
Psychologist: Most Whites Are Disgusted by Interracial Couples

141029124502_1_540x360Revulsion at the very sight of racial mixing exists on a subconscious, instinctual level.

NEXT YEAR marks the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision which ruled that state bans on interracial marriage were “unconstitutional.” While the ruling in Loving v. Virginia (1967) was controversial at the time — in 1958 just 4 per cent. of Americans approved of marriages between Whites and non-Whites — today polls indicate that most Americans (87 per cent.) accept interracial marriage.

Yet is that acceptance real — or pretended? Are people being socially pressured to go against what they really feel?

Social psychologist Allison Skinner states in a recent article that, despite the polls, there is an underlying bias against interracial couples — something not captured by self-reported polls. She states: “To test this, my colleague Caitlin Hudac and I designed a series of studies to examine how people really feel about interracial relationships.”

Report from Allison Skinner

Through the early 20th century, many Americans reacted to the idea of interracial marriage with revulsion. For example, Abigail Adams reportedly said that ‘disgust and horror’ filled her mind when she saw dark-skinned Othello touch pale-skinned Desdemona in the theatrical production of Othello.

Yet even though attitudes have supposedly changed, contemporary commentary on interracial marriage will still refer to a ‘gag reflex’ that some people continue to feel — as the Washington Post’s Richard Cohen noted a few years ago.

This feeling — disgust — is the one we decided to zero in on.

First we asked a predominately white sample of college students to report how disgusted they feel by interracial relationships between blacks and whites. We also had the participants tell us how accepting they were of interracial relationships between blacks and whites.

Consistent with polling data, we found that participants claimed to be largely accepting of interracial relationships. We also found that disgust and acceptance were highly correlated; the less accepting people were of interracial relationships, the more disgusted they were by them.

The problem with asking people to report on their own attitudes about sensitive topics like race and gender, however, is that people are often either unaware of their own biases or unwilling to report them. For example, although most white Americans self-report little to no racial bias against black people, they’ve been shown to possess robust implicit, or nonconscious, biases.

To get around this problem, we conducted a second study in which we measured participants’ brain activity — not their own reports. Using an electroencephalogram (EEG), which measures electrical activity in the brain, we recorded the brain waves of a predominately white sample of college students while they viewed 100 images of black-white interracial couples and an equal number of same-race couples (black and white).

We wanted to see what would happen in an area of the brain known as the insula, which has been shown to become activated when people feel disgust. In other words, would the insula of participants light up when viewing interracial couples?

We found exactly that: Overall, participants showed a heightened level of activation in the insula when looking at interracial couples relative to looking at same-race couples.

Although the insula is not exclusively linked to disgust, taken with the results of our first study these findings suggest that people do tend to be more likely to experience disgust when viewing interracial couples.

* * *

Source: read the original article at The Conversation

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17 September, 2016 9:42 am

I’d agree with the basic theme of this article. I used to watch the Walking Dead TV show – but, when the jews decided to inject race mixing between the White Rick Grimes character and the sword swinging, incredibly ugly looking, coal black African chick – I stopped watching the show and have no plans to ever watch it again. TV today, as well as the movies out of Hollywood – have gone full court press on pushing race mixing between Whites and blacks, or any other non-white who happens to be in the movie or TV show. As a result, I quit watching TV entirely and haven’t been to a movie theater in over a decade. I watch a few shows on Netflix – and usually go to IMDB… Read more »

Reply to  Tucker
21 August, 2018 1:03 am

Yes Jews promote racemixing in every race but their own.
Jews are so over-represented in America, there are more Jews who are millionaires and admitted to colleges like Harvard.
America fights Jewish wars and Israel lobbies in America’s elections — and Jews own the media to influence opinions. The Federal Reserve is their piggy bank. When the American people realize this then America will really prosper.

Reply to  Robin
21 November, 2019 11:24 pm

The Jews are wicked heathens who hate Jesus Christ and are godless scum. They are mixing up the races to create their satanic utopia..

proud anti-semite
proud anti-semite
Reply to  Robin
23 June, 2020 2:17 am

Very funny coming from a …”Robin” (e.g. a common female jew name)

Reply to  proud anti-semite
21 October, 2020 9:57 pm

What the hell does someone’s name have to do with anything bud?

Reply to  Tucker
28 September, 2021 2:00 pm

This is the reality. Black men worship white men. They want to be like white men and accepted by white men because they are being dominated. Since they cannot have power in the way that white men have power they try to find it between the legs of white women. They think somehow this garners respect or gives him a place at her father’s table. Black women are the only ones contributing from that race. But they’re too stupid to abandon these gorillas. Then they pass on their thug culture from the men. The men do nothing but make their community and ours dangerous. But without fail, when anyone tries to point out accountability, here comes black women with a laundry list of excuses and tears. They do better without… Read more »

9 November, 2016 11:39 am

Same goes for “Game of Thrones” series, in which the overwhelming majority of White caracters are shown as blood-thirsty maniacs, while the mudshark “queen” Danaeris(blonde and blue eyed of course)and all the subjects of her multi-racial kingdom are invariably shown as noble, and of course much more “humane” than Whites!….

