
BLM, Jews, Jared, and Where the Madness Comes From

THE WORD “diversity” is Jewish coded language for “genocide of Whites.” It’s everywhere on their controlled media.

We’re still being fed variations on the “root causes” argument about Black violence that says Blacks are so violent because they come from the slums, when in truth they turn wherever they live into slums. It’s equally self-evident they lack the basic impulse control necessary for civilized life even among themselves in Africa.

Anti-White activist Robin DeAngelo lies through her teeth, saying she “grew up White” when in fact she grew up Jewish and was taught hatred of White Americans and utter disdain for “schvartzes” (Jewish slang for Blacks) from her mother’s knee.

Over a century ago when Black activist Marcus Garvey came from the island of Jamaica to the New York City office of the NAACP, he found no Blacks there and instead an office full of Jewish lawyers and Jewish staffers looking to use Blacks as Robin DeAngelo still does today; that is, as cannon fodder in the Jews’ rage campaign to destroy the White race. The only Blacks who got into the NAACP a century ago were there to get on their knees and shine the Jews’ shoes, while today the only Blacks to get into the homes of Robin DeAngelo and her sort also get on their knees to clean the toilets. Who’s kidding whom with this nonsense of Jews “loving” Blacks? — to whom they refer behind their backs as “schvartzes,” and whose Rambam, Maimonides, has taught down through the ages that Blacks aren’t even human.

BLM, as Jared Taylor mentions, has gotten pledges of well over a billion dollars to fund the revolution destroying White America, yet BLM is a Jewish terrorist front-group run from the shadows by anti-White terrorist Susan Rosenberg of Thousand Currents (and now the Tides Foundation). After being pardoned by Clinton in the late 90s, she went straight to work for organized Jewry in America where she still works directing payments on behalf of BLM enabling these riots. There’s apparently so much corporate money going to the riots that rioters can be driven around by limo services using luxury throw-away SUVs, get gourmet food catered in Seattle, and never have to worry about posting bail. Considering BLM has gotten so many tens of millions in funding, it follows that the DOJ, were it not also a function of organized Jewry in America, would be confiscating those funds and courts would be ordering the money paid as reparations for the damage done to property and as compensation to the families of Whites stomped into puddles of blood in the streets.

Antifa was originally proudly hailed on many Jewish sites as Jewish through and through, and, prior to these riots, the violent protests by antifa on college campuses were apparently run through campus Hillel. They ran security too in many cases, and for the same reasons nothing will happen today. Of course the DOJ/FBI, State Dept, and mother of all System bureaucracies, the Pentagon, are doing nothing to suppress the Jewish revolution since they’re an integral part of it.

When I read allegedly dissident and “alternative” articles today, if I don’t get valuable information in the first 25 per cent. of the piece, I usually hit CRTL-F and search for the text string “Jew” — and if to no avail, then sorry, goodbye; my time is very valuable. Such it was when I looked at Jared Taylor’s recent takes on BLM.

If I understand Jared’s thesis correctly, Whites are the ones now rioting, and Whites are also guiding the anti-White attempted coup — due to the anti-White indoctrination they’ve received. Just 20 years ago this indoctrination was quarantined to the universities, Jared says, but no longer. So, we are to believe that decades ago Blacks, using their unmatched powers of long-range planning and impulse control, embarked on the “Long Black March Through the Institutions.” Then, with their wizard-like talent for identifying and infiltrating all of a society’s political choke points, they systematically neutralized our people’s ability to defend our property and even our own lives. The Second Amendment offers no guarantee of protection and even the First Amendment is, as it were, on stilts — all due to brilliant legal moves by Blacks over the years. Truly the master stroke of the Negro’s intellectual dominance over us, though, was to turn our own youth against us, just like Chairman Mao did to the youth of China.

Drat, those damn sub-Saharan Rothschilds!

In forcing myself to read the remaining 75 per cent. of Jared’s latest, I find another 4,000 words without one mention of Jews. This is like an oncologist discussing cancer for 30 years without mentioning tumor cells even once.

What has Jared Taylor’s self-imposed embargo on discussing Jews earned him?

His Jewish enemies don’t care. They’ve largely eliminated him as any kind of threat to their campaign to destroy America.

Jared Taylor can’t even write simple sentences such as: America has gone mad mainly because Jewish political activists have spent the last 100 years trying to wreck it (and us) — and by now they have largely succeeded.

There. The entire situation explained in fewer than 100 words. It’s Jewish “intellectuals” who have taught Europeans to hate themselves. In schools and colleges, class after class, for decades — all White students are “educated” to hate themselves and their history (while non-Whites are simultaneously agitated to hate Whites). That’s where the madness comes from, Jared.

* * *

Source: White Biocentrism

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Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
3 September, 2020 11:36 pm

Jared Taylor is a turncoat. Simple as that.

Reply to  Walt Hampton
4 September, 2020 9:16 am

Not a turncoat, a shill, probably paid by Jews.

3 September, 2020 11:49 pm

THIS IS A MUST SEE video! It clearly shows that the Portland shooting of the Trump supporter Aaron Jay Danielson was organized and coordinated not only by a group of people on the ground but also with the help of (command and control) vehicles:

Reply to  A S
4 September, 2020 5:34 am

ZOG Rules: Trump Proves His Administration Is A Zionist Occupied Government

Reply to  A S
4 September, 2020 8:57 am

My understanding is that the perp was killed in a shootout with “federal authorities”.
The previous day, Michael Forest Reinoehl gave a taped interview. Obviously, the arrest attempt was NOT botched. The guy had a big mouth, was privy to inside information, and could’ve revealed the sources of ANTIFA funding and coordination. He was a liability to the rich Jews bankrolling the protests. Now, there will be no trial and no investigation into the murder of Mr. Aaron Danielson. Mission accomplished.

