
We Must Have An Attitude That There Is No Turning Back

by Thomas Sewell

IT’S ALL IN the spirit. It all comes back to what is above you. It is the spirit, the soul, the essence that makes you who you are. It is the spirit that commands the mind. The mind that commands the body. We may not have all the money or manpower that our opponents have, nor the years of experience and teams of experts from all disciplines that they can summon, but “where there is a will, there is a way”.

This battle to save our people from a slow and progressive death relies on a “triumph of the will”. We must have an attitude that there is no turning back. We must have the courage to march together, locked in step into a new world. We know what we are struggling for is right and good. We know what our enemies are fighting for is our complete subjugation and destruction. To be born at such a time when the forces of good clash with evil, the forces of light clash with darkness, how could anyone with honor be confused as to what life they wish to live? The choice between sacrificing for life eternal — that being the life of our people long after we are gone, and the comforts of subjugation should be clear for all to see.

We must channel our collective will in one direction, into a collective soul and a collective spirit. The enemy is defending a lie. It must pretend to the public that White people are not being replaced in order to delegitimize our struggle. We are living in a “reality TV show”, a “hyperreality”, a “clown-world”, where everyone knows that a slow and “peaceful” ethnic cleansing is being carried out in every single White country against the White “host” population. The struggle for “legitimacy” between the governing system and revolutionary Whites who refuse to go along with this ethnic cleansing comes down to who will give up first.

The system itself is going through radical changes in an attempt to strengthen its crumbling edifice. Its democracy, economy, social order, higher culture, professional standard and most importantly its host White demographics are rapidly declining which is forcing it to institute a process of liberal tyranny. We must have the strength to be non-compliant and willfully disobedient to the system’s attempts at enforcing this tyranny. We must vote with our feet and wallets, and disengage from the system whilst maintaining and amplifying our voices of dissent against the system’s lies. We must continue to delegitimize the system’s “moral authority” by pointing out their obvious agenda to destroy White people in demographics and in culture or otherwise put — blood and honor.

The system and its lies, like all of man’s creations, is limited to time. Our worldview and the Truth is eternal and like Nature, it will reclaim what belongs to it. Do not fear the tiny and insignificant sacrifices you will have to make in this life. These sacrifices are so small on the grand scale of time. Those that came before you have already sacrificed so much more than what you will ever be asked. Everyone can contribute to the combined effort of delegitimizing the system’s perceived monopoly of physical and spiritual power by simply standing shoulder to shoulder with your fellow brother in this struggle, raising your flag or banner or arm and showing the world that you are not afraid and that you will not be coerced into silence or lies.

No matter how hard you think it might be, it will not be. No matter how bad you think the consequences might be, the consequences for inaction are far worse. No matter your fear of being “too early” or moving “too fast”, your failures will not be final. They are merely “science in the flesh.” Your only fear should be in being “too late” or moving “too slow”. If you hold back, you will never experience those early failures that all great men meet, and therefore you will never thereby learn and grow and set the stage for your future successes; instead you will overthink, underact, underachieve and be frozen in time while the world around you slowly turns to hell.

Hold fast and embrace the system’s persecution. It is only showing everyone how afraid it really is. All this noise it is making is the sound of the final death rattle of liberal-democracy. They have committed to a process that cannot be reversed through democratic means. Whether it be racial replacement, Covid-19 or the fractional reserve banking or the housing market Ponzi schemes, these issues will continue to mature, develop and deteriorate the Western world like a series of cancers that have become so ingrained into the system’s existence that they cannot be separated — leaving a complete “reset” as its only viable option for any chance of maintaining stability and governance over its subjects.

This will in the coming years and decades create the necessary conditions for a global White revolution against the global Jewish tyranny. Conditions do not create a revolution, they only allow a pre-existing revolutionary movement to succeed. The Truth will triumph in the end. In the meantime, we must build the strongest and largest network of activists and community members to direct people towards and to physically and spiritually build the ark necessary to survive the coming global instability and flood that will follow — for this life and for those who come after.

Hail Victory!

* * *

Source: Author via

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23 August, 2021 2:27 am

Mr Sewell is currently a political prisoner in Victoria, Australia. He has been denied bail in a trumped-up assault case in which credible video evidence shows him acting in self-defence. His lieutenant Jacob Hersant has been similarly imprisoned wiithout trial.

