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THIS SERIES is based on the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books; please buy it here to support our efforts!), a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround…
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EssaysGuest opinion

by John I. Johnson EVEN AMONG SOME SERIOUS students of the Jewish problem, I still see a large degree of tolerance for the admixture of our race, the White race, with Jews — much more tolerance than I see for admixture with Negroes, for example. Let me paraphrase a comment I saw recently on the topic:…
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THIS SERIES is based on the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books; please buy it here to support our efforts!), a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround…
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CommentaryDavid SimsEssays

Like the majority of the Black slaves shipped to the Americas, this African was first captured and enslaved by his fellow Blacks, and only later sold to Jewish, Arab, or European slave traders. by David Sims HERE ARE SOME RELATED questions from Quora: “How can individuals and communities support…
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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

Pope Francis meets with Yahweh by Douglas Mercer THE CENTRAL FIGURE of the New Testament is a Jew; nearly every character in the book is a Jew; with maybe one exception every writer of the stories is a Jew — if you needed any tip-off that Christianity is a Jewish religion, well, there you are, right? What…
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YOU HAVE never before seen a resource like the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books), a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround the “Holocaust”…
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CommentaryDavid SimsEssays

by David Sims “IF THERE IS no God, where does our morality and the ability to know right from wrong come from?” Theologians and religious leaders often attempt to make God a prerequisite for morality, but this is contrived to make the belief system that they are selling seem more valuable…
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CommentaryDavid SimsEssays

by David Sims THE IDEA OF the US government using biological weapons in a campaign to “genetically modify” the American people, isn’t even slightly far-fetched. If you think it is, then you aren’t really thinking. The Tuskegee syphilis experiment was an infamous clinical…
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EssaysGuest opinionThomas Dalton

by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. AS I WRITE these words, the death toll in the Gaza massacre (not “war”) has surpassed 28,000, of whom some 70% are women and children. As I write these words, nothing has evidently changed in Jewish attitudes: Roughly 80% of American Jews and 95% of Israeli Jews are satisfied with…
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EssaysGuest opinion

Mr. Murphy may be too optimistic about Trump, and about conservative Americans’ freedom and common sense, but the problems he has with Blue State Murricans are simultaneously hilarious and real. by Tim Murphy I AM worried. Very worried. In the wake of the Iowa caucuses, the New Hampshire Primary,…
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