Boris Bazerka
Boris Bazerka
25 January, 2017 11:10 am

Even in 2017, and particularly away from big cities and urban areas, most whites still find it unsettling to see interracial couples. This is especially true of white women seen with big and dark black “gorilla” type African-American men. It is seen as deeply repulsive, ominous and threatening to the white race and their females….believe it !

Reply to  Boris Bazerka
8 February, 2021 7:29 pm

Of course and it ALWAYS will be. Don’t accept microchips in your brain.

Baysik White Dewd
Baysik White Dewd
11 March, 2017 4:33 pm

The Caucasian population is diminishing as your daughter’s fall in love with non-white men and have gorgeous mixed-race kids. If there were no pure 1-race humans left on Earth than there would not be racism. I can only hope I live long enough to witness this happen. It would be the turn of the century!

Dissident Millennial
Dissident Millennial
Reply to  Baysik White Dewd
24 September, 2017 6:38 am

This is a very sick, genocidal program you support

Reply to  Baysik White Dewd
23 January, 2018 12:32 am

Sorry, you will NEVER get your dream. Whites are pulling away from breeding down in droves. A piece of diverse shit is no substitute for the great white race. Bye now!!!

Reply to  Baysik White Dewd
23 January, 2018 6:15 am

No, ugly little pickaninnies and nothing else.
And you savages would still kill eachother even if there were no whites on earth ever.

Reply to  Baysik White Dewd
23 March, 2020 2:03 pm

race mixing isn’t going to end racism.. The only thing that will end racism is when you non-whites shut up about what happened to your ancestors in the past.

Reply to  Brad
16 May, 2020 6:27 pm

tell that BS to the latest victims of white rage.

Reply to  zawditu
22 June, 2020 3:12 am

“tell that BS to the latest victims of white rage.”

What “latest victims of white rage”? The real victims are those White victims of Black rage from coast to coast whose numbers that absolutely dwarf any rare occurrence of White-on-Black “rage.” That is no “BS”!

Lame response, troll.

Randy J.
Randy J.
Reply to  zawditu
28 October, 2020 4:27 pm

Over 90% of violent interracial crime is black-on-white. Blacks murder over 1,000 whites every year in the US. Blacks have dialed it up significantly in 2020–can’t wait to see this year’s stats. Don’t talk to us about “white rage”. You have not seen it… Yet.

Reply to  Randy J.
28 October, 2020 6:38 pm

But it is coming. And they aren’t going to like it.

Reply to  Baysik White Dewd
22 June, 2020 2:55 am

“The Caucasian population is diminishing as your daughter’s fall in love with non-white men and have gorgeous mixed-race kids. “ There is absolutely, positively nothing “gorgeous” about half-breed mulatto mongrels. Zero. Zip. Nada. NOTHING. “If there were no pure 1-race humans left on Earth than there would not be racism.” So-called “racism” (defined by the Jews and their Leftist counterparts) is totally natural, normal and good. You are a fool whose mind has been warped by Jewish and liberal race-mixing propaganda. The goal of the Jews [who are the driving force behind this racial mixing agenda] is to breed European mankind out of existence whom they fear and despise with a passion. That is the bottom line and not some absurd panacea of racially-mixed mud people living happily ever after… Read more »

Randy J.
Randy J.
Reply to  Phil
28 October, 2020 4:34 pm

And this is why anyone like you or I who disapproves of their agenda is labeled and treated the exact same way the Nazis were… We are supposedly “White supremacist” monsters, yada yada. The ones committing genocide accusing others of exactly that… Typical projection.

Reply to  Phil
8 February, 2021 7:30 pm

Pure race blacks and pure races of any kind are more attractive and intuitively healthy/organic than mixed people. Has nothing to do with racism. I suggest we all get back to our own countries.

Reply to  Baysik White Dewd
29 August, 2020 12:04 pm


Randy J.
Randy J.
Reply to  Baysik White Dewd
28 October, 2020 4:25 pm

Nice try but it’s not race mixing that is the undoing of Whites, it is birth rates and deaths of despair. There will be “racism” so long as there is more than one race on Earth, which means there always will be. I noticed you didn’t explain how blacks, Asians, etc. will cease to exist.

Reply to  Randy J.
9 August, 2021 11:54 pm

For the past 40 years the white race has been taught to create a career in order to create high quality offspring. Go to college. Wait till you’re 30 to have a family. Meanwhile the other races screw like rabbits and crank out mouths from ages 13 on. Now, since whites have succeeded, it’s called racial inequality because blacks lack the means and wherewithal to create the same lives that whites have. There are exceptions of course.

