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Hitler’s Birthplace: Government Plans to Demolish or Render it Completely Unrecognizable
THE YEARS-LONG legal battle over the birthplace of Adolf Hitler has come to a close, Austria’s Interior Ministry announced. The country’s Supreme Court has sided with the government, leaving the former owner of the property with the compensation she was initially offered. Hitler was…

Former Director of German Intelligence: Mossad Behind Takedown of Populist Austrian Leader
Austrian politics has been rocked by “Ibiza-gate” allegations that the country’s vice chancellor was discussing the possibility of a foreign citizen investing into a local newspaper in exchange for favourable media coverage. RUDOLF ADAM, a former diplomat and deputy head…

Some Austrian Classrooms Now 100 Per Cent. Non-White
TWO AUSTRIAN CLASSROOMS, in Villach and Klagenfurt, consist of children purely from migrant backgrounds and not a single child speaks German as a first language. The two classrooms are the first in the Austrian school system to have classes where none of the children speaks German as their native language.…

Much More Needs to be Done in Austria
THERE ARE many sensible arguments for flooding your ancestral homeland with dangerous and wildly incompatible aliens. It’s the “economic necessity” that ends up costing you precious shekels instead of earning any. It’s going to save your pensions, even as the future…

Global Jewry Attacks Austria’s New “Far-Right” Government
WHENEVER EUROPEANS try to defend their countries against Muslim invasion, Jews rally to the defence of their Semitic brothers. The Jew as Ally of the Muslim is a story as old as Islam itself.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who also holds the foreign affairs portfolio, said Monday that Israel…

Austrian Town: “No More Refugees” After Gang Rape of White Girl
A town in Austria has refused to accept any more “refugees” after three migrants gang-raped a 15-year-old girl. THE YOUNG GIRL was making her way home on the evening of April 25th when she was grabbed and “brutally raped,” according to reports. The suspects are two men from Somali and one Afghan. The…

Austria: Afghan and Somali Invaders Sought for Rape of 15-Year-Old Girl
This is not a problem for the legal system — detectives figuring out the guilty parties, giving them a fair trial and free attorneys, etc. — no indeed. This is a matter for the military under revolutionary, racial-nationalist command: No one who is not White should be permitted to be in Austria…

Austria: Freedom Party Goes Full-On Kosher
It’s not enough for the Jews, however, who demand that FPO “purge its ranks.” SIX DECADES after it was founded by former National Socialists, Austria’s Freedom Party (FPO) is “courting” Jewish voters, hoping that its anti-Muslim message will please Jews…

Austrian Lawmakers’ Eternal Shame: Forced Sale of Hitler’s Birth House
AUSTRIA’S LOWER HOUSE of parliament has approved the compulsory purchase of the building Hitler was born in, a step towards changing the site beyond recognition to reduce its appeal as a “pilgrimage site for neo-Nazis.” The text approved late on Wednesday did not specify what…

Austria: Jews Moving to Control Naïve Nationalists
Jews welcomed by rightists seeking to gain popularity with controlled media by embracing Jews and Zionism; move could be fatal to White European survival as nationalist parties take first steps in conversion to anti-White, multiracialist agenda.
ATTENDEES GATHERED this month inside Vienna’s…