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Jews Like Blackmailable “Leaders”
Jeffrey Epstein’s operation was not unique. In nameless opulent homes, diplomatic missions, and rude warehouses — as in the artist’s conception shown here — White children are exploited and abused by Jewish traffickers and intelligence operatives. One of many such Jews,…

Non-Whites, Traitors, Zionists Dominate UK Politics
Munira Mirza with Prime Minister Boris Johnson: her resignation could be the beginning of the end for his premiership The strange alliance bringing down Britain’s Prime Minister THIS WEEK a possibly fatal blow was landed on the embattled Prime Minister Boris Johnson – a blow from what is in theory his…

SpaceX: To Get the Funding, You Must Comply
by David Sims RACIAL POLITICS is already beginning to corrupt the renewed campaign of spaceflight. Apparently, as part of getting $2.8 billion, SpaceX was required to agree to put a woman and a non-White person on the Moon. Up until now, all persons who have been to the Moon have been White men. And the…

The Day of the Poll
by Lord Dunsany IN THE TOWN by the sea it was the day of the poll, and the poet regarded it sadly when he woke and saw the light of it coming in at his window between two small curtains of gauze. And the day of the poll was beautifully bright; stray bird-songs came to the poet at the window; the air was crisp and…

Judging People Based on Their Political Views
by David Sims THE QUESTION was asked: “Should you judge someone based on his or her political opinions?” Sometimes, you can. Sometimes, you shouldn’t. There are people who hold harmful political opinions, but they don’t know that they are harmful, much less why. A lot of…

Malta: MEP Candidate Norman Lowell, Friend of William Pierce, Receives Nearly Half of Third Party Votes
Norman Lowell Radical pro-White candidate’s vote, while still too small to gain a seat, has multiplied by almost five times since his first run. The controlled media expressed alarm; we see hope. OVERALL RESULTS from the European election indicate that third parties have only marginally increased…

Why Did All of Biden’s Children Marry Jews?
Hunter and Joe Biden In this respect, Trump and Biden are very similar. In addition to the motivations mentioned in this article, there is also the motivation of diluting the bloodline of what is left of White elite families so they will identify with the new Jewish elite instead of with their own people.…

Former Director of German Intelligence: Mossad Behind Takedown of Populist Austrian Leader
Austrian politics has been rocked by “Ibiza-gate” allegations that the country’s vice chancellor was discussing the possibility of a foreign citizen investing into a local newspaper in exchange for favourable media coverage. RUDOLF ADAM, a former diplomat and deputy head…

Paul Ryan Battles “Racism,” Promotes Cuckservative Values
THE BIGGEST DANGER facing our coming utopia of open borders, eroding rule of law, soulless materialism, spiritual poison and demographic disaster is the vile evil of “nationalism” and “racism,” or, if you prefer, what every sane White person used to believe before the…

The FBI is Politicized Beyond Your Wildest Nightmares
Normally, we here at National Vanguard ignore the Washington circus in which each band of criminals “investigates” and denounces the other bands of criminals. But every now and then, some revealing material is uncovered as the swill and ordure are stirred. Here we find absolute proof…