Reply to  Baysik White Dewd
28 October, 2020 6:36 pm

“have gorgeous mixed-race kids”

We call them zebras.

Reply to  Baysik White Dewd
9 August, 2021 11:27 pm

There’s nothing gorgeous about mixed raced kids. White is THE race of beauty and intelligence. Why would a beautiful Aryan woman want her genes mixed with nappy hair, wide, grotesque noses and far below her own gene pool’s i.q.? There are exceptions. But most of these offspring don’t fit in either tribe.

Thomas Plaster
Thomas Plaster
4 September, 2017 3:39 pm

White men, in all locales, should compile a mudshark/coal burner list. And publicize it. And keep a nation-wide master copy safely hidden somewhere; because jews will try to obtain as many copies and remove them from the public arena the way they scrub history of jew high-jinks.

Even more revolting than watching White woman with negro male is to see her, later in life, try to obtain a White man who is usually clueless as to what she’d been up to earlier in life.

Reply to  Thomas Plaster
18 September, 2019 4:56 pm

Well most will know by the Negro offspring running around like savages.

Reply to  DREW
16 May, 2020 6:28 pm

who is the real savage on this earth? it is not black people and you know that damn well

Reply to  zawditu
22 June, 2020 3:16 am

“who is the real savage on this earth? it is not black people and you know that damn well”

Au contraire! Black people are savages. They even look the part. More than that, they prove it by their anti-social, uncivilized behavior every minute of every day.

The Negro race along with mulatto hybrids are the most hostile, aggressive, violent and lawless people on this planet. There are reams of evidence to back this up. Sure not all, but way too many are. That is a fact.

Nice try, chump. However, you failed miserably.

Reply to  Phil
17 August, 2020 12:43 am

got ’em!

Oppressed Nolonger
Oppressed Nolonger
Reply to  zawditu
23 November, 2021 12:22 pm

Incorrect, zawditu. There are several of yours who may be credit to his race; however unfortunately truth be told there were reasons for seperation of the races throughout history. Even animals, including predatory animals in the animal kingdom are known to behave with less, yes I said LESS savagery than a black or mulattoed bipedal. Look at the truth. Look at the REAL news. Look at the real statistics. Look at the actual evidence to back up this statement. In fact better yet, zawditu, go ahead and prove me wrong. Go ahead and do so, then. You are challenged to do so, I wish you success in fact in your pursuit of proving my counterstatement to be false.

Reply to  Thomas Plaster
8 February, 2021 7:31 pm

The cities will have no viable mating partners in the next 100+ years. Doesn’t mean there wont be viable mating partners anywhere

24 September, 2017 1:39 pm

It’s a big true that White female race mixers do everything they can to cover their history as willing participants of debauchery when they take up with a White man. I have also noticed that White girls who bed-down with Negroes begin to take on a death look. You can see it in their face. They collapse into a slow perish. Death warmed over.

Will Williams
Will Williams
25 September, 2017 9:26 am

Abigail Adams reportedly said that ‘disgust and horror’ filled her mind when she saw dark-skinned Othello touch pale-skinned Desdemona in the theatrical production of Othello. — Of the Founding Fathers, the first Presidents of the U.S., it’s figured that John Adams (Abby’s husband), and J.Q. Adams (their son) get a pass from having statues of themselves torn down because they alone among our FFs did not own Negro slaves. That pass is revoked now that we learn John’s wife and J.Q.’s mom was a RACIST! a HATER! a WHITE SUPREMACIST! and likely a HOMOPHOBE! and an ANTI-SEMITE! Tear down this statue: Just learned that the pusillanimous Democrat governor of North Carolina, Roy Cooper, wants all three lovely Confederate memorials around the state capitol building in Raleigh removed. However, the… Read more »

Reply to  Will Williams
21 June, 2020 6:49 pm

A golden opportunity Will. Ask if you can have them to display at your marvelous library!

1 April, 2018 11:53 am

I’m Latin. I also get disgusted when I see race traitors.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 August, 2021 11:33 pm

Most latinos are European. I visited Spain about eight years ago. Spanish people have straight hair from blonde to black, and eyes from blue to brown. Latin americans are those same people who bred with native americans hundreds of years ago. They have all the same features yet slightly darker skin.

