize nincompoop was in the days after he died. Radio stations everywhere were playing nothing but Lennon or Beatles’ songs, though strangely one that they didn’t play was “Happiness Is A Warm Gun.”

It was during this peak Lennon saturation point that as a teenager I got in a car with my friend’s father.

After starting the car he turned on the radio — Beatles song.

He changed the station — Beatles song.

Once more — Beatles song.

Nothing but Beatles songs.

He then glanced my way and gave me a look of determination and satisfaction, and then he said “watch this.”

He then turned the radio to a country station, and the beautiful and peaceful lilt of a nice Southern twang met our ears.

Basking in this wonderful and sweet melody my friend’s father then looked at me again and said what I to this day assume to be the sum of all wisdom:

“They won’t be playing that dirty hippie here.”

No they won’t; and no they didn’t, God bless their country hearts.

And on this fortieth anniversary as the liberal boomers melt in squalid nostalgia all I can say is what is also wisdom: Good riddance to bad rubbish.

* * *

Source: Author

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8 December, 2020 10:10 am

When a celebrity dies, about 95% of the time it is an event to celebrate.

Ann T. Zemitik
Ann T. Zemitik
8 December, 2020 5:40 pm

I agree that Lennon was a huge hypocrite. Running off at the mouth about how we should “Give Peace A Chance” while kikes, who have started pretty much every war of the last 2,000 years, were signing his paychecks.

That said, I always got a kick out of the dimwitted rednecks referring to them as “dirty hippies” just because they had long hair, while at the same time those hayseed rubes were completely oblivious to the fact that their beloved Jeebus, in damn near every likeness of him, also has long hair.

Reply to  Ann T. Zemitik
8 December, 2020 6:46 pm

Yes Ann, the hippie-crite told us to give away our stuff but didn’t share his own millions.

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Ann T. Zemitik
8 December, 2020 8:35 pm

Not to mention Lynyrd Skynyrd…..

8 December, 2020 6:43 pm

We non’t need to ‘imagine’ such a place where religion, nationality and possessions etc. were illegal. It existed. It was Lenin and Stalin’s soviet Jewnion.

Reply to  Truthweed
13 December, 2020 6:21 am

We needn’t even look to the soviets; these conditions are fast being placed on all white nations via this scamdemic.

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
8 December, 2020 8:39 pm

‘They shoulda shot McCartney first.’
Can’t remember who said that.
Anyway, I’m too young to have been greatly influenced by the Beatles, they were pretty creative musically, but highly subversive culturally.
Then again, who wasn’t in that whole muh1960s mess.
Also, if you absolutely, positively MUST race mix, at least pick a hot one.
Which shouldn’t be a problem for an international rock star.

8 December, 2020 10:31 pm

Sadly, there is more of them in the music scene, Bob Dillan is one of them, and I believe he is Hebrew, who knows which of the 12 tribes he belongs to. Lennon was a traitor, especially for the soldiers who were drafted and fought in Vietnam. He spoke so vile of them, but its comprehensible the kind of person he was if anybody read about his upbringing (If you want to waste your life and rotten your brain go ahead and read about his upbringing). You can then understand the kind of person he became to be. No values, no morals were taught to him, no love for his people not helping your fellow man, it was more taking from your fellow man and blame them for the loveless… Read more »

Reply to  Geli
16 December, 2020 6:41 am

You are quite right about “Bob Dylan”.
Robert Allen Zimmerman is almost certainly a Jewish name.

However I think he became a christian, for all the difference that makes.

Kenneth Roberts
Kenneth Roberts
Reply to  Matthew
16 December, 2020 10:54 am

Dylan (that is, Zimmerman) is a Jew and during the “civil rights” era he gave us anti-white lyrics such as:

He went down to Oxford Town
Guns and clubs followed him down
All because his face was brown
Better get away from Oxford Town

Oxford Town around the bend
He come in to the door, he couldn’t get in
All because of the color of his skin
What do you think about that, my friend?

Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Matthew
16 December, 2020 5:00 pm

Yes, Zimmerman was born and raised a Jew, was a Lubevicher in fact. That’s the Hasidic supremacist sect that claims we goyim are not human. His dad, Abe, was head of his local B’ad B’reath hate group. Bob changed his name to Dylan, then became a Christian evangelical, of all things — a Marrano, he was, because he apparently converted back to his Jewish roots.

Reply to  Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
16 December, 2020 11:11 pm

Greetingsa Will. Rabbi Schneerson who founded the Lubeviches was rescued from Warsaw during WW2 by Hitler and Himmler after a request by the US Embassy in Berlin. There’s the thanks we get for helping the sons of Lubeviches.

Reply to  Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
17 December, 2020 8:31 am

If you don’t mind, I’m going to steal your term “B’ad B’reath”! You really can’t beat humor for undermining your enemy as the jews know all so well.

Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  guest
19 December, 2020 7:18 pm

Ridicule is often employed with more power and success than severity.

So said the Roman satirist Horace.

I can hope with your help that B’ad B’reath catches on and is repeated by lots of newly awakened goyim. I first used it when I was editor of Racial Loyalty 32 years ago because I liked the sound of it. I failed to properly insert the apostrophes until later because then I also liked the look of it. :o}

Reply to  Geli
5 March, 2021 1:32 pm

Lennon donated to the IRA,a terrorist group,also Marxist.

Reply to  DasReich/DAVIDK.
8 March, 2021 8:24 pm

I didn’t know, but, nothing surprises me anymore, it’s befitting that evil breeds evil. Why would they want anything good, they are all one and the same.

Guy Haines
Guy Haines
9 December, 2020 10:22 am

Lennon was a mixed up sick puppy and also a White man with real musical genius. His signature song, “Imagine,” is pure One World mind poison delivered in an emotionally engaging package that has twisted millions of Aryan minds in the wrong direction. He was shepherded by Jews for most of his musical career. The Jewish producer Phil Spector (now in prison for murdering a White woman) guided him in making the song into a “political statement,” and his non-White “wife” Yoko Ono explicitly stated the song was about “no borders, no countries,” etc. But Lennon himself said that the socialism he wanted should have a national character: “The Socialism I speak about … [is] not the way some daft Russian might do it, or the Chinese might do it.… Read more »

Kenneth Roberts
Kenneth Roberts
Reply to  Guy Haines
9 December, 2020 12:30 pm

That bit about the Pakistanis is very interesting.  Lennon met Ronald Reagan and rumor has it that late in his life he became a Republican.  Not sure if that’s true but it’s good to remember that A) Lennon was fundamentally a dilettante and went with the fashion and B) all of these British rock-and-rollers from the 1960s came from tough white working class communities.  We see now that Morrissey has become anti PC and anti-immigrant, perhaps had Lennon lived long enough something would have knocked some sense into that addled head of his and in the end he would have fallen down on the side of the White British working class. After all a working class hero is something to be.

Reply to  Kenneth Roberts
6 March, 2021 4:01 am

Well thought, Ken…even Bowie recanted briefly in 1976 and then cucked fully wigger.

pj dooner
pj dooner
Reply to  Guy Haines
10 December, 2020 8:31 pm

The jews started the anti-white brainwashing of the young in Britain after they won WWII evidently-the amount of race-mixing there is astonishing. Just look at all the British rockers from the 60s onward who are or were race-mixers: Lennon, Harrison married a dot, McCartney is on his 2nd jewess, Ringo is married to a half-jew, Jagger was married to a mestiza, Jimmy Page, Phil Collins, Eric Burden, David Gilmour and David Bowie are/were all race-mixers as well!!! I met a girl from London a few years back who said she dated blacks back home and that there was nothing wrong with it because they were British. Here’s a stat that says there are now about 300,000 mixed whites in London alone!!

Reply to  pj dooner
13 December, 2020 6:28 am

I think that figure of 300,000 is a conservative estimate. Whites are a minority in London and have been for around a decade. If you visit London, you’ll feel very outnumbered.

pj dooner
pj dooner
Reply to  James
14 December, 2020 7:45 am

That 300,000 stat are people who are part-white and part something else, not the number of non-whites-there are about 3 million non-whites in London (out of 8.2 million total).

