Posts Tagged
Jewish Religion

Unmasking the God of Israel: The Devil’s Trick, part 2
Yahweh was, according to many scholars, the tribal “volcano god” of the ancient Jews. by Laurent Guyénot
The belief in a cruel god makes a cruel man. (Thomas Paine. The Age of Reason, 1794).
COUNTLESS BIBLICAL STORIES demonstrate that Yahweh is the spirit of murder and theft. We read in…

Unmasking the God of Israel: The Devil’s Trick, part 1
by Laurent Guyénot “THE FINEST trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist,” wrote Charles Baudelaire (Paris Spleen). He was wrong: The devil’s finest trick is to persuade you that he is God. Do I believe in the existence of the devil? It depends on the definition. I believe that humans are…

Fighting the Kosher Mafia
Yellow arrow points to OU Kosher seal
Seanna Fenner, aka Odinia, is an Odinist gyðja (priestess), a völva, and the founder of the native European religious organization, Odinia International. She resides in the United States, and she is a fervent follower of the ancient European religion…

Christianity Is Jewish Germar Rudolf GERMAR RUDOLF, the narrator of the first section of this video essay on Christianity, was born on October 29, 1964, in Limburg, Germany. He studied chemistry at Bonn University,…

Bloody Hanukkah
HANUKKAH is not “Jewish Christmas” as some like to call it. It is not about lights, latkes, and laughter. It celebrates the event in which Judaic religious nutcases hunted down and murdered en masse other Jews who had become friendly with the ways of the Greeks. Abandoning their Judaism…

The Utter Alienness of Our Jewish Overlords
The excerpted text featured below is by the secular Jew Ron Unz, who seems to be really letting the cat-out-of-the-bag on his co-ethnics lately. — Dissident Millennial American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion by Ron Unz About a decade ago, I happened to be talking with an eminent academic…

Jewish God(s) for Beginners (updated)
by Martin Kerr THE JEWS LOVE to boast that they are the originators of monotheism. This claim has been challenged by students of the Jews as diverse as Savitri Devi (in The Lightning and the Sun) and Sigmund Freud (in Moses and Monotheism). What is undeniable is that Judaism began as a polytheistic religion.…

Jews Abuse White Women on an Industrial Scale, part 2
American Dissident Voices broadcast of November 11, 2017 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE REVELATIONS of predatory sexual behavior toward White women by powerful Jews seem to be growing exponentially every week. Emboldened by the fall…

The Great Revilo Oliver: The Jewish Plague, part 6
A rational look at the Jewish Question: How have the Jews used religion — their own and that of others — to advance their agenda? American Dissident Voices broadcast of September 16, 2017 by Kevin Alfred Strom IS THE Jewish…

China: Jewish Organizations Shut Down by Government
A SMALL GROUP of Jews in Kaifeng, the ancient Chinese imperial city on the Yellow River, are the latest target of a government crackdown on unapproved religions and foreign influence, the New York Times reported. (ILLUSTRATION: The painting “Kaifeng Jews,” by Yin Xin) Established…