Cucktianity: Enrich the Faith
WE LIVE in a chaotic world, but there are still many events that occur with clockwork regularity, giving us a sense of continuity and comfort even with the sky falling from a deadly “pandemic” and Whites officially becoming the scapegoat for all the massive failings of our “multi-cult” zoo. These predictable cases include the phony hate crime, the dozens shot in a typical Chiraq weekend, the wailing for more, always more, after the latest Negro appeasement or “Latino” surrender — and today’s topic, unbelievable idiocy being spewed by a pope who hasn’t bowed down to globalist semitic evil in at least several days, but don’t worry, it’s already time again.
Pope Francis on Thursday denounced “aggressive” nationalism that rejects migrants, and said Catholics should follow the Gospel-mandated call for an inclusive, welcoming church that doesn’t distinguish between “natives and foreigners, residents and guests.”
Welcome the mudslime looter, the sodomite freak, the alien criminal. There’s plenty of room in all those empty pews. Once they see how weak and cowardly we are, they’re bound to respect us. This piece of garbage is very popular with globalist evil, so you know you’re getting the real truth.
Francis made the appeal in his annual message for migrants and refugees.
You can set your watch by it. “Time to preach replacement immigration and national suicide, you filthy goyim.” “Yes, master.”
He said the current pandemic had shown how the concept of the human family had been “fragmented, wounded and disfigured,” with the poorest and most marginalized paying the highest price.
Don’t forget, the sky is falling. Father Fauci will now give us a sermon on why you need goggles, a welding shield, and wet cement in your anus. Make sure you repeatedly take the Jew jab, you contemptible worm. We’ve got to save “marginalized people” from the seasonal flu. Where’s your “covi-pass,” you pathetic slave? I will put a round in you.
The universal “we,” he said, “is crumbling and cracking due to myopic and aggressive forms of nationalism and radical individualism.”
You and the 55-IQ living fossil squatting in its own waste in the Liberian all-against-all are exactly the same in your shared humanity. This obviously failed branch of humanity is part of our big One World team which is what Christ wants. I mostly skimmed through Revelation, so I might be wrong about that, but I’m pretty sure.
He demanded that Catholics in particular actually act “catholic” in the universal sense, noting that migrants and refugees enrich the faith, the church and one another.
Here comes the enrichment! Open wide!
He has visited refugee camps on his foreign visits and once brought a dozen Syrian refugees back home with him aboard the papal plane.
Get on the Pope Plane, moe-ham-head. We’re taking you to a magical land of cowardice, weakness, appeasement, and imminent collapse. Try to scavenge some of the better viscera from the reeking carcass before it completely rots away.
His appeals for governments to welcome migrants have often fallen on deaf ears in Europe and the US, particularly amid the growth of nationalist political movements.
This total lunacy is only going to get more and more unpopular as we fight for our continued survival against a deluge of brown sewage. Whites are waking up.
“A commitment that makes no distinction between natives and foreigners, residents and guests, since it is a matter of a treasure we hold in common.”
On tonight’s episode of “Cucktianity or Communism?” our contestants will face some of the toughest challenges yet.
