Posts Tagged
White Resistance

Asa Carter and John Kasper: White Resistance in Tennessee, 1956
Asa Carter and John Kasper by Brandon Taylor DATELINE: Clinton, Tennessee, county seat of Anderson County; Wednesday, August 29, 1956 Clinton population: under 4,000; Anderson County: 98% White Over the preceding couple of days, John Kasper of the Seaboard White Citizens Councils, Washington…

Resistance Isn’t Futile
by John Massaro FIRST things first. If you are of European ancestry, and yearn to know the truth about what is happening in America and around the world, and are basically conservative but disgusted by the mealy-mouthed, multimillionaire Fox News crowd, and namby-pamby conservative outfits like…

The Last Verbal Crusader
Gerald L.K. Smith and his wife Elna M. Smith by Revilo P. Oliver THROUGH THE pietas of his beautiful wife, the late Gerald L.K. Smith has been commemorated by a well-printed and hard-bound volume of 363 pages entitled Besieged Patriot, published by the Elna M. Smith Foundation, of which the name on the…

The Resistance Needs You!
by Martin Kerr YES, we live in interesting times. The current eruption of social disorder following the death of a petty Negro criminal while in police custody is being touted by the mainstream media as a “transformative moment” in American history. Ordinary Whites, we are told by the media masters…

American Roulette: Imagining a Dark Future and How to Deal With It
by Giles Corey WE ARE WITNESSING the beginning of our descent, quickening apace, into hard, explicit “minority” rule. In the name of abolishing hierarchy, a new one is being erected. Whether police departments are “defunded”, “abolished”, “reorganized”, or “reimagined”, one thing is for certain…

European Parliament Demands Ban on “Neo-Fascist and Neo-Nazi” Groups
Parliament “concerned by the increasing normalisation of fascism, racism and xenophobia” and calls on EU member states to ban “neo-fascist and neo-Nazi groups.” (European Parliament) IN A resolution passed 355 votes to 90 and with 39 abstentions, MEPs denounce the “lack…

Preparing for Race War: The South African Bootcamps Which are Training Thousands of White Youths
Deep in rural South Africa, the AWB movement is teaching teenagers to rise up in defiance of Nelson Mandela’s failed dream of a Rainbow Nation. THE AFRIKANER RESISTANCE MOVEMENT (AWB) is training thousands of youths in military-style bootcamps northwest of Johannesburg to fight for a separate…

Types of Courage
by Andrew Hamilton COURAGE — especially social courage — and adventure or thrill-seeking are not the same thing. Courage is a quality most needed by members of the White racial movement. Conviction and the strength and spirit to stand up to totalitarian authorities and the crowd (often a lynch mob)…

Our Color Revolution
American Dissident Voices broadcast of October 22, 2016 by Kevin Alfred Strom I WENT TO a Donald Trump rally yesterday in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, along with Vanessa Neubauer. It was an interesting experience. I’ve already…

Nordic Council of Resistance Fighters Are Now in Iceland
TODAY THE Nordic Council of Resistance organization was launched in Iceland in order to further advance the resistance effort in the Nordic region. The Nordurvigi (North Front) Web page is currently a static page with information about Norræna mótstöðuhreyfingin (Nordic Council of Resistance),…