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Matt
10 August, 2021 12:15 am

I would agree that the vast majority of Spaniards, just like the vast majority of Norwegians (my ancestral nationality), should be correctly classified as White. I also agree that a large number of those sometimes called Latinos from the Americas are White. But the descendants of those who bred with Amerinds to a significant degree, and who clearly bear the evidence of that in their features, and who would not look at home in Peoria or Preston or Padua or St. Petersburg, cannot be called White. In “The Question of Whites with Amerindian Ancestry,” William Pierce said: “As a very rough rule, if a person looks White and thinks of himself as White and is the kind of person our other members wouldn’t mind their sisters marrying — and if… Read more »

21 August, 2018 1:24 am

The Jews want to destroy the other races by mixing them together. They never promote race mixing in ISRAEL.
Places like America mixing black and white will kill the black race as they are only 9% of the population. So let’s create a great migration out of Africa’s Muslims into white European countries so more Jews move to Israel to vote. Israel’s Muslim population is becoming greater and will outnumber Jews. How will they justify to the world if they ban Muslims from voting?
Reap what they sow; let Israel get invaded by the very people they try to set on us.

Reply to  Stacy
23 March, 2020 2:08 pm

Black people have stronger genes than Whites. so no, it’s not going to kill the Blacks off.. Their kids will still look Black, just light skinned.. It’s going to kill of the Whites, which is 100% Bullshit. I don’t care what my ancestors did in the past, either.. We aren’t getting our “karma”.

Reply to  Stacy
21 June, 2020 6:52 pm

Consider promoting a homeland for the Christian Palestinians in Madagascar. The Madagascar natives are impoverished and might welcome the money.

Alex Wells
Alex Wells
22 August, 2018 12:26 am

Once my young daughter and I were playing with Play-Doh. There were lots of colors–yellow, red, blue, green, orange, purple, brown, black, and white–each in its own separate jar. Each of them looked good individually, and we normally played with just one at a time. Child’s play being what it is, however, each of them eventually became mixed with other colors from the set. And each mixture was ugly. Finally, almost every jar contained Play-Doh of colors so hideously mixed that we ended up throwing out the set. I think the analogy is clear, and I suspect it’s one that even a child can understand.

Reply to  Alex Wells
26 August, 2018 11:56 am

So much hate. You failed to mention or are not aware children intuition of parents behaviour. The amusement off your analogy is that interracial couples happen when newer generations look beyond the racist outlook of parents generations from both sides and see each other as humans first. More amusing is how Asians,blacks and Latinos are integrating and assimilating but not so much for what is known as white trash. No one wants their genetic contribution into the new generations moving forward. The result is s small pool of possibly inbred lowly educated individuals. Domestic marginalized haters much ilike some on this thread.

Uncle Cracker
Uncle Cracker
Reply to  Efjay
31 December, 2018 4:34 pm

Sorry, but I have to tell you that our genetic contribution is here to stay.
Btw, Israel and the jews, they are inbred as well?
The ashkenazi and the other groups of jews?

Reply to  Efjay
17 May, 2020 4:54 am

Blow it out, jew.

Reply to  Efjay
22 June, 2020 3:39 am

“So much hate. You failed to mention or are not aware children intuition of parents behaviour. The amusement off your analogy is that interracial couples happen when newer generations look beyond the racist outlook of parents generations from both sides and see each other as humans first.”

Ah, go to Hell. It’s not about “hate” it’s about reality. “Racist outlook of parents generations” (wanting to produce children that resembles them–not some unrecognizable, alien mongrel offspring) is a natural, normal and healthy outlook. Producing mongrelized offspring is unnatural, ugly and a perversion of the natural order (i.e., to reproduce with one’s own kind provided you are not a genetic mish-mash to begin with).

The only “trash” here is pro-race-mixing garbage like you.

Reply to  Efjay
26 October, 2020 2:19 pm

Found the jew..

Reply to  Efjay
28 October, 2020 6:46 pm

F Jay…..F You.

Reply to  Efjay
9 August, 2021 11:38 pm

Hilarious how every liberal calls “hate” on everything. I taught my kids to preserve our race. I’ve driven them to black and poor neighborhoods. I told them if they don’t succeed in school or a profession that this is where they will end up. It’s basically hell on earth compared to the WHITE suburbs. Nobody can even deny this. Poor Blacks are almost happy to live in S___. They won’t lift a finger to make things better unless it directly benefits themselves.

Decent Kawkashun
Decent Kawkashun
30 December, 2018 6:24 pm

It all comes down to fathers not teaching their daughters white from wrong… a couple generations back, a young girl cared what her dad would do to her if she brought home a spook… today.. they just have no decent upbringing… diversity is the root of all evil… it’s unnatural… and as humans… we don’t like it… the jews and the media push the interracial and lgbt on us to weaken us… fight back… teach your kids to choose correctly.. and to reject the programming this warped sick world tries to push on decent white people..

Oppressed Nolonger
Oppressed Nolonger
Reply to  Decent Kawkashun
23 November, 2021 12:42 pm

thats right. agreed 100% Turn off their programming! Its a good start. And hold onto your dollars, Dont sped it on the cable and other companies that promote this garbage brainwashing.