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Source: Modern Heretic
The view of the pre-Vatican II Church was that man is weak in faith and needs constant grooming by going to Mass once a week and confession once a month. Anything that would add to man’s burden was viewed as an attack on man’s ability to maintain his faith and was therefore sinful. The mixing of the races would be regarded as an attack on faith. There should be a white Church and a black Church, etc. In fact it cut even deeper. There were Italian parishes, Irish parishes, Polish parishes, etc. Each stuck to his own kind. Then the Jews started pushing the “Melting Pot” story and the bought and paid for politicians stood aside and let the Jews do their thing. No matter how you see the Church,… Read more »
(((pope pius Xii))) involed in Anti-Hitler plot. ” In November 1939, in deepest secrecy, Pacelli became intimately and dangerously involved in what was probably the most viable plot to depose Hitler during the war. The plot centered on a group of antiNazi generals committed to returning Germany to democracy.” NS authorities too didn’t have a good opinion on (((Pope))). They attacked him on the front page of the Newspaper Das Schwarze Korps. Also (((Vatican))) didn’t help that many NSs to escape, the most prominent being Otto Skorzeny who was helped. I have a strong suspicion that the people who were helped by (((Vatican))) to escape were actually pro-catholic and Anti-NS agents who were helping hands for (((Pope))) to sabotage NS govt such as Admiral Canaris. (((Vatican)))… Read more »
Source: Kenneth C. Campbell , American Intelligence Journal Vol. 33, No. 2, Intelligence in Peace and War (2016), pp. 148-150 (3 pages) Officers of German military intelligence, the Abwehr, sent Josef Mueller, a Munich attorney who possessed an airplane, to the Vatican countless times with reports of Nazi attacks on the Church. He proved to be a very careful analyst who had his own network of agents. At Abwehr headquarters, Major General Hans Oster asked Mueller to approach the Pope with a very definite proposal. Would His Holiness contact Western powers to link them with an anti-Nazi group in Germany to ensure that Germany could obtain a fair peace? Oster led the Abwehr activities against the Nazis, whereas the chief of the Abwehr, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, maintained the appearance of… Read more »
Thank you so much for that very informative post, and I believe it to be quite reliable. It explains much, for example Pacelli’s seemingly lukewarm attitude toward the Third Reich. Perhaps you can fill out the rumor that the German Catholic Church ordered a memorial Mass for Hitler upon learning of his death. I read it somewhere but can’t remember where. Am I fooling around? I don’t think so – I try not to.
>” Perhaps you can fill out the rumor that the German Catholic Church ordered a memorial Mass for Hitler upon learning of his death.” Yes, it seems, that is true. “After the news of Adolf Hitler’s death, Cardinal Bertram of Breslau, the senior German prelate, drafted an order for a requiem mass to be said for Hitler throughout his Church”~ A requiem for Hitler : and other new perspectives on the German church struggle by Klaus Scholder There was also an encyclical named ‘Mit brennender Sorge’ which was released by Pope Pius XI, drafted by Cardinal Pacelli(Pope Pius XII), this encyclical strongly condemned the National Socialist regime for its Anti-Christian activities against Church. “it is the absolute right of youths as well as of parents to see to it that this organization… Read more »
“(((Pope Pius XII)) wuz gud” ~ JEWnise Wise of TGSNT fame.
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“Oh, no! That is not the real Christianity!”
That is what you will hear. But do we need a faith that can be that easily corrupted? . . . if indeed it has.
Maybe it hasn’t. Maybe it is getting back to its fundamentals. There are a lot of statements in the Bible that would support what that weepy-wimp mother-hen is saying.
What kind of people follows and supports someone like this?
This man is the head of the Pope of the Jesuit front men, leaders of the black slave trade, in the Caribbean and South America.
My understanding of this area is that the local
“Masons” have ‘separate but equal’ lodges.
Greetings Walt. Even in the same lodge there are those who hold meetings after the others have departed the building.
The universal “we,” he said, “is crumbling and cracking due to myopic and aggressive forms of nationalism and radical individualism.”
There is a term for one who rejects both nationalism and individualism: communist.
I recall that the Anointed one infers that one must give up all worldly possessions (in a metaphysical sense) to enter into the Kingdom, however, I don’t recall him stating that actual wealth should be in the hands of one organization.
Greetings Thwolführer Krisztcharl. What’s wrong with billionaires telling us that we shouldn’t want possessions and money?
Nope! The Pope is a Jew. Look at the schnozz! Who was bribed?!!!…..!!! Who was corrupted ?!!!
Every single (((Pope))) is a Jew.
The NS journal Das Reich wrote:
“Pius XI was a half-Jew, for his mother was a Dutch Jewess; but Cardinal Pacelli is a full Jew.”
