Andrew HamiltonPerspective

Trump Just Can’t Keep That Hand Down!

by Andrew Hamilton

I’VE BEEN seeing photographs of Trump for years, and never ceased to marvel at his insistence on publicly giving the Communist clenched fist (later “Black Power”) salute during his public appearances. He does it all the time.

Here he is at his recent June 2021 Ohio rally.

And here’s Winnie Mandela, Nelson Mandela, and Jewish Communist Joe Slovo giving the same salute after the overthrow of White South Africa.

Trump reminds me of the wheelchair-bound ex-“Nazi” nuclear scientist played by Jewish actor Peter Sellers in Jewish director Stanley Kubrick’s film Dr. Strangelove (1964). Strangelove (Sellers) had a black-gloved mechanical prosthetic arm he couldn’t control. He had to continually seize it with his left hand and force it down because it wanted to extend itself in a “Nazi” salute.

Trump has the same fetish — except in his case for Communist/Black Power signaling.

* * *

Source: Author

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Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
28 June, 2021 6:27 am

Like South Africa, The Republic is gone, replaced by a vibrant Democracy.

28 June, 2021 6:41 am

Zog fist…popping up everywhere like toadstools.Way over time to trample but do not eat.

28 June, 2021 10:03 am

Trump also has an even more nauseating habit of raising his hand up and making that index finger to thumb circle gesture with his 3 other fingers making that “666” alleged Illuminati signal. I have seen him do that particular gesture in every photo or televised video speech he has made since the 2016 campaign. I held my nose and voted for this guy twice, but I could not tolerate listening to him give a speech or do an interview. The guy has such a disjointed, convoluted, rambling manner of speaking that he seems to be unable to speak in a coherent, grammatically correct, or well thought out and prepared fashion. It often made me wonder if the guy’s brains had some kind of defect that interfered with his ability… Read more »

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
Reply to  Tucker
7 July, 2021 2:50 pm

I don’t find Trump to be particularly annoying, but I’m just tired of white people who are not Pro-White in general… but however seek all the goodies and perks of living off of white beauty, artistry, technology, science, etc.

28 June, 2021 12:21 pm

Trump really shafted White Americans by luring his supporters to Washington, how important it was for his supporters to be in Washington DC on Jan. 6th. What a trap he set for his White supporters, for the benefit of the Jew Communists. Now all White Americans are being labeled “domestic terrorists” because of what happened on Jan.6th. Trump knew the Jew Communist Deep State was going to make his supporters look like terrorists. That was the reason he lured his supporters to Washington. How important it was for Trump his supporters be in Washington on Jan. 6th. After he gave a speech to his supporters on Jan 6th in Washington, overwhelmingly White Americans in Washington that day to give Trump their support, Trump drove off and left his supporters to… Read more »

Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Joe
28 June, 2021 3:54 pm

Joe: … I hate Biden and Kamala, but I hate Trump even more for working behind the scenes IN ALLIANCE with JEW COMMUNISTS making sure we have president Biden with severe dementia and a die-hard COMMUNIST vice-president Kamala now and making sure White Americans will always be labeled from now on as “domestic terrorists”… — Tell us how you really feel, Joe. :o) You are not altogether wrong. You make clear that the democratic electoral process no longer works for the shrinking White American majority, at least not on the national level and in a growing number of states elections. Our National Alliance has the solution: racial separation — like-minded, racially responsible Whites withdrawing our consent to be governed by the current anti-White system. I liked New NA member Tom… Read more »

Reply to  Joe
30 June, 2021 8:29 pm

You’re absolutely right and I looked up Ivanka and I had no idea how despicable.. I knew I didn’t trust him after January 6th but I wasn’t sure why until now. Thank you for the insight

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
Reply to  Joe
7 July, 2021 3:16 pm

Donald Trump is not a Jew; he’s an adherent of Jewish Supremacy (but made the error of opposing Globalism in their eyes). Donald Trump is not a racist; he actually has a fetish for blacks (hanging out with many shady blacks, back when he was riding high as a NYC Democrat). Donald Trump is not “homophobic”; he has been at the vanguard of the homosexual movement from the very beginning, even outdoing the top Democrats in that area. The simple truth is that when we allow ourselves to be titillated by a Donald Trump… or even others who may say a few correct words from time to time like Ralph Nader or Tulsi Gabbard…it reflects just how marginalized we are. Hell, a non-white man just won “Miss Nevada” a few… Read more »

