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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 5 February, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY’S BROADCAST is an antitoxin, a preventative health measure against the poisonous lies that permeate our world and…
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Hey! Be checkin’ da smirk on dat Jew. If you’re like everyone else, you’ll want to know how people get that smarmy, Jew smirk. Read on! by Arch Stanton IT’S TIME once again for Arch Stanton’s – Theater – of – the – Absurd! Today’s episode — Dr. Smirkin. You just closed that billion-dollar deal,…
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36 hidden anti-Semites exposed; with new supplement TODAY WE PRESENT a way for every reader, every member of his family, and everyone with enough Bitcoin to afford printer ink, to educate himself and do his part to expose the hidden anti-Semites of American and European history: The Great Rotten Apples
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EssaysGuest opinion

THERE ARE THOSE, all of whom wear tinfoil hats for some reason, who believe Covid-1984 to be a hoax, little worse than a bad flu and the ensuing drastic constraints on previously inalienable freedoms to be part of a fiendish globalist plan. Nonsense, because a recent walk through my own town confirmed…
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Heroic crime-stopping window I’M SOMETIMES overwhelmed by how healthy the kosher corpse of my dead nation really is. It should be weeks, maybe years even, before it completely decomposes. In the meantime, we’re going to have a lot of fun with poison vaccines, foreign invasion, hyperinflation,…
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Uunona WE ARE currently facing a massive “surge” of an unbelievably deadly virus, which explains the piles of dead bodies rotting in the streets, the massive popular demand for a vaccine and our Semitic elites wearing hazmat suits and isolating themselves as much as possible. If you don’t…
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by Cholly Bilderberger (1980) DR. THOMAS BRADFORD SALTONSTALL, head of the Greater Pri­mates Training Center, at Stanford University, has finally an­nounced the imminent publication of Primates and Prejudice, and it is evidently the blockbuster which the scientific world has been awaiting for…
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WE’RE NOT going to find any common cause with a Jewish enemy who wants us all to die in pain and the dark inferiors they use as shock troops against us. This might seem obvious, but it’s still a stunning revelation for a large segment of the White population who sincerely believes we can somehow…
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by Survive the Jive IN THE MUSIC VIDEO for “Merry Christmas Everyone” by Welsh rock ‘n’ roll singer Shakin Stevens we see a clear example of the dormant Jungian Odinic archetype manifesting in popular culture. It begins with a towheaded Anglo-Saxon child boarding an aeroplane and flying to Hyperborea…
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The pathetic self-hate of the old American elite started early, as this 1980 satire makes clear. by Cholly Bilderberger BOOK-IN-SEARCH-OF-AN-AUTHOR (AND A PUBLISHER): Scion of a leading family somewhere on the Eastern Seaboard, Bannister Trumbull is troubled through his years at Groton and Harvard…
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