Posts Tagged
Gun Control

Gun Control: “Just Like Hitler”?
There is no true freedom without the freedom to keep and bear arms. Remember: The push for gun control is just the start for something much bigger than firearms alone! (This is the text of a new, single-page flier by the staff of the New Order. The National Alliance also has a pamphlet on this topic, written…

Certain Killings Should Be Encouraged and Facilitated by the Law
by David Sims CRIMINALS LOVE TO BREAK laws. The more laws they can break, the happier they are. If you pass “gun control” laws, then none of the criminals will say to himself, “Oh, dear. Me using a gun to commit a crime has been made illegal! I guess that I had better obey the law, then.” Nope.…

White People, Buy Guns Now! There’s No Excuse Not To!
by John Massaro THIS DISCUSSION IS A follow-up to “When Race War Comes to the Suburbs.” It is directed at the large population nationwide of White suburbanites who, statistically speaking, own far fewer guns than citizens living in rural areas, even though they are more vulnerable to the social chaos…

“Gun Control”: the Ostensible Agenda Is not the Real Agenda
by David Sims THE PEOPLE MOST LIKELY to fail background checks get guns on the black market, from criminal gun vendors, without being checked. Expecting any sort of gun-control laws to engender public safety is absurd. First, there are already laws that prohibit every sort of harmful misbehavior that…

The Nonsense of Gun Control
by Karl Radl GUN CONTROL advocates are extremely keen to seize any national tragedy, such as a school shooting or a terrorist attack, to push the idea that… well… if we just banned guns, then it’d all stop happening. This is magical thinking of course, because a gun is but a tool and it doesn’t cause violent…

American Gun Memes and Hitler
AN AMERICAN sent me some brilliant memes from the USA. Most are truly awesome. But one which irked me was about gun control and dictators. It was about the notion that Hitler, conflated with all “dictators,” wanted his people unarmed so as to kill them. This is pure rubbish. I wrote this to…

The Myth of Gun Control Under Hitler
by Dr. William L. Pierce A COMMON BELIEF among defenders of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is that the National Socialist government of Germany under Adolf Hitler did not permit the private ownership of firearms. Totalitarian governments, they have been taught in their high school…

Caravans, Sex, and Supermurders
American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 24, 2018 by Kevin Alfred Strom WHAT IS A supermurder? How is it different from a simple murder? How is it distinguished from genocide? You’re about to find out. Today the media are abuzz…

“School Protests”: A Peek Behind the Curtain
by Andrew Hamilton POST-WWII “democracies,” so-called, operate in a manner no civics textbook ever described. They are top-down affairs presented to the public with the illusion of grass roots participation and spontaneity. Such is the case with the endless Left-wing “protests,” “demonstrations,”…

The Overall Message
PLEASE WATCH the following amazing video. A mystery meat reporterette offers the usual fake news about “not seeing the violence” as a preface to a non-White Soros mob demonstrating against our most basic right to defend our lives and property. Well, if you didn’t actually see it,…