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“We Rise”: A Little Bit of Inspiration
by Chris Rossetti I AM NOT SURE who the video artist is (this is making the rounds on the less censored parts of the Internet), but someone has taken Laibach’s catchy old song, 2016’s “The Whistleblowers” (with its lyrics-that-can’t-possibly-be-ironic), and added…
Endless Fascination
Examples of art under National Socialism, 1933-1945; works of Arno Breker by Douglas Mercer GODWIN’S LAW FAMOUSLY POSITS that if any online discussion lasts long enough the odds that Adolf Hitler will be mentioned approaches certainty. Why is that? Why the endless fascination? Why is Hitler the hinge…
A Whiff of Truth: Adolf Hitler’s Art
Adolf Hitler’s painting of the Munich Opera House A review of Billy Price’s Adolf Hitler: the Unknown Artist
by Revilo P. Oliver WHEN YAHWEH’S Master Race began to prepare the Aryan boobs in the United States for eventual use as a horde of crazed cattle, stampeded into Europe to consummate…
by Revilo P. Oliver WHEN YAHWEH’S Master Race began to prepare the Aryan boobs in the United States for eventual use as a horde of crazed cattle, stampeded into Europe to consummate…
Cultural Larceny
by Arthur Thief IF YOU ARE READING this, hello! You may call me Art Thief. Normally I prefer a more formal mode of writing, however as this is an introduction I feel a friendlier, more personal tone in the first person voice is apropos. I have been offering commentary on various National Vanguard articles…
More Good Contemporary Art
IT HAS BEEN a while since I last featured contemporary artists who I think are not only very good, but very much in the European tradition. As I often say, there is still a lot of great art being created; it is just that one will not find it in the mainstream, where everything is based upon the deconstruction…
Some Good Contemporary Artists
IT IS A MISCONCEPTION that no good art is being created in the contemporary age. Very little is being created in the mainstream, that is true, but there are still those who persevere in spite of being starved of publicity. Who are those others who, while not necessarily politically aware or conscious,…
Country Music Awards 2021: Icepicks Into the Heart of the Heartland
by Chris Rossetti DID YOU THINK that the Jews would leave us alone in our rural redoubts? Did you think that the (relatively) healthy farmers and woodsmen and Scots-Irish mountain folks and small-town businessmen and city Whites like me who fled to the country to escape the Brown Tide and its Hebrew orchestrators…
Murder in the Cathedral, part 3
by Douglas Mercer WAY BACK in 19 hundred and 53 when White America was still at the midway point of its dissolution, the great and good Daughters of the Confederacy donated the famous and beautiful Jackson/Lee stained glass windows to the National Cathedral in Washington, DC. At the time no one thought…
Murder in the Cathedral, part 2
School of Beauty by Kerry James Marshall by Douglas Mercer KERRY James Marshall is a Black artist and he’ll never let you forget it. His subject matter is black black black black. All he ever talks about is black black black black. Did he mention that he is Black? Kerry James Marshall grew up near…
Savage Black Rites in New York City
Ugga buggah, literally. Leading Establishment cultural and art publications, including Smithsonian magazine, have rushed to heap praise on this new “work.” Once the Jews convinced us that Jackson Pollock’s brush drippings were “art,” this became inevitable.…