Misleading media hit-pieces about their organization have been run on national television ( the Australian Sixty Minutes ).

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Anglo-Australian
28 August, 2021 7:42 pm

Australia has become a totalitarian
dictatorship – all in the name of a
phantom virus that never existed
from Day One. Forced “vaccinations”
are the norm. Recently over 27,000
young Aussies were forced into a
sports stadium and forcibly injected
with the “Covid-19” toxins – guaranteeing
either death – or debilitating and gruesome
handicaps – which eventually will end in
their deaths.

Reply to  Walt Hampton
4 September, 2021 8:06 pm

27,000? All those “young Aussies” had to do (with a modicum of leadership) in that stadium was to “take no prisoners” and go all out “Lord of the Flies.”
It’s only a matter of time before THEIR LEADER appears and the Marxists and their tools are taken care of.They will have their day. The future belongs to them.

Rommel 41
Rommel 41
24 August, 2021 2:46 am

Wow – what an inspiring article! One of the best things I’ve read here on this site.
It says so much more, and has so much impact given its’ quite modest length.
Well done.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
25 August, 2021 9:11 pm

This battle to save our people from a slow and progressive death relies on a “triumph of the will”. We must have an attitude that there is no turning back…Hold fast and embrace the system’s persecution. It is only showing everyone how afraid it really is.  — That’s the attitude! And that’s the title our oh-so-clever Jew watchdogs gave their hit piece six years ago, reporting about my taking over the “failed” National Alliance: Triumph of the Will | Southern Poverty Law Center ( The SPLC expected that our Alliance would never recover and rebuild to where we stand today. Who’s standing, NA or SPLC? They may have a half billion dollars in their war chest with which to “destroy” us, and compliant media and courts in their corner, but… Read more »

30 August, 2021 5:52 pm

I grew up in a white community, south suburb of Chicago. My parents bought their only home in 1964 after my father left 8 years of service and 4 children later. They both were from the typical setting of towns near Chicago communities of separation by your ethnic group, Polish, Irish, Italians… In a town named Argo(Argo baking soda Plant) where they were from, my French grandfather, whom migrated here 1900, from my fathers side had owned a bar there called ‘Little Brown Jug.’ There was this Hispanic family that always lived there in Argo. As everyone married & such, my parents always kept in touch with their son Mike. Well Mike became my godfather, which proved to me in my lifetime to be a devastating decision on my parents… Read more »

Reply to  Victoria
2 September, 2021 9:25 pm

You didn’t know and your Mom let you go. Good try Grandma though.

36 years. It seems from your posts that you are with us though, that you love your folk,
that you are willing to do your part to help secure our future.

So maybe let 36 years be the end of bad feelings and just focus on now, the optimistic and active now that creates the future?

Reply to  b.smith
4 September, 2021 9:51 am

b.smith, Yes “the optimistic and active now that creates the future” I have been active in the sense of, I became a witness to multicultural marriages do not work. I say all multicultural relationships are dangerous to the white man, from my experience. Once you let any shade of color in your home environment, you are allowing acceptance in the eyes of a child. This is a larger challenge today then it was in my parents day. I cringe when I see young white women walking on my path with color. It’s not that I have bad feelings that leads to depression, its that I yearn for my people, to be with, that’s why I called it “displaced” just not belonging. So I become a witness to the cause, I… Read more »

David R. Westerlund
David R. Westerlund
31 August, 2021 11:09 pm

Yes, inspiring but how many will read it. We need another Hitler to unite us, as the jew has divide us in so many ways. holohoax, Nuremberg trials, Oklahoma City bombing, Waco TX, 911 and now the vaxx/scamdemic. It’s been free fall down the jew hole since May 1945. 88 Dave Westerlund

Reply to  David R. Westerlund
2 September, 2021 12:04 am

You read it, Mr. Westerlund. Be the leader you want by doing what’s necessary and within your abilities. Waiting for someone else is pointless.

David R. Westerlund
David R. Westerlund
Reply to  JM/Iowa
2 September, 2021 12:20 pm

To JM/Iowa: Thanks for the inspiration. The photo shows me, 85 y.o. in Portland OR. Ten years, every Friday for 4 hours. Portland police/ anti-fa, Homeland Security & jews harassed me, beat me, knocked me out. Fall 2019 I quit.

