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The Future Is Coming
by Douglas Mercer IN HIS book The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans, Hans F.K. Gunther noted that the signature of the Indo-European mentality is a kind of supernatural calm which cannot be disturbed. There is that, for sure. But there is also Teutonic berserker rage. Divine serenity: Aphrodite…

Culture War, Race War
Robert Lynch by Karl Gunther AT THE presidential inauguration after the 1960 election, flinty Yankee and American traditionalist Robert Frost read one his his poems. Thirty-two years later, after the 1992 election, Negroid poetess Maya Angelou got the nod, and in her “poem” she moralized…

New Study: Network of Jewish Corruption in American Literary Awards System
Robert Pinsky As if we didn’t know (though it’s always good to have irrefutable specifics and confirmation). Vic Olvir, Wilmot Robertson, Dr. William Pierce, and Truman Capote all warned us of the Jewish takeover of American literature 40 years ago and more. by National Justice THE SCHOLARLY…

The Empress’s New Clothes: Leftist Self-Worship and the Cult of Artemisia Gentileschi
by Tobias Langdon “SHE WAS A GENIUS,” says the Guardian. She was a “uniquely gifted artist who should be considered among the all-time greatest painters,” says the BBC. I say, no, she was not. The Italian Baroque painter Artemisia Gentileschi (1593–c.1656) was not a genius, was not uniquely gifted…

Wikipedia: The Most Influential Historical Figures Are Overwhelmingly White
Trigger warning: picture of White supremacists above JUDGING BY Wikipedia popularity, who are the most important historical figures of all time? According to one algorithm, it’s 18th-century scientist Carl Linnaeus, followed by Jesus, followed by Aristotle, Napoleon, and Hitler. According…

Modern Architecture Is Shoddy As Well As Ugly
Architect Frank Gehry’s Stata Center (2004) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Ugly? Yes. But shoddy, too! Internet pioneer Tim Berners-Lee and Jewish Leftist Noam Chomsky have offices there. The complex is named after MIT alumnus Raymond Stata (Analog Devices, Inc.), a Pennsylvania…

Italy: Renowned Artist Depicts Ritual Murder of White Child; Jews Enraged
A BRILLIANT ITALIAN painter who dares to paint in the tradition of the Old Masters also dared this week to produce a work depicting the ritual murder of a White child by Jews, which historians and researchers have been investigating as a real phenomenon. Jewish groups immediately attacked the painter…

The Eternal Importance of Art
Art, Beauty, and Inspiration ARTISTRY AND BEAUTY have a profound impact on human beings, and quite often it has been beautiful, creative expression that has launched social revolution. It takes great inspiration to see clearly the vision of a New Era, and to carry out the march to the dawn of such an era.…

Pennsylvania: Hex Signs — European Folk Art
by Steven L. Akins HEX SIGNS are a form of Pennsylvania Dutch folk art, related to fraktur, found in the Fancy Dutch tradition (as opposed to the Amish plain tradition) in Pennsylvania Dutch Country. Painted barn motifs, usually in the form of “stars in circles,” began to appear on the central…

Killing White Pride Through Art
IT’S NOT ENOUGH to wipe White people out genetically. It’s not enough to deny them their own space in which to continue their existence. You have to obliterate any sense of pride in their ancestors’ achievements and instill a sense of shame and guilt in them even when they are doing something as…