“Gun Control”: the Ostensible Agenda Is not the Real Agenda
by David Sims
THE PEOPLE MOST LIKELY to fail background checks get guns on the black market, from criminal gun vendors, without being checked. Expecting any sort of gun-control laws to engender public safety is absurd.
First, there are already laws that prohibit every sort of harmful misbehavior that can be accomplished with a gun (murder, robbery, and so on), making gun control laws unnecessary for any good purpose.
Second, it is a fact that no prohibition, whether of alcohol or of marijuana or of guns, has ever prevented access to the prohibited item by those intent on their abuse. Gun control laws in the United States will not be the first exception in the history of mankind.
Third, everywhere gun control laws have been passed, there has been an increase — not a decrease — in gun crime. History proves that gun control doesn’t merely fail; it backfires. When Australia rushed to pass gun control laws following a shooting massacre in 1993, law-abiding Aussies disarmed themselves. Immediately, the criminals took advantage of their relative gain in firepower, and, in the state of Victoria, the gun crime rate quadrupled.
Experience shows that gun control does not work. Those in power know fully well that it does not work. Their objectives, therefore, are not what they claim them to be. Whereas they profess to be concerned for “public safety,” this is obviously not their true purpose. Historically, the places with strong gun control have usually been tyrannies or else countries on the way to becoming tyrannies. And that, rather than any civic-minded beneficence, is most likely the reason for the push for gun control in the United States just now. The elite wants to turn the USA into a anti-White dictatorship, and an armed populace is an impediment to that plan. (I first wrote these words in 2013. Now, in 2022, looking at the covid-tyranny now established in Australia, I can see I was certainly on the mark with my comments regarding gun control leading to tyranny.)
Our Founding Fathers had, already in their day, ample history by which to judge the motives of those who would confiscate weapons from the general population. During the Middle Ages, weapons were forbidden to the peasants, lest they facilitate an uprising against the nobility or against the king. A disarmed population is a population that is easily bullied, squeezed unto poverty with harsh taxation, treated with contempt, and denied significant rights. That is why Jefferson pushed hard for an explicit Bill of Rights, containing a clear message that government shall not infringe the right of the people to keep and bear arms. If any public official does anything to infringe that right, then he will be in violation of his oath of office. Most already are.
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Source: Author
Gun control is as Jewish as subverting and destroying nations. Just look at a list of the people behind it, it reads like a Tel Aviv phone directory.
Laws become law to any who follow them, aside from that they are mere words.
Yes, some are mere words. Some are also the gospel when enough men in the right positions make it so as well. It’s why we’re building the National Alliance in all aspects of importance: to bring men and women together and prepare ourselves for governance, for the laws we want to and shall write, and for ordering ourselves in all aspects of Life towards the highest of purposes for the eternity to come.
Good point Jim. I appreciate your feedback.
My extended commentary on this issue: https://whitebiocentrism.com/viewtopic.php?p=20993#p20993
One of the most elucidating examples [of resistance] is the gun-confiscation order issued by Bolsheviks in spring 1918 in Don Cossacks’ region. In the Russian empire, Cossacks had their light weapons as a private possession. They enjoyed a high level of autonomy from central authorities. But Bolsheviks wanted to curtail this independence and to take away all guns from the hands of their subjects. Cossacks reacted differently from all others, mostly fhe passive strata of Russian society. They revolted and chased away Bolshevik scoundrels from the Don region. The Don revolt marked the beginning of the all-out Civil War in Russia.This example shows how the order to surrender all privately owned guns can spark an armed revolt. And it is the only logical reaction to such an order because if… Read more »
I think Jews have pretty much shot their wad on “gun control” and they know it. Jews have completely destabilized the civil structure, turning animal predators loose on the country. Therefore few, if any, possessing firearms are going to surrender them without a fight simply because the outcome of the aftermath is now plainly obvious. As the saying goes, “when seconds count, the police are minutes away.” As I have been saying for many years now, the day will soon arrive when Jews will force one to make a choice, to wit, one will either die fighting on their feet to the bitter end or one will die like a dog on their knees, begging for mercy from a merciless enemy. Your choice, but understand what you are facing, Jews… Read more »