I’ve fought injustice all my life. I’ve not sat idly by the shore, but weathered the storm to help all people with morals. 88..Dave Westerlund

Reply to  JM/Iowa
2 September, 2021 5:20 pm

Just a little encouragement that helped me to move ahead.

Hitler said something to the effect that he didn’t see himself as “the one”, that he had looked for the one and not found him, and decided to do what he could in the meanwhile.

Oh wait: Referenced on this site:

(But I don’t have the original context in the Savitri Devi work, sorry.)

Hitler didn’t wait for the one, and neither must we.

(Maybe that is a Cosmic thing: doing the work as best we can even when we know we are not he (the one).)

1 September, 2021 6:11 am

Inspirational like the NA and Doctor Pierce themselves.

da elpaso man
da elpaso man
1 September, 2021 12:52 pm

@Kevin Alfred Strom

Where do you son of a bitch keep leaving my comments? Wanker!

I can enlighten you in this respect: The “love” of the Germans for you Americans does not come from wanting to resemble you at all costs, but from envying you half-educated people your (halfway permissive) “freedom of opinion”. Otherwise we wouldn’t give a damn about your “platforms”.

Reply to  da elpaso man
1 September, 2021 11:58 pm

I’ve seen the quality of your posts, “da elpaso man,” if KAS has moderated some of them into oblivion, chances are the comments are worthless– or even counter- productive.

Your enjoyment of American-based platforms such as National Vanguard is noted by your copious comments here, despite your admission about not giving a damn about it. How about trying other platforms where you may blow as hard, as loud, and as crude as you like without sensible moderation having to waste time on you?

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  JM/Iowa
2 September, 2021 6:18 pm

Kevin is too kind. This sort of worthless rabble would have been blocked entirely at with you there as one of WB’s mods. :o}

Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
2 September, 2021 9:59 pm

It’s necessary to watch out for and deal firmly with troublemakers to maintain the integrity of the National Alliance here and every platform under our control as well as internally within our organization. Kevin is a media master though, not a moderator and I believe he needs help in this area to take that burden off his shoulders so as to free him up for more important projects. Either way, it’s his decision to delegate responsibility in this matter and I’ll respect what he wants to do.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  JM/Iowa
3 September, 2021 10:26 pm

Jim Mathias: It’s necessary to watch out for and deal firmly with troublemakers to maintain the integrity of the National Alliance here and every platform under our control as well as internally within our organization. Kevin is a media master though, not a moderator... — Kevin is the National Alliance’s Media Director. Among his responsibilities he has had a free hand to run NV. I don’t know who he has moderating NV comments, if anbody, besides he and his wife Vanessa, but someone did not deal firmly in this instance. Troublemaker? This anonymous creep da elpaso man certainly fits into that category. The primary purpose of NV, ADV, and other Alliance media is to aid in Alliance-building. How does one build anything by allowing someone like that in his virtual… Read more »

da elpaso man
da elpaso man
1 September, 2021 1:23 pm

For the German people, the “Anglo-Saxons” are the absolutely worst “appendix” that has ever crawled out of their laps. We wish you had never existed. Because then we would never have been given over to annihilation.

LH Collins
LH Collins
Reply to  da elpaso man
2 September, 2021 7:57 am

As a born-and-bred Anglo-Saxon, I hope your daughters defile themselves with n1993rs and p@K1s. NEVER talk sh1t about my people, you subhuman tramp!

Jesse Gilbert
Jesse Gilbert
Reply to  LH Collins
2 September, 2021 4:30 pm

some black folk ok. My friend Gift in jail told me the truth:
Kamala Harris Group Sex Gang Bang UCLA Scandal?
Credible or Not? You Decide!  Help get the story out if you believe it…

And I need legal help from anywhere that willl help.

Reply to  LH Collins
5 September, 2021 6:00 am

What a strange rejoinder but who knows if the poster is German or not.

4 September, 2021 4:07 pm

Bob Whitaker made me laugh when he told me “the English are German who want to be French.” That goes back to William the Conqueror.

I don’t know why the Anglo-Saxon and German people have a history of hostility. The Angles and Saxons migrated to Britain in the same century. The Angles founded Angleland (England).

If Prussian officers came back in a time machine and saw their country occupied by the same government they fought for in North America, they would surely be remorseful.

German unionist were hated on the border states. German unionist traveling out of Texas were hunted down by Confederate posses. It didn’t end well for the former.

None of the above makes any sense to me. They’re pretty much the same people.