18 July, 2019 9:14 pm

If no one has noticed, if you look at white women that are with black men you can usually tell by the look of them they have some sort of mental problem. Most of these white women turn to black men because there’s something not clicking right upstairs, therefore no white men wants them. A lot of these women are either extremely ugly or their personality stinks so damn much white men can’t stand them. These women are usually trailer trash women. The type that dress or act like sluts, obnoxious whores, some fat, others skinny, but also ditsy as hell. The type of women that should have never existed in the first place. These women are probably full of every STD known to man too. I say let the… Read more »

Reply to  david
19 July, 2019 1:03 pm

Not all of us White men are interested in shipping any of our women into any non-Whites’ homes. Better that defective Whites be channeled into useful activities (while limiting their abilities to breed as is appropriate) for uplifting our race than to subject them to the tender mercies of our racial competitors.

Reply to  david
22 June, 2020 3:46 am

“if you look at white women that are with black men you can usually tell by the look of them they have some sort of mental problem”

I’ve concluded that.

Race-mixing is a mental disease. Take care of your mental health.

Oppressed Nolonger
Oppressed Nolonger
Reply to  Phil
23 November, 2021 12:51 pm

Once saw one of the most homely-looking ‘white’ female plunk down (yes she did in fact plunk it down with fervor) a mulattoed infant onto a table at a cafe. She appeared to have an odd look on her face. Almost as if to day “There I done it.” It was very uncomfortable to watch this. She did indeed appear like a few of her elevators never quite arrived to the top floor, if you will. She waddled in alone heaving and looking mentally unwell overall. Less than 2 minutes later a large very dark male entered and it was clear that these two seemed superficially united from the get-go.It s staggering to observe the unnaturalness of all this unfolding right in front of us every day. Its as though… Read more »

19 September, 2019 8:18 am

I ended my cable subscription due to the Jews pushing to prominence the Black man in every goddamn commercial. They do this to make Whites feel as if they’ve been or are being REPLACED and are NOT the dominant race in America. They are hoping for a deeply profound psychological effect that will diminish our ability to survive as a race. THAT mixed with an unequivocal and egregious level of subliminal art designed to get the White Race feeling totally hopeless, free and endless pornography to turn our entire race into a masturbating hyper-orgasmed and willpower-spent race, and the Jews must be feeling quite proud of their antics which will always fail. Why ? How ? Because we know they are doing it. We see it, we hear it, we… Read more »

mercyme zarco
mercyme zarco
Reply to  David
20 October, 2020 1:19 am

Lock and load and then what? Stand your ground? you will be cut down one by one, join a militia, or better yet get involved in the upbringing of children and invert yourself into overt social causes like the Teaparty

Reply to  mercyme zarco
26 October, 2020 2:23 pm

To be quite honest, if it does go down it will be lone wolf style. Look at what is happening to Armenia.. That is what will befall large groups and conventional armies.

Oppressed Nolonger
Oppressed Nolonger
Reply to  David
23 November, 2021 12:55 pm

We did the same, David. Turn off the cable, unplug and dont pay those fools a dime of hard earned money toward your own mental breakdown and moral decay. When you do it, you are somehow detoxing in a sense from yes decades of this garbage hurled at us literally every single day.

23 March, 2020 2:03 pm

just stick to your own god damn race! I don’t understand why it’s so difficult. Japan sticks with their own, as well as China. Whites should just stick with other whites.. that’s the way it was when I was growing up. I saw several white girls with white guys.. but now all of a sudden everywhere I look I see white dudes and white women with other non-whites.. I always get compliments on my light blue eyes.. but if the race mixing continues, blue and green eyes won’t be around anymore at all.. Because blue and green eye traits are already below 5% across U.S. I’m talking about appearance because most people say that mixed kids are generally better looking.. or that’s why most people are race mixing because they… Read more »

Reply to  Brad
17 May, 2020 4:57 am

“I know that i’m not racist” There’s really nothing wrong with racism as it is just the natural behavior and default position of humans as the different sub races of the human species will always separate on RACIAL lines and the word “racist” is just a fabricated word by the jewish communist leon trotsky to discourage and demonize racial solidarity and healthy racial hygiene which is mainly used against WHITE people that want to preserve their nations and cultures from being destroyed via miscegenation and multiracialism. Racism is the ability to properly predict wtf is going to happen when you meet people from another tribe or other outsiders. It’s logical that such people will have different interests, behavior patterns, and customs than your own group, and different goals. So… Read more »

Reply to  Tank1488
22 October, 2020 9:38 pm

One doesn’t have to be a racist to be aware of the fact that blacks and whites often don’t venture into each other’s neighborhoods, and to realize that interracial dating and marriage can be and often enough is quite difficult.

