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Even in commercialized surroundings, White people create spontaneous beauty. Our heritage is worth fighting for. IMAGINE making your commute home, bracing yourself for the human tsunami that is sure to greet you when cutting through a busy train station. Only this time, instead of the din of a bustling…
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David SimsEssays

by Adolf Hitler IT IS STRIKING to observe that in 1910 our artistic level was still extraordinarily high. Since that time, alas! our decadence has merely become accentuated. In the field of painting, for example, it’s enough to recall the lamentable daubs that people have tried to foist, in the name…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims KNIGHT Dunlap (1875–1949; pictured) was an American psychologist who made a special study of human beauty. He wrote, “Whatever its importance for the individual, beauty is for the race and for civilization of such profound importance that no other fundamental consideration…
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Classic Essays

THE JEWISH ASCENDANCY in the American music world is so obvious that even ADL officials no longer bother to deny it. From instrumentalists to conductors to composers to teachers the Jewish monopoly is quasi-total. Jewish musicians, in fact, boast about it. Yehudi Menuhin in his memoirs Unfinished
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Classic Essays

Against the Jewish critics and the Jewish press who pushed “modern art,” Federici held true to his principles. by Frederico Napolitano GAETANO FEDERICI (1880-1964) was an Italian-American artist — a real artist — and sculptor who idealized the human form and spirit. Emulating…
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by Collin Cleary Introduction A&E’s DVD (and Blu-ray) release of The Prisoner bills this cult series as “television’s first masterpiece.” In truth, it is probably television’s only masterpiece. The Prisoner is a triumph of acting, photography, design, writing, and thought. More generally,…
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Andrew HamiltonEssays

by Andrew Hamilton DESPITE the triumph of modernism, a handful of American sculptors, including Anna Hyatt Huntington, creator of The Torch Bearers (1955), continued to work in the neoclassical mode prior to and after WWII. Huntington was highly regarded for her large-scale public commissions…
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Classic Essays

by Josiah Nott MODERN ART IS not really art at all, but Jewish self-promotion and degeneracy. So, though Jews are not heavily represented in true art, they are in fact very much over-represented in so-called modern art — in fact, they were and are the dominant force in it. (ILLUSTRATION: Jackson…
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by Peter Frost What is the meaning of “Black Metal” and its brief, violent outburst against conformity in Norway? BLACK METAL is a musical subgenre that grew out of death metal and, more broadly, heavy metal. In general, it pushes certain aspects of this genre to even farther extremes:…
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Andrew HamiltonEssays

by Andrew Hamilton I STOPPED reading contemporary literature — works by living novelists and short story writers — when I was in my late teens or early twenties. I found it aesthetically and intellectually unrewarding. The sole exception was the work of journalist-turned-novelist Tom Wolfe, the…
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