Andrew HamiltonEssays

Types of Courage

Gemini 4 astronaut Edward White II during the first American spacewalk, 1965

by Andrew Hamilton

COURAGE — especially social courage — and adventure or thrill-seeking are not the same thing.

Courage is a quality most needed by members of the White racial movement. Conviction and the strength and spirit to stand up to totalitarian authorities and the crowd (often a lynch mob) are more important by far than conventionally “brave” danger-seeking traits.

Whites as a group rank high on the adventure/thrill-seeking scale, but true courage is in short supply.

White racialism in Jewish societies requires enormous social courage: the mental or moral strength or firmness of spirit that enables a man to persevere and withstand danger, fear, extreme difficulty, captivity, and even death without flinching or retreating.

It is the possession of sand, mettle, fortitude, resilience of mind and spirit, the ability to hold one’s own, fight for principle, keep up morale when opposed, interfered with, or checked. It is resolution, a set purpose, persistence, a determination to achieve one’s end, unswerving tenacity, unwillingness to recognize defeat.

“Adventure,” in contrast, suggests an enjoyment, seeking, or disposition to encounter dangers or risks, usually of a physical rather than spiritual, psychological, moral, emotional, or social nature.

Pushing further along the spectrum of egocentrism, the synonym “daredevil” implies the ostentatious, sensational, or bizarre courting of uncommon danger, and “foolhardy” the needless tempting or incurring of unnecessary risks and a lack of concern or forethought about the consequences of probable disaster.


The adventuresome and questing nature that typified the vanguard of the White race during its expansionist phase was not inherently wrong in my view, although it primarily entailed facing personal, physical, external dangers rather than taking unpopular social stands.

It is striking that one rarely associates adventurers with the kind of courage that social protest requires in a Jewish society. In fact, the two seem almost unrelated when viewed in that light.

Exploration, settlement, conquest, and White racial expansion transformed the planet. Traditionally, the West admired, celebrated, and rewarded such behavior, further incentivizing an innate disposition.

Leif Ericsson Statue, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • Explorers: Ferdinand Magellan, Willem Barents, Robert Peary, Robert Falcon Scott
  • Frontiersmen, scouts, mountain men, and their overseas equivalents: Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, Kit Carson, Buffalo Bill, Henry Morton Stanley
  • Mountain climbers: Edmund Hillary
  • Astronauts and test pilots: Alan Shepard, Neil Armstrong, Chuck Yeager, Scott Crossfield
  • Scientists: Jacques, Auguste, and Bertrand Piccard
  • Miscellaneous: Jacques Cousteau, Thor Heyerdahl

Today, coincident with White demographic collapse and possible extinction, our race has developed or adopted ideologies that necessarily condemn such traits as inherently evil, given the negative consequences our questing, conquering nature has had upon non-White races and non-human organisms and ecosystems.

However, as a personal matter I am not compelled to condemn Whites on these grounds because I do not believe in anti-White racism or extreme environmental ideologies.

Daredevils and Thrill Seekers

“Daredevil” is a synonym for adventurer, except that daredevils are characterized by greater egocentrism. Though both adventurers and daredevils cluster toward the individualist versus the collectivist end of the human spectrum, adventurers display more social purpose, despite the egoistic element.

Often there is no social utility whatsoever in the acts of daredevils or thrill-seekers. Some participants or performers may be paid for their behavior, yet money does not seem to be their primary motivation. They may also seek (and win) the plaudits of the crowd, including millions of television viewers, but, again, it is unclear that this is their primary motivation, either.

Extreme Sports

One definition of extreme sports is “a leisure or recreational activity where the most likely outcome of a mismanaged accident or mistake is death or serious bodily injury.”

For a list of 42 extreme sports classified according to whether they take place on land, water, or in the air, see the introductory section here.

  • Bullfighting
  • Tightrope walking: the German Wallenda family
  • Ski jumping, invented by Norwegians in 1809
  • Auto racing
  • Skydiving (parachuting) and its variants. (Not an extreme sport when done to save lives.)

Perhaps predictably, extreme recreational behavior has devolved into:

And presumably we haven’t hit bottom yet.

Daredevils and Thrill-Seekers

  • Yakima Canutt, American rodeo rider and Hollywood stuntman who died in Hollywood in 1986 — at age 90!
  • Evel Knievel — considerably less fortunate.

Cops and Soldiers

Although military and police work are related to the topic under discussion, they are too complex to deal with in a brief overview.

Suffice it to say that people drawn to such occupations are more collectivist, conformist, authoritarian, and obedient than are adventurers, thrill-seekers, or social rebels.

Nevertheless, their essential motivation tends to be egocentric. (Astronauts and test pilots straddle the adventure-military categories.) Cops and soldiers crave excitement, variety, adventure, combat, and the opportunity to hurt or kill people with government approval. Many of the same psychological lures that draw people into motorcycle gangs or organized crime draw others into military and police work.

American soldier having fun: Abu Ghraib prison, Iraq. You’ve come a long way, baby.

The degree of egocentrism and bully-boy sadism involved varies across time, nations, peoples, prevailing ethical systems, and the specific cause represented. But, regardless, egocentrism, excitement, and a craving for violence (in imagination, at least, inflicted upon others rather than received) are prime motivators.