To say that all black guys want to mix with, date and marry white women is a ton of baloney. Many blacks themselves have deep reservations about intreating and intermarriage between whites and blacks, precisely because of the diffficulties that often arise as a result.

Reply to  mplo
8 February, 2021 7:38 pm

yes thank you for sharing that perspective. I find the comments very violent and unfriendly here.. as a woman who does not support the globally homogenous race, i am often between a rock and hard place with these people.

Reply to  Brad
21 June, 2020 1:41 pm

The worst thing is what happens to their children, I’m crossbred of multiple races, I have no heritage, I belong nowhere, I look weird, no one can identify me, I feel like an alien anywhere I go. It’s f*cking terrible feeling, I would slap these white girls who marry other race, because I know they are hurting their children even more than themselves. I don’t even know who to marry, and who I find attractive. I’m mostly russian, so my hope is to find russian wife, so eventually my bloodline will be pure russian, or at least as close to it as possible. But it’s kind of hypocritical, because if white girl asked me who to marry, I ‘d say go for the whitest guy around. F*ck! Maybe it’s better… Read more »

Weakness is a Sin
Weakness is a Sin
Reply to  Ilya
19 October, 2020 6:05 pm

There is an essay on this site called “The Schoolteacher” by Helmut Stuka you might like.

mercyme zarco
mercyme zarco
Reply to  Ilya
20 October, 2020 1:31 am

That could very well be Zogs plan to have the non Hebraic people mix with one another; be used by Zog for a generation or two as their street fighters, prostitutes and work slaves. After these mixed breeds die off, whether they leave progeny or not, Zog will inspire another generation of people of different races to interbreed and repeat the process. As David Duke points out the late chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel-Rabbi Ovadia Yosef- stated that ” The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews. Goyim were only born to serve us. They have no place in the world and Jews were meant to sit like an effendi, a master and eat.

Reply to  mercyme zarco
28 October, 2020 6:49 pm

Ahhh yes. The chosen people. They never tell you they were chosen by Satan.

Reply to  Brad
21 June, 2020 6:36 pm

Greetings Brad. 97% of Whites are able to find a tissue match for a transplant if they need one. It is extremely difficult to find a match for a mixed-race person.

Reply to  Brad
22 June, 2020 3:51 am

“I’m talking about appearance because most people say that mixed kids are generally better looking.. or that’s why most people are race mixing because they are told that mixed kids are genetically better looking and more healthy..”

What utter B.S.! People who are telling you that have drunk the Kosher Kool-Aid or are Jews gaslighting you big time.

Reply to  Phil
18 October, 2020 10:52 pm

hey–i’ve got news for you! i’m a white Jewish woman of Eastern European heritage, who would not even dream of dating black men, much less marrying one. If, however, I ever fell in love with a non-Jewish white man–that would be a different story. That being said, don’t go thinking that all Jews think alike. Thanks.

Doug Provenzano
Doug Provenzano
Reply to  mplo
19 October, 2020 12:38 pm

May I ask you a question? Why do you read sites like this? Are you keeping an eye on us filthy goyim that refuse to be ashamed to be white? Are you obsessed with the platitude “Never Again” and look for something to “kvetch” about? Just curious…

Reply to  Doug Provenzano
20 October, 2020 10:17 am

That’s a bunch of baloney, Doug! I’m proud of who I am, but your insulting attitude is rather disgusting to behold. I’m not keeping an eye on anything, so don’t go giving me your baloney. Thanks.

Doug Provenzano
Doug Provenzano
Reply to  mplo
21 October, 2020 4:56 am

I’m NOT insulting you! I just think it’s strange that a jew would even bother to read a site like this.

Reply to  Doug Provenzano
21 October, 2020 3:11 pm

May I ask why?

Art Thief
Art Thief
Reply to  mplo
21 October, 2020 3:25 pm

Uh…because we’re National-Socialists?

Reply to  Art Thief
22 October, 2020 9:06 am

No, because you’re being idiotic and insulting in your replies.

Doug Provenzano
Doug Provenzano
Reply to  mplo
22 October, 2020 2:01 pm

Well,this site is not exactly jew-friendly!

Doug Provenzano
Doug Provenzano
Reply to  mplo
22 October, 2020 8:10 pm

Submitted for your perusal: AJewish man talks about “canards”…

Reply to  Doug Provenzano
21 October, 2020 10:22 pm

Probably a friggin mossad agent dude…..
Hey “mplo”, lemme ask YOU a question:
Why did you zionist scum attack the WTCs on September 11, 2001?
I know the answers, I just want to see what kind of propagandized jew answer you’ll give.

Reply to  Death
22 October, 2020 9:05 am

You’re making up stupid stories, Doug, and I have no more interest in responding to your offensively biased, judgmental and bigoted comments.

