Smirkin’ Dr. Smirkin

by Arch Stanton
IT’S TIME once again for Arch Stanton’s – Theater – of – the – Absurd!
Today’s episode — Dr. Smirkin.
You just closed that billion-dollar deal, and boy are you feeling superior. But when you go to gloat, all you can manage is a sickly smile. You tried working on it in the mirror, but it’s always the same, just a wan, washed-out smile that says, “gee, I’m sorry you got hurt in the deal.” Pa-THET-ic!
What you need, my friend, is a smirk. You need the best smirk there is, the best smirk money can buy — you need a Jewish smirk. Whether you just shaved the goy herds for another cool billion or raped their daughters on your private island, you need that smirk that says — “and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it.”
Well now you can have it! You can have the smirk of your dreams, that Jewish smirk that marks the psychopath of distinction. For only $29.95 thousand dollars, Dr. Smirkin will use his magic surgical technique to paint that smirk of a lifetime on your face. After Dr. Smirkin puts a smirk on your face, everyone down at the club will be asking “I wonder what that cat just swallowed?”
Today only, Dr. Smirkin is reducing the price of his world famous Epstein Smirk to only $19.95 thousand dollars. That’s right, now you can smirk like Jeffrey Epstein for only $19.95 thousand dollars!
Just listen to the results:
Bill Clinton: “When I got into politics, all I could manage was a backwoods, ‘aw shucks’ kind of grin, but Dr. Smirkin’s famous cocaine smirk fixed that and now I smirk with the best of ’em.”
And ladies, you too can look smirkin’ hot!
Hillary Clinton: “After I ordered — I mean, after we ordered the attack on Libya, I was afraid I might appear weak, you know, timid, during the victory interview. So I went for Dr. Smirkin’s full, crazed, psycho makeover. I told Dr. Smirkin, ‘I want to look crazed, insane, I want people to cower in fear, shake with terror in my presence.’ And look at the results, now people are afraid to be alone in the room with me. Wow! All I can do is smirk!”
And for that deal-of-a-lifetime look, don’t forget to ask about Dr. Smirkin’s Nathan Rothschild, Battle of Waterloo, merde-eatin’ grin option. The grin that says, “It vass the bezt biznuss I effer did!”
You know you’ve been thinking about it; you know you want it. You want that smirk that says, “I’m a Jew too!” So why wait? Don’t delay, your smirk is just a text message away.
Dr. Smirkin is a board certified member of the Association of Smirking Surgeons.
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Source: Author
contact me when the price of the world famous Dr. Smirkin Epstein Smirk falls to only $14.88 thousand dollars….
Honestly, I sense that the price of the world famous Dr. Smirkin Epstein’s Smirk is worth much, much more.
Considering the potential for growth of Smirks in the foreseeable future, it’s probably closer to $6.66 million dollars.
cheers. again
Sieg, That is Heil ‘ larious!!! Let’s just call him “Angela Smirkel”, since it’s amazing how Angela Merkel (nee. Merkava) and the pictured Jew i. e. who we’ll just call “Smirkshitz / Rothsmirkerchild / Goldensmirk” etc., look nearly identical… I guess the Judenhut and David Hex – Star doesn’t fall too far from the barbed wire fence post between Angela Merkel and her Boy George Smirkel. Boy George Smirkel, wants you all to sing his hit song with him everbody!!! Kama, Kamaa, Kamaaa, Kamaaaa, Kamaaaaaa, Jew Chameleon, The Jew Reptile Amphibian, The Eternal Jewish Foreign Alien!!! I Trusted You With The Future Of My White Race, But My White Money Is All You Wanted To Sniff Under That Hook Nose With Fugly Decrepit Face. I Trusted You With My White… Read more »
Hallo mein bruder.
Great poem!
Sieg Heil.
Sieg Heil, Alles mein Bruderkin und Schwesterkin, und Dankerschön!!!
Anyways, I try my best… Your inspiration, life, and sarcasm inspires me… I just couldn’t help myself… I was thinking of something to type, just went from the heart and whatever popped in my head and went with the flow before I lost it and became stale again… Happens to me a lot :)-
I always found that comments with the most passionate energy and zest can inspire energy and zest in the appealing of others that stimulates brain chemistry via neurons to cells etc… So hopefully it will allow others to have a ‘Hitler – ific’ day with a smile.
Wie ignorant von mir. Bitte nehmen Sie meine aufrichtige Entschuldigung an. Meine Brüder UND Schwestern im schönen Deutschland.
(How ignorant of me. Please accept my sincere apologies. My brothers AND sisters in beautiful Germany.)
I hope the translation makes sense :)
Something between a smile and a smirk is OK but a snigger would seem inappropriate.
Perhaps he is a son of a lubavitch, related to Rabbi Sneerson.
That is one seriously creepy looking individual who would look right at home in a Zombie movie.
He’s creepier than Chuckie.
He probably was Chuckie, lol.
Actually, more like the “Troll (1986)”, and the Alien from Aliens.
Loved your post Arch Stanton, of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly fame. I snickered with a National Socialist grin all the way through.
Parasites have nothing to do but SUCK THE LIFE OUT OF THEIR HOSTS. It’s ALL they know how to do. It’s called SURVIVAL, and they don’t hold back one bit. Remember Leonidas from the 300 “GIVE THEM NOTHING, BUT TAKE FROM THEM EVERYTHING.” And therein lies the origin of that smirk. Now tell me ; don’t you all just wanna wipe that smirk from that snakeface and send it back home to Mamma ?
Reminds me of their British – Jewish Marvel comic characters @ “Joker” from Batman and @ “Green Goblin” from Spiderman, who were exacto personified… I guess by his demonic lookdown that the Jew – joke comedy (“Jewish Order Of The Schtick And The Divine Byzantine Latinus Comedy Of The British Israelite Christian Satyrical Cosplay Storytelling Against The Backwards Evils Of Our German White Aryan Power Ascension Into Civilization Throughout History”, Author: Nero Germanicus Caesar) is on me, but I don’t find it funny at all, but deadly serious and don’t like to be Hoodwinked… The “Joker” and “Green Goblin”, had same exact nose, skull, skin tone, physique, nappy curly hair etc., involved in the same criminal shady immoral deviant behavior as psychopaths and sociopaths… Funny how they always portray themselves… Read more »