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The Guardian of the Image of Man
by B. John Zavrel
Originally published in: Arno Breker: Divine Beauty in Art “Who in all his work sees God,
He in truth goes unto God:
God is his worship, God is his offering,
Offered by God in the fire of God:”
— The Bhagavad Gita THOUGHTS FLY OFTEN back to that memorable evening when…
Originally published in: Arno Breker: Divine Beauty in Art “Who in all his work sees God,
He in truth goes unto God:
God is his worship, God is his offering,
Offered by God in the fire of God:”
— The Bhagavad Gita THOUGHTS FLY OFTEN back to that memorable evening when…

Capital Culture
by Nelson Rosit
FOUR BLOCKS NORTH of the main tourist attractions on the Washington Mall lies a cultural gem no reader visiting the anti-nation’s capital should miss. The National Museum of American Art (NMAA), along with the National Portrait Gallery, is housed in the Old Patent Building.…

Auguste Rodin: Premier Sculptor
by Jeff Hilson
SCULPTURE, AS AN ART form, is not native to Northwest Europe. Northern Europeans excel in painting, graphics, drawing, music, and dance: aesthetic forms more individualistic than the grandiose formalism of monumental sculpture. Sculptural development needed large metropolitan…

Intimations of Cosmotheism: Wagner and Shaw — A Synthesis
by Sir Oswald Mosley (pictured)
EDITOR’S NOTE: This piece is the first in a series of articles which will illustrate some of the earlier intimations, in the works of other writers and thinkers, of the central ideas of Dr. William Pierce’s philosophy, Cosmotheism. Even the reader who is not a devotee…