The Catholic Church has courageously confronted the important questions of our times, such as: *Does the Holy Spirit proceed from the Father only, or from both the Father and the Son? *Are the Father and the Son of the same Substance, or only of the same Essence? *Does ignoring the Other necessarily violate the Scriptural mandate for inclusiveness, the gospelization of social justice, and the bestowal of the Spirit on alienated representations of renewal-challenged representatives of marginalized ethnicities? *Does the male-centered radical-traditional European tradition violate the sanctification of an upheld feminization of core gospel verifications, and uphold a chavinistic repudiation of the suchness of feminine manifestations? The Church is still grappling with these vital questions, but with our support and continued financial giving, I am sure that answers will be… Read more »
Greetings Arvin. Barabbas means son-father. Problem solved. Define ‘spirit’. If it means philosophy or refers to a physical descent from a royal line or a deity then Barabbas’s father’s spirit (philosophy/genetic inheritance) could be transferred to Barabbas. It’s not mystical.
Thanks, Weed. That clears up my confusion about whether the Eurcharist is a creation-affirming symbol of the all-inclusive Christ, and compounds his given-ness to those segments of our population who have been transfixed by his redeeming call to a newness that speaks beyond the limits of our alienation and gender-conforming rigidity. (I am reading a book about this Alt. Right man [Drew Fraser] going to Christian seminary, at age 60-plus. This is the kind of gobbledy-gook that he says that they speak and write, and the way that they emphasize with italics salient portions of their nonsense. Not only cannot liberals do honest work; they cannot even speak plainly, or even see plainly. I can attest that they speak this way—in my search for truth, I read many books by… Read more »
Arvin: This is the kind of gobbledy-gook that… they speak and write,.. they cannot even speak plainly.
Our side is no better at speaking plainly with this weak alt-right “cuck” nonsense that is too clever by half. We know that a cuckold is a pussified male who acquiesces to another man servicing his woman. What does that have to do with Xianity?
Quit trying to look for truth in the spooky alien creed that has no basis in reality
White Jake: You substituted the word “cuck” in for “Chris”.
Silly, isn’t it? Substitute X for Christ and be done with it once and for all.
The Pope has a perfect example of a ‘six’ schnoze! It confirms that he is ‘chosen’ by the Vatican bank.
You substituted the word “cuck” in for “Chris”. That’s an interesting thing to do considering your name is Chris.
A White person believing in a completely alien, hostile religion is a cuck.
NEVER FORGET WHAT (((CHRISTIANITY))) DID TO EUROPEAN WOMEN Source: Die Schutzstaffel als antibolschewistische Kampforganisation, Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, 1937 Zentralverlag der NSDAP., Franz Eher Nachf., München ————————————— Wieviele solcher Tragödien – vollendet oder unvollendet – auf dieser Erde stattgefunden haben, können wir nicht einwandfrei klären. Wir können in vielen Fällen nur ahnen, daß hier unser aller ewiger Feind, der Jude, in irgendeinem Mantel oder durch irgendeine seiner Organisationen seine blutige Hand im Spiel hatte. Wir sehen im Ablauf der Zeiten das nimmermüde Henkersschwert von Canstatt und von Verden blitzen. Wir sehen wie die Scheiterhaufen auflohen, auf denen nach ungezählten Zehntausenden die zermarterten und zerfetzten Leiber der Mütter und Mädchen unseres Volkes im Hexenprozeß zu Asche brannten. Wir sehen vor unserem geistigen Auge die Richterstühle der Inquisition, die Spanien menschenleer machten,… Read more »
There is no ‘ORIGINAL SIN’ Source: SS Culture – Volume Three: SS Faith——————How do we Germans view the world?When a German strolls across a field on a bright summer day or on a white winter night, he looks in reverence at the beauty of the world: Overhead the sky’s blue and the sun’s light, or the army of ever shining stars, or the clouds of dark hunt; all around the ripening fields and wide meadows full of stalks and blooms, or the glistening sea, or the light snowflakes of snow. And when in autumn nights he experiences the whipping sound of rainfall, as the forest struggles with the force of storms or the dunes on the coast with the waves of the sea, he may understand that the world, a… Read more »
Christianity is Jewish sect, it is an indisputable fact.