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Douglas MercerEssays

2024 film The Brutalist: Alien sad-sack forgettable Jewish actor fronting for alien ugly forgettable Jewish architecture — truly the stuff of which great films are made. If there were no architectural connection to the word “Brutalist,” what an even more appropriate word it
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Jewish control of White nations began in the early 20th century — the US and UK were definitely not the only victims. It is also worth noting the degree to which apparent opposition to the Jews’ main agenda was controlled by other Jews — even six decades ago. by John I. Johnson CURRENTLY…
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CommentaryEssaysJohn Massaro

The tour route — as originally planned. by John Massaro AFGHANISTAN. The name instantly conjures up all kinds of unpleasant images in the infantile American mind: the launching pad for the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001; Osama bin-Laden’s hideout; endless civil strife; suicide bombings;…
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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

Nietzsche and Wagner by Douglas Mercer ADOLF HITLER FAMOUSLY SAID that one could not understand National Socialism without understanding Wagner; that is very true; of Nietzsche he said he could do nothing with him; this latter is not strictly true — with his notion of the all-importance of whatever…
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David SimsEssaysGuest opinion

by David Sims QUORA IS ABUZZ with questions about the Jews’ current war in the Middle East. Here’s an example: “How has Hamas secured such a stranglehold on the narrative globally? All over the world, people tacitly or explicitly endorse the genocide of Israel, at the beck and call…
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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

by Douglas Mercer WILLIAM LUTHER PIERCE is the greatest racial thinker of all time; his precursors such as Madison Grant were prophets and showed us the way, but as they still lived in the time of White ascendancy, they were unable to fully see all the dangers that were to come. George Lincoln Rockwell…
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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

The Vances at their wedding. “Usha” is the one to the right. by Douglas Mercer AMERICA IS NOW a doddering senile nation sans everything; at one so-called White nationalist Web site they are exclaiming that America is only being held together by Donald’s Trump’s life, which is as slender…
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EssaysGuest opinionThomas Dalton

by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. O my brothers, break, break the old tablets! (Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra 3.12.10) ACCORDING TO Jewish mythology, Moses came down from the mountain with two stone tablets in hand. Inscribed on them, by the Jewish god Yahweh, were 10 “commandments” for the Jews to follow…
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Douglas MercerEssays

by Douglas Mercer FOR THOUSANDS and thousands of years, the fastest a man ever traveled was on a horse: 12 miles per hour. Finally it was Europeans, as always, who moved us forward, creating the train going some five times that fast. Then along came cars and then planes. When jet engines arose around 1930…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THERE ARE SOME VERY naïve questions on Quora. Here’s an example which I answered: “I think we should encourage peace and harmony between White people and Black people instead of strife and hostility. Don`t you agree?” “Encouraging peace and harmony”…
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