Remember Kids, Guns Don’t Kill People, Dangerous Minorities Do

In 7% Black Madison, Wisconsin, Blacks are responsible for nearly 100% of “gun violence.”
IT’S SIMPLE: If Madison, Wisconsin was zero percent Black (instead of seven percent Black), there would be almost no “gun violence.” [Deadly disparities: African-Americans increasingly targeted as gun homicides spike,, June 27, 2018]:
David Edwards had no beef with the guy who killed him. On March 1, 2017, Jordan Sharlow allegedly fired several bullets into the 31-year-old father of three at an east Madison gas station, reportedly confusing him with Riccardo Simms, the man he intended to kill. Simms was gunned down five months later.
The murders of Edwards and Simms contributed to a grim milestone for Madison: 12 homicides in a single year, counting one in the town of Madison, a soon-to-be-annexed pocket on the city’s south side. That’s the most on record. Nine of those homicides were by gunfire, again a record, surpassing the six gun homicides in 2016.
It would be easy to write off Edwards’ death to random violence, to say it could have happened to anyone. But there was a big factor that increased Edward’s chances of falling victim to gunfire: He was a black man.
Of the 15 people killed by gunfire in a two-year spike starting in 2016, nine were black men. That’s 60 percent of the gun deaths in a city where blacks comprise just 7 percent of the population.
In those two years, not a single white man in Madison was killed by gunfire.
According to Ald. Sheri Carter, whose southside district has seen two murders in the past nine months, the gunplay in the city is causing “emotional stress” to residents where it occurs.
“You could probably call it PTSD,” she said. “And this is another thing that we’re going to have to start addressing very shortly. The PTSD effect on these neighborhoods and residents.”
The demographics of murder in Madison mirror state and national trends.
According to FBI statistics, since 2015 gun homicides have increased dramatically, following more than a decade of no real change. In 2016 the number of people shot dead by others hit 11,004, a 32 percent increase over 2014.
And black men are bearing the brunt. According to the Centers for Disease Control’s fatal injury database, there were 256 murders in Wisconsin in 2016. Of those, 188 of the victims were shot, a 55 percent increase from 2014. In a state where blacks comprise only 6 percent of the population, 69 percent of the shooting victims in 2016 were African-American; 88 percent of those were men.
(This data does not include suicides, which are overwhelmingly committed by white men.)A black man in Wisconsin that year was 55 times more likely to become a gun homicide victim than a white man. The African-American murder rate in 2015 earned the state a No. 2 ranking — behind Missouri — from the Violence Policy Center, a Washington D.C.-based anti-gun violence group. “I don’t know why they’re exposed to that,” said Carter, who is African-American.
“I do know that it’s obvious that they are. A disproportionate amount of young African-American men are engaging in violence as a way to resolve a disagreement. And that’s concerning.”
There’s an equation for this violence:
(Low Impulse Control + Poor Future Time-Orientation + Low IQ) x (political control by those bemoaning “White privilege”) = Madison, Wisconsin 2018
It’s so (tragically) simple: If Madison, Wisconsin was zero percent Black — instead of seven percent Black — there would be almost no “gun violence” or homicides for police to investigate.
“Of the 15 people killed by gunfire in a two-year spike starting in 2016, nine were black men. That’s 60 percent of the gun deaths in a city where blacks comprise just 7 percent of the population.
In those two years, not a single white man in Madison was killed by gunfire.”
The article includes a barely-veiled plea to blacks to kill more whites, so that statistics will point to a gun problem rather than a race problem. It’s easier to ban guns than to ban blacks.
It may be news, but it’s good news. Blacks killing blacks. What’s
not to like ?! Hand out the ammunition. (Oh, that’s soo racist :)