President Lincoln’s Pro-White Policies
Yesterday was “President’s Day,” on which fake holiday virtually no one in America thinks of any Presidents whatsoever. It is the modern plastic holiday designed some years ago to smash the former Lincoln’s and Washington’s birthday celebrations into one in order to make room for Marxist Looting King day. But our author Ryan Cavallius has taken some time to think about Lincoln’s legacy, and shows us how absurd and unsustainable it is for the Establishment to continue propping him up as a “hero” figure for the cause of “racial equality,” when he was quite nearly the opposite of that.
by Ryan Cavallius
I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, and commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy thereof, do hereby proclaim and declare that… it is my purpose upon the next meeting of Congress to again recommend… that the effort to colonize persons of African descent, with their consent, upon the continent or elsewhere, with the previously obtained consent of the government existing there, will be continued [emphasis added]. — Abraham Lincoln (preliminary draft, Emancipation Proclamation)
PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN certainly has his detractors among pro-White activists. However, despite the fact that there are many legitimate criticisms leveled at his presidency, it is my contention that a number of his major policies actually protected the long-term interests of White Americans and should therefore be looked upon favorably by racially-conscious Whites today.
Of those policies, I offer two important examples. First, President Lincoln was in favor of repatriating the Negroes to Africa, and his administration had already taken steps to begin the process before he was assassinated. Second, he opposed private banking cartels and worked diligently to ensure that the US Congress — rather than Jew bankers — created our currency and regulated its value.
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In collusion with the Jewish-controlled mass media, the equally-Jewish directors of the public education system in the United States have consistently tried to mislead people about Abraham Lincoln’s socio-racial outlook. Lincoln neither believed in ‘racial equality’ nor advocated for the integration of Blacks into White society (In fact, he is on record saying, “I can conceive of no greater calamity than the assimilation of the Negro into our social and political life as our equal.”1), but few history teachers discuss that statement today. No, from ‘mainstream’ institutions one gets the definite (and rather bland and boring) impression that Abraham Lincoln was some sort of egalitarian whose sole mission was to free the Negro slaves so they could live among us as our “brothers.”
The contrary is the case.
President Lincoln was one of many in our government during the nineteenth century who advocated for Negro repatriation, and his Emancipation Proclamation was part of a larger plan through which he hoped to carry out that endeavor — or at least make a good start of it. Before his assassination, Lincoln was actively working with other like-minded leaders to begin the process of repatriation of America’s Blacks to Africa, or elsewhere if more practical. During a meeting with a “Deputation of Free Negroes” who had come to plead for full emancipation in 1862, Lincoln told them to go to Africa and start a free Black colony there: “You and I are different races,” he said, and “have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other races.” Shortly after that, he added that both races suffered from living in the same country and should therefore be separated.2
In his great work Which Way Western Man?, William Gayley Simpson included compelling evidence that Lincoln’s death was related to his opposition to the Jewish money scheme and that John Wilkes Booth was anything but a lone assassin. Simpson cites Isola Forrester’s book, This One Mad Act, Boston, 1937. Forrester was the granddaughter of John Wilkes Booth. She writes:
[T]he same secret cipher that was later found in the office of Judah Benjamin was found in Booth’s trunk after the assassination.
(Benjamin was an elite, privileged Jew who held several cabinet-level positions in the Confederacy.) Simpson says of the cipher: “This was manifest evidence of clandestine communication between them.” According to, Simpson, Forrester also stated that Booth was one-quarter Jewish.