4 September, 2020 12:20 am

Jared le teme al parásito semítico. El parásito (judío) necesita inmovilizar y neutralizar a su víctima (raza blanca) para alimentarse de ella, la víctima se está debilitando lentamente, incluso podría morir, una gran parte de los blancos no son conscientes debido a la influencia de los medios de comunicación, Hollywood, el cristianismo, la academia, la banca, el gobierno sionista y la degradación social, excepto por los blancos racialmente conscientes, que deben luchar para sobrevivir. ahora el parásito semítico está tratando de silenciar a este último, para no despertar a los blancos ignorantes de su exterminio.

Es como si la rana estuviera cocida a fuego lento, la hace somnoliento hasta que se cocina.

4 September, 2020 5:29 am
Franklin Ryckaert
Franklin Ryckaert
4 September, 2020 7:56 am

Those Jews in that picture seem all to be Mulatto-Jews. They propagate race mixing to Whites (especially with blacks), but they seem to swallow their own poison.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
4 September, 2020 10:08 am

I wrote on the Amren site this simple thought: “Of the three people that Kyle Rittenhouse shot, all three were Jews. How weird is that?”

It was quickly deleted by the moderator.

4 September, 2020 10:20 pm

A brief critique of judaism/christianity. So it goes: if you are a jew-invented christian, then you are guilty of destroying the greatest civilization(s) [Egyptian, Greek, Roman] ever to roam this planet – full of written knowledge, kept in libraries, like the one in Alexandria – which you petty jews/christians burnt to the ground, and destroyed what should have been preserved for ALL OF HUMANITY TO FOLLOW–AND FOR WHAT EXACTLY–YOUR PETTY EMOTIONS?!??!?, OR for your petty jew taught superstitions–which have NO BASIS IN FACT, AND ARE UTTER FABRICATIONS FROM THE BEGINNING!!!! You and your petty jew/christians have only ever deprived the rest of the Occidental world of its treasures!!! For which the ultimate penalty should be so severe that no mortal would ever contemplate such a petty ‘thought crime’. You belong… Read more »

Horst Wessel
Horst Wessel
5 September, 2020 6:50 am

Isn’t gatekeeper race-traitor Taylor shacked up with an uglier-than-sin Jewess?

7 September, 2020 3:25 pm

What gets me is how both Taludic Jews and White Gentiles believe their money will save them and make their children immune to this plan. Yet a good real life micro-model for this theory is Los Angeles which had been racially segregated by real estate for decades yet now they are everywhere, simply due to sheer numbers – regardless if they reside there or not. I was in Beverly Hills in July. Beverly Hills now contains tent cities, and swarms of the lowest chaff of society in parks, and the perimeters – with the smell of human excrement wafting through the air. It is absolutely repulsive. They are literally right at the riches door now. In West Hollywood – over 90% white – especially around the wax museum tourist area… Read more »

8 September, 2020 9:19 am

Black lives don’t seem to matter very much to Blacks, because they kill one another in epic numbers, both in Africa as well as in the Americas. Black lives do, however matter to the financial and intellectual leadership of what I call the AfroAsian Empire – in other words: Jews – because they are the most violent shock troops available to them.

Michael Fury
Michael Fury
8 September, 2020 4:29 pm

They came of age the heirs of ruin,

When remnants of the West were carrion

To a ravening madness, a fear whose name

Their fathers knew but feared remember, for shame

Had so unmanned them, and degradations

By degrees for generations

The Enemy bred them to embrace and cherish.

The virtues of their forebears so would perish,

And with them any memory of their worth

As nations or the race from whom came forth

A civilization peerless and sublime.

To this end the Enemy over time

By sophistry, by trickery and theft

Had sabotaged their minds, until bereft

Of truth the sons of Europe were slaves

Most base, slaves who swore on their lives

They were free….

8 September, 2020 8:12 pm

Susan Rosenberg has served as vice chair of the board of directors for Thousand Currents, an organization that provides fundraising and fiscal sponsorship for the Black Lives Matter Global Movement. She was an active member of revolutionary left-wing movements whose illegal activities included bombing U.S. government buildings and committing armed robberies.

8 September, 2020 10:46 pm

Jared Taylor can’t even write simple sentences such as: America has gone mad mainly because Jewish political activists have spent the last 100 years trying to wreck it (and us) — and by now they have largely succeeded. It’s been rumored (not proven at least to me) that Taylor has a Jewish wife and as a result also Jewish children. Now I can testify to the fact that Jared Taylor appeared on the Phil Donahue show back in the late 90s I believe and he was going on about race relationships. Donahue asked him how do you get along with Jewish people? Fine he said no problem with them. There. The entire situation explained in fewer than 100 words. It’s Jewish “intellectuals” who have taught Europeans to hate themselves. In… Read more »

18 September, 2020 9:35 pm

Jared Taylor is a despicable human being. His pathetic subservience towards the Jews has been useless since his JewTube channel was shut down by his masters. Taylor is shill of the worst kind.