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Our New Myth
In this new, worthwhile, and thought-provoking opinion piece, Blake Hood asserts that our civilization has reached its final crisis, and has thereby become ready for a new religious/foundational mythos — this time, that of Adolf Hitler. This is substantially in agreement with what Kevin …
Holocaust Insights 6: The “Six Million” Number
This fake picture of six million bubblegum packets confiscated from Holocaust victims proves definitively that the Holocaust really happened, and that we must turn over our countries to non-Whites and give them everything we own, because even thinking that Whites deserve to exist leads directly…
New Nuremberg
by Douglas Mercer AH Nuremberg! A name for them to conjure with, eh? A name they can use as a weapon. For you say “Nuremberg” and immediately elicited in ignorant heads are the images of geysers of Jewish blood and jackbooted Germans wading hip-deep in it, of lakes of blood that sleek German…
Knowing What I Know, Should I Go to Harvard Law?
And did the Jewish war on White people begin millennia ago? by David Sims I RECENTLY ADDRESSED the question, “Is it worthwhile to attend Harvard Law School despite having to take out large loans?” It depends. If you are either unaware of Jewish power and how it has corrupted our culture and…
Was Hitler “Controlled Opposition”?
As long as the lie remains in our hearts, it will not be possible to build a better world. (Michele Camposeo)
THE ROOTS OF the “Hitler-Controlled-Opposition” myth go back to the 1920s and 1930s in the circles of Hitler’s political rivals, namely the German and Soviet Communist parties, the leftists…
Holocaust Insights 5: Geysers of Blood
THIS SERIES is based on the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books; please buy it here to support our efforts!), a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround…
Get a Job! (Capitalist and Republican Misconceptions)
by David Sims I’D LIKE TO LET the air out of some Republican misconceptions about the realities of living under modern capitalism — specifically, what it’s like to be a job-seeker. One important fact: It costs money to look for work. When you are out of money, then you are also out of…
The Legendary Fire
by Douglas Mercer WE NOW MOVE into the sacred part of the calendar, that season that is so hallowed as it is the time that our savior Adolf Hitler was born. He was both a man against time and a man for all time, and his memory shall never be eclipsed. Born in inauspicious circumstances he, uneducated by the…
Holocaust Insights 4: Wildly Exaggerated Death Tolls
THIS SERIES is based on the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books; please buy it here to support our efforts!), a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround…
Future Perfect
by Douglas Mercer WILLIAM PIERCE WAS an avid reader of both Nietzsche and Bernard Shaw, though there is no evidence that he deeply studied the thought of Martin Heidegger. Had he done so, he might have written of a stage of being beyond even full self-consciousness, beyond the Creator’s completion,…