Referring to an antiquated, but supposedly at one time infamous, document called the “Hazard Circular,” Simpson describes the bankers’ plan to subjugate the American population through control of its money. By the 1860s, our enemies were already quite preoccupied with trying to (once again) saddle the United States with a “central bank” through which they could “lend” money to our government at interest — something Lincoln fought hard to prevent.3

At one point, the threat weighed so heavily on him that he wrote:
As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few and the republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of the war.4
But Lincoln was proactive, and, with his encouragement and initiative, Congress issued $150 million in debt-free “greenbacks” which circulated throughout the country for over 100 years thereafter, without costing the government or the citizens even one penny in interest.5
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Abraham Lincoln was the archenemy of the Confederacy, and strong sympathies with the Confederacy are understandable among White nationalists, especially those with roots in the South. However, this is no reason to forego a more objective evaluation of Lincoln’s policies as a whole, for at least some of them were undoubtedly beneficial to Whites. Like Jackson before him, President Lincoln fought the Jew-controlled central banking cartel head-on and quite possibly paid the ultimate price for it. He also planned to remove Blacks from our soil, and, as he himself noted, his Emancipation Proclamation was linked to that plan.6 Only a part-Jewish assassin with a .44-caliber ball prevented it from being carried out.
1. Arthur Kemp, March of the Titans: The Complete History of the White Race, Pinnacle Edition.
2 vols. (Ostara Publications, 2013), 2:445.
2. Ibid., 2:444-45.
3. 2nd ed. (Hillsboro, WV: National Vanguard Books, 2003), 1001, n. 223.
4. Ibid., 1002, n. 224.
5. Ibid., 898-99.
6. Ibid., 763, n. 20.
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Source: Author
“. . . the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few and the republic is destroyed. “
I do not understand what he means by “the prejudices of the people.” Does anyone know? It sounds like the people had prejudices that were actually working against them. How would this work?
Lincoln is a paradox—I hate him for the war, but when I read one of his homespun wisdom sayings, I usually agree with it.
I suspect that when Lincoln said the money power would work “upon the prejudices of the people,” he didn’t have anything specific in mind. Likely he just meant that the banking interests would continually use their unearned wealth to influence elections and legislators through lies and propaganda, pandering to whatever ideas and prejudices were popular at the moment, and over the generations garner so much power thereby as to be a new and virtually absolute ruling class, with the rubes being none the wiser. (The rube thinking, for example, that legislator X really was ousted because of issue Y or scandal Z, as his newspaper told him, when really he was ousted because he would not do everything that the money-men wanted. Or, for another example, the gulls would think… Read more »
Though not a big fan of Lincoln, I think Lincoln would have treated the post-war South much better. My guess is that Secretary of War Edwin Stanton and the Radical Republicans managed to turn a plot by Confederate intelligence to kidnap Lincoln into an assassination plot. Note that Seward and Johnson were also targeted for assassination that night. Stanton had control of military intelligence and communications which would have been vital. The Huntington Library in Pasadena CA has numerous war department telegrams which are in the process of being decrypted which may provide additional clues.
Had Lincoln not been assassinated, he would have had his hands full trying to implement his pro-White version of reconstruction with racial traitors like Thaddeus Stevens pulling the strings in Congress. It’s hard to say what would have happened.
I was born in 1962 and my father taught us four children, this truth about what President Lincoln’s plans were pertaining to remove Black African’s from our soil.
Lincoln unleashed ultra modern Black Columns on the North American continent to kill White people. Anybody who promotes the Federal Commander-in-Chief as racist has their hat on backward. The Lincoln cult has forced their Father Abraham on the world from the 1860s forward. That he requires an artificial lift raises dark questions. Lincoln’s Jewish Generals are kept out of view as much as the eight Seligman brothers. The Jew brothers of New York landed rich government contracts to supply the Federal army with uniforms. Creepy: When Richmond was uncovered, Lincoln traveled to the city and went straight to the home of Jefferson Davis. He toured the house and sat at the desk of the President of the South. A morbid curiosity. Excuse me while I throw up. The Partisan aspired… Read more »
Interesting one-sided and regionalist commentary here. Both sides employed Blacks to kill Whites and allowed Jews to profit in that fratricidal war of 1861-65, my friend. Moving forward in the best interests of the White race involves admitting we Whites have made mistakes and that we should learn from them no matter where we’re from.
Marty King forced Whites to like Black people. Only he gets his own holiday, while great men share President’s Day.