Reply to  pj dooner
16 December, 2020 5:11 am

I understood the 300,000 figure was of mixed race people, and I believe it is too low. Have you been to London recently? It truly is Tony Blair’s “melting pot” society, and whites are leaving en masse and heading up north. I dread to think what the life of a young white girl in the African knife-crime infested suburbs of London is like.

White dispossession is a crime of unimaginable scale.

ps. when you type the word ‘dispossession’ into Duckduckgo, an interesting video is suggested: – never heard of this guy and I only had time to listen to his intro, but sounds like it could be a good speech.

Reply to  pj dooner
16 December, 2020 6:35 am

PJ, if a creature is part-white, and part “something else” then that creature is not white. These half-breeds should definitely be included among the number of “non-whites”.

Reply to  pj dooner
17 December, 2020 8:43 am

There is a school of thought that the whole counterculture was a deliberate psychological warfare campaign designed to fragment society. In Britain, the Tavistock Institute is considered the sponsor of such a campaign. In the US, the music scene centered around the Laurel Canyon area of Los Angeles is believed to have been greatly influenced by children whose parents were tightly connected to the military and intelligence communities. Seems a little too far out but after seeing how unified the media and cultural elite were anti-Trump 24/7 (and I’m not a great fan of all talk-no action Trump), I’m not so sure.

West needs to wake up
West needs to wake up
15 December, 2020 7:20 pm

The Beatles were simply a construct of the elites
nothing more

West needs to wake up
West needs to wake up
15 December, 2020 7:23 pm

do you remember the music video “Imagine”?
the A-hole was in a huge big multi million dollar house telling us to imagine no possessions, Wow we were Naive

Kenneth Roberts
Kenneth Roberts
Reply to  West needs to wake up
15 December, 2020 11:21 pm

When Lennon died his estate was valued at half a billion dollars, his wife was known to play the stock market often and it is said she was particularly fond of cattle futures.

16 December, 2020 3:48 am

He left his vast fortune to commie anti-white causes. Makes the white Boomer generation regret every nickel they spent patronizing anti-whites.

17 December, 2020 8:25 am

“Imagine There’s no Lennon” would make a great t-shirt message. Maybe with a picture of Lenin.

Reply to  guest
2 January, 2021 11:37 am

IRA supporter,too. Hated that Lennon like a venereal disease.

Reply to  DAS REICH
4 February, 2021 4:20 pm

Greetings DAS REICH. THe troubles in Ireland were not about religion, they were about communists wanting a communist Europe. After Britain entered the EU I contacted MSM news organizations and correctly predicted that peace would break out in Ireland because the IRA did not want to be left out of the EU. I also said that Jerry Adams would be shaking hands with Bill Clinton within six months, because both were members of the Socialist Internationale. Of course, the MSM thought I was crazy.

Reply to  Truthweed
6 March, 2021 7:03 am

you were right,my friend

Reply to  DasReich/DAVIDK.
3 June, 2022 5:59 am

Hey I am of the Aryan race. A dying race here in Sac CA. And it is a race war.

4 February, 2021 4:34 am

It’s always a tragedy when a rich Communist hypocrite is shot in public…at least his paramour was an honorary Aryan, though, albeit abysmal artiste.

Reply to  Stefan
4 February, 2021 4:23 pm

Greetings Stefan. As Stalin said, “One death is a tragedy but a million is just a statistic.” What’s wrong with Yoko’s art? Don’t you like to see a million-dollar apple rotting in a glass case?

Reply to  Truthweed
6 March, 2021 11:18 pm

Hello Truthweed! I love your sarcasm (LOL) Yoko Ono is not only a degenerate but also seriously mentally ill. As the following video proves:

Having said that, what can or should say about the morons/degenerates that applaud and celebrate her pathetic, sick performances. As the English say: “It takes two to tango”.

Regarding John Lennon, he was a degenerate, of course, but what could you possibly expect from a young White man growing in post-1945 Europe? All the filth that we know now was then something new, “exciting” and “fashionable”. Race-mixing was glorified as well as any kind of anti-social behaviour. I am not excusing his behaviour or thinking. He was a logical product of his times. Unfortunately, he died too late, the damage was already done.