The Rebel

There is a dividing line between adventurers and thrill-seekers on the one hand and White activists on the other. Stated bluntly, adventurous activities, including those that risk life and limb, are comparatively easy for members of our race to engage in, while challenging the powers that be — the real ones — is intensely scary, stressful, and hard.

Partly this is due to Jewish techniques of repression, honed for centuries, probably millennia, within Jewish communities. For contemporary totalitarianism — Communism (“people’s democracy”) and Orwellian-style “liberal democracy” — is essentially an externalization, globally, of what was formerly inward-directed repression.

Jews today exercise power unsurpassed by any other individual, group, or institution on earth. How long this situation will last is impossible to say. But if you’ve been digging for “the Answer,” the solution to the riddle of what makes the world tick, and your spade finally strikes “Jew,” then look no further. The live cable you’ve unearthed carries the secret power that can electrocute you.

Jews are the Main Enemy.

There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of exceedingly powerful, evil, dangerous non-Jewish (though usually not Jew-free) power centers in the world that can and do harm mankind, and can potentially harm or kill you, too. But none of them compare to the Jew. It is this fact that renders most historical parallels of little value as guides to contemporary revolutionary thought.

Despite their insatiable appetites and demands, and Jews are unconstrained by laws; they do not obey them and do not have to obey them. They are also unconstrained by morality. Therefore, there are no serious internal or external constraints upon their behavior.

Plenty of adventurers and daredevils court and even meet death daily for frivolous or even meaningless reasons. Yet few Whites step forward to challenge the evil machinations of Jews and governments. It seems some other quality of character is required.

Jews resort to murder and physical violence with impunity. No government stops them. Indeed, governments are their accomplices, facilitators, and enablers. Jews delegitimize governments, or governments delegitimize themselves by their subservience to Jewry. “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

“Fear of the Jews” is a major factor in White passivity. (As is love of the Jews — but that’s a different subject.)

But the dangers faced by a White activist, or potential activist, are not limited to death and injury. Offensive psychological and social weapons perfected over centuries within the shtetl and the ghetto target every element of human wants and needs:

  • Physiological: food, water, sex, sleep, medical care and vital medications.
  • Safety: freedom from incarceration, security of body, employment, resources, family, health, and property.
  • Belonging: friendship, family, loyalty, affection, acceptance, love, sexual intimacy.
  • Esteem: self-esteem, confidence, achievement, reputation, respect of others.
  • Self-actualization: denial of human rights, access to facts, the freedom to speak the truth about the world or one’s moral values.

Even when not consciously grasped, all of these threats are unconsciously sensed.

It requires extraordinary heroism to challenge such overwhelming, Orwellian power, hatred, and evil. Even the bravest adventurers and thrill-seekers lack the courage or inclination to do so.

Aviator Charles Lindbergh, The Lone Eagle, was a classic adventurer, one of the very few who has spoken out against Jewish power. (English explorer Richard Francis Burton [1821–1890] was another — now there’s an adventurer for you!)

Yet, when attacked with the full panoply of Jewish viciousness, he withdrew into a traumatized isolation and silence that lasted the remainder of his life. His wife, author and heiress Anne Morrow Lindbergh, provided an exquisite description (pp. 12 ff.) of the Jewish-instigated social ostracism the couple experienced, and the same deeply traumatized psychological-emotional response is detectable in her words:

I am . . . attached to the worldly things . . . mind more giving up friends, popularity, etc., mind much more criticism and coldness and loneliness. . . . Will I be able to shop in New York at all now? I am always stared at — but now to be stared at with hate, to walk through aisles of hate!

Mrs. Lindbergh was willing to throw truth and moral principle to the winds, to see tens of millions of White people killed in war (“I would prefer to see this country at war than shaken by violent anti-Semitism”), just to escape the personal consequences of speaking out.

That is a subtle and exact form of social control.

The willingness to court death and physical danger and the courage to oppose Jewish power are not the same.

But what factors motivate our courageous rebels? What sets them apart from other human beings, including adventurers and thrill-seekers?


  • Automotive pioneer Henry Ford, publisher of the classic The International Jew
  • Anti-Communists: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Joseph McCarthy
  • Revolutionaries: George Lincoln Rockwell, William L. Pierce
  • Holocaust revisionists: Robert Faurisson, Ernst Zündel, Professor Arthur Butz
  • Scots-Canadian human rights attorney Douglas Christie
  • Historian David Irving
Francis Parker Yockey in handcuffs

To date, every White rebel has “lost,” in the sense of failing to cast off our Jewish-Communist yoke, or liberating the White race from slavery and impending doom.

Yet, to my mind, every one of them has won.

As author Andrew Lytle noted, “Since fear and desire make all of us tremble, the first quest of the hero is triumph over himself.”

The rebels achieved this personal and social (for it is social, too) triumph, edging us closer to the day of victory, while lesser men snowboarded down mountains, clung precariously to sheer rock faces, or BASE jumped from skyscrapers.

* * *

Source: Author and Counter-Currents

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