Angry Swede
Angry Swede
Reply to  mplo
22 October, 2020 10:15 am

But, mplo, what do you think about National Vanguard and it´s political standpoint, views?

Reply to  Angry Swede
22 October, 2020 7:20 pm

I have a more centrist viewpoint than you all do.

Angry Swede
Angry Swede
Reply to  mplo
23 October, 2020 11:15 pm

Ok mplo, that’s fair enough.
I my self, i am still not convinced about national socialism though, but i do support white nationalism worldwide.

But anyway, your principle about never date outside your race, a principle i support and share a 100%, do place you among us.
In the eyes of our opponents and enemies you are one of us because of this principle.

Reply to  Angry Swede
24 October, 2020 8:21 am

I’m admittedly liberal about a lot of things, but I’m more conservative when it comes to who I go out with, due, at least in part to certain hurdles I’ve had during the course of my life, and not wishing to add a whole new set of hurdles to my list, especially at this point in my life.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  mplo
26 October, 2020 11:45 am

When you say “you all” you are not referring to the National Alliance, the organization for which National Vanguard is simply its online magazine. These commentators you have been arguing with here on NV are not NA members and do not represent NA’s policy positions, nor its ideology from what I see. They may be “centrists,” like you, or they may simply get a kick out of arguing with a Jewess who stumbled in here, who considers herself “white.” If they are eligible for NA membership they may join with us some day, but you are ineligible by your own admission so I have no idea why you are here, frankly. Our members read in their September BULLETINs the following commentary. It might help some if I post that again… Read more »

Doug Provenzano
Doug Provenzano
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
28 October, 2020 12:37 am

@W.W.W….Well said Mr.Williams! I dont know if I am a “centrist” but I can tell you this: The only truth I learned about Adolph Hitler while attending public schools was A) He created the NSDAP party and B) He comitted suicide in a bunker in May 1945.All the rest was either lies or half-truths.Ive been studying Jewish history and the “Jewish Question” for about 5 yrs. now…The men who Ive been reading are Dr.William L. Pierce,Revilo Oliver,Oswald Mosely.Would I be eligible for membership in the NA?

William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
Reply to  Doug Provenzano
28 October, 2020 7:38 pm

You are on a good path. Doug. Take a few minutes to read this: If you agree with what you read there and meet the requirements below, you can apply for Alliance membership. Eligibility: Any White person (a non-Jewish person of wholly European ancestry) of good character and at least 18 years of age who accepts as his own the goals of the National Alliance and who is willing to support the program described herein may apply for membership. Ineligible persons: No homosexual or bisexual person, no person actively addicted to alcohol or to an illegal drug, no person with a non-White spouse or a non-White dependent, and, except in extraordinary circumstances, no person currently confined in a penal institution may be a member. (The National Alliance does not advocate any… Read more »

Angry Swede
Angry Swede
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
29 October, 2020 1:00 am

Maybe i gave the impression i thought i was talking on the behalf of your organisation, in that case i am sorry because this wasn’t my intention.

However, despite i am not really into your ideology, i am glad your organisation exist and i hope you will keep growing in numbers.
Whites need this kind of community so i do support your effort.

Doug Provenzano
Doug Provenzano
Reply to  mplo
22 October, 2020 2:02 pm

LOL…Typical joo respose…SMH

Reply to  Doug Provenzano
22 October, 2020 7:19 pm

Your attitude’s rather sickening, Doug. I will not respond to any more of your messages, since you’re being offensively judgmental–and biased, to boot.

Doug Provenzano
Doug Provenzano
Reply to  mplo
23 October, 2020 3:08 pm

I guess this would offend yo too:

Reply to  Doug Provenzano
24 October, 2020 8:17 am

How did you guess, Doug? Hmmmm??

Doug Provenzano
Doug Provenzano
Reply to  mplo
25 October, 2020 12:48 pm

Because the so-called “Holocaust” is the Jews golden egg…Its your justification for commiting genocide against the Palestinian people,and your justification of saying “Oh,how we Jews have suffered”…You make criminals out of people who expose your machinations.Hows that for a start?

Reply to  Doug Provenzano
26 October, 2020 10:21 am

Uncovering Jewish hostility towards Whites isn’t often seen, but important as it is a key to the solution to our existential crisis. Thanks for the video, Doug.

Doug Provenzano
Doug Provenzano
Reply to  JM/Iowa
27 October, 2020 11:38 pm


Reply to  mplo
26 October, 2020 2:40 pm

How do you define bigoted?

Doug Provenzano
Doug Provenzano
Reply to  Death
22 October, 2020 2:03 pm

@Death…Prpbly that or a hasbara…LOL.

Angry Swede
Angry Swede
Reply to  mplo
19 October, 2020 1:42 pm

Your values are the ones i wish would dominate among white people all over the world.

William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
Reply to  mplo
22 October, 2020 8:31 pm

mplo: i’m a white Jewish woman of Eastern European heritage, who would not even dream of dating black men, much less marrying one. If, however, I ever fell in love with a non-Jewish white man–that would be a different story… 

Your revulsion towards Blacks is understandable, but you might be happier marrying within your own tribe. You are ineligible for National Alliance membership, as would be your “non-Jewish white man” and the products of that union should you go that route. Just saying.

“Mixed race” kids and their parents will always be ineligible for NA membership no matter how “better looking” than White kids they think they are. Our members like that racial policy.

Doug Provenzano
Doug Provenzano

And your policy is EXCELLENT!

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Doug Provenzano
28 October, 2020 5:07 pm

Why, Doug, that policy can be your policy when you join our Alliance, where we all share the same EXCELLENT goal to separate our people from the darkies that currently foul our living space..

I don’t want to see them. I don’t want to hear them. I don’t want to smell them.

-National Alliance Founder and separatist William Pierce

Reply to  Brad
25 June, 2021 11:00 pm

The whiter the better for me. Pale skin is so attractive. Makes me sick the darker it gets

22 June, 2020 2:42 am

“Although the insula is not exclusively linked to disgust, taken with the results of our first study these findings suggest that people do tend to be more likely to experience disgust when viewing interracial couples.”

It’s a natural, normal and healthy reaction to something unnatural.

29 August, 2020 11:59 am

just stick with your own ethnic group. I’m sure a lot of the white women who get with black men are still attracted to white men. but they are so brainwashed and made to feel guilty about what happened over a century ago that they feel like they have to mix in order to not appear “racist”. Because apparently choosing to only breed within your own ethnic group makes you racist.. I also keep hearing that Race is a social construct. Which makes me question how mixing two ethnic groups together can actually give you “more intelligent” or “more healthy and attractive” offspring.. every ethnic group have stayed within their own for thousands of years, or so I’ve heard, and look at how we are now.. I think we’re just… Read more »

Reply to  Brad
19 October, 2020 3:47 am

> I think we’re just fine the way we are now.

Ok cuck.

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Brad
10 February, 2021 7:55 am

Growing up in 1970s/80s Europe, I did get the impression that many White girls felt like it was almost ‘illegal’ for them to refuse the ‘advances’ of a non-White guy, which produced some very, very odd couples.
If the girl in question is of the obese, low-end type seen on daytime talk shows, I can sort of understand why she might go for Black or other non-White men, she probably doesn’t have many options, but other than that, I find it hard to imagine White women found non-White men sexually appealing before Jewish propaganda told them to.

28 October, 2020 6:35 pm

Me to white woman: Just curious, why do you have a black boyfriend.
She: Because he treats me like a lady.
Several weeks later I see her and she has some bruising on her face. Asked her what happened.
She: Acts very evasive.
Me: I get it. He is treating you like a lady.

8 February, 2021 7:35 pm

I have a very nuanced and mature outlook on this. I hate extremes on either side. I absolutely hate when anyone (I don’t care if mixed, black, white, etc.) talks about the positives of this so-called global homogenous race. I also hate when people are extremely rude and make racial comments toward mixed race people, such as some of the ones mentioned here. There are plenty of people on all sides and from all races, or mixed, that do not want to see the global homogenized race… People must realize that these agendas will never come to fruition. Pushing these agendas is causing mass strife and making life more difficult for mixed people.

Reply to  Girl
9 February, 2021 1:56 am

The so-called global homogenized race has never existed, and never will.

wendy waiczis
wendy waiczis
9 February, 2021 11:16 pm

i do not approve of race mixing

Reply to  wendy waiczis
14 March, 2021 12:48 am

Black people are the cause of this problem and I refuse to breed with their stupidity I’m not weak minded like that idiot biden. I refuse to date blacks. All the blacks want to do is race bait and give me money. They r stupid and need to pressure their children to actually succeed in school to figure that their views mean nothing if they have no idea what they are talking about. But in order to convince their kids to do well they need their ignorant black fathers to stay in their lives n lead an example. Oops they can’t because they are try to screw white women they don’t deserve!

21 September, 2021 11:21 pm

I am Ethiopian and I’ve seen the same sort of tribalism here in my country among people who are genetically the same but in different ethnic groups. If you travel to Europe and look at the issue with Serbians and Croatians the “racial” tension is the cause of wars and years of genocide. Those people are ethnically white and for all intents the same race but the Croatians believe they are a different race and they even imposed a genocide on the Serbians based on that belief (look up the Ustace). Even if all the black people were moved out of America, the hatred and disgust which we direct towards people different from us would be filled by hatred of a separate white group- maybe the Irish or the Catholics… Read more »