28 June, 2021 2:45 pm

I’m just going to tell you : Trump has been a complete and total disaster since January 6. What he is saying, in his words, is that we’re going to take back America, apparently by him running for reelection in 2024. This is insane. The election was stolen. The people who stole the election now have complete authoritarian control over every institution of power in the country, including every government institution. The only way Trump could win an election would be if the Democrats decided to let him win on purpose – which they are not going to do. It is just a waste of time. But instead we get a do-over of the fake election? That’s the plan? It is literally inexplicable. I simply do not understand this. How… Read more »

Reply to  Howard
28 June, 2021 7:26 pm

it doesnt work in their brains.They almost seem complicit in the stolen election as theres crickets i hear

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Howard
29 June, 2021 7:59 am

Hopium is a STRONG drug. Almost as strong as fear porn.

29 June, 2021 11:25 am

The problem with western Conservatard’s is that they hate the open Reds who hate them but never see the Trotskiists hidden in the Old Right because their own ‘Conservatism’ is so thoroughly Jewy through their kosher Christianity….most of their own children become Reds but stay as snobbish as their elders and see all whites as plebeian bigots-what could Trumpstein be but a Jew York snob? Christards themselves are Jewry’s eunuch snobs and no matter how sound on some things are eager wiggers. The ersatz ‘Far Right’ is also riven everywhere with Zionists like the British Israelites in England but the FN and AFD et al, are the same and things never evolve past the patriotardism Jewry uses in all its inter-goyim wars to cull us for its fancy fossil deity.… Read more »

Andrew Hamilton
Andrew Hamilton
29 June, 2021 12:24 pm

I first learned the story behind the Establishment’s use of the clenched fist salute from a 1970 article in the John Birch Society’s American Opinion magazine: “Clenched Fist: A History of the Communist Salute.” It contained many photographs of Black revolutionaries, Communists, and other Leftists with their arms raised and fists clenched. Jewish hate groups like the ADL and SPLC, and their police agency counterparts in government, obsess over White and right-wing symbols.  It is just as important for you to be aware of and track their symbols. The clenched fist is one of the most prominent of these. It should immediately trigger you. When you see someone like Trump using it all the time, that speaks volumes. Jews and the rest of the power structure would be screaming bloody… Read more »

JBS article.jpg
Reply to  Andrew Hamilton
30 June, 2021 7:52 am

Trump’s a Trotskiist Freemason like all Neo-Cons such as Thatcher…his Germanophobia is very telling-this clenched fist is everywhere since 1945.

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
29 June, 2021 4:40 pm

My wife and I have despised this arrogant fraud with funny hair ever since we first saw snippets of Jew-promoted ads promoting the race traitor in his “reality television program,” The Apprentice. I have 18 pages of details of things he said and did since he was on the campaign trail. From the time I began to keep track of this wretched man’s speeches, tweets and policies, he has never shown himself to be anything but a Jew-serving, Black-appeasing, anti-White liar and hypocrite. Right up to his last day in office, this shameless and despicable man showed whose interests he had served all along. At the very end of his final full day in office, this pitiful traitor exercised his clemency power, offering 73 pardons and 73 commutations. The list… Read more »

Reply to  Mike Mann
30 June, 2021 7:50 am

Certainly misogynist Anglin of the DS is a Christard but that is inevitable.

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
Reply to  Stefan
30 June, 2021 3:20 pm

Anglin is one of many useful idiots that mixes some truth about Jews and Blacks while promoting a religion that is being used to destroy us. If Christians only read their Bible, they would learn that it was put together to serve one race: the Jews. The Bible reminds me of another book that was in a Twilight Zone episode in the early 1960s that was titled “To Serve Man.” In the episode, a race of aliens comes to Earth with a promise “to provide humanitarian aid by sharing their advanced technology.” The aliens brought with them a book in a language that is foreign to humans. The creatures establish “embassies in every major city on Earth” and manage to disband the U.S. Armed Forces, because “world peace” had been… Read more »

Reply to  Mike Mann
1 July, 2021 4:01 am

He’s a mental captive of Christardism and therefore of Auernheimer who is a mental captive of Judaism…some anti-semitic Christards are Naziphile but most are like the Commies who love brown Arabs more than the off-white or paleface Juden…it’s a vintage narrative few can withstand. He is readable and witty but veered far from Total Fascism as was inevitable…the misogyny is clearly a reaction to Feminism he’s grounding in biblicalism…he is simply not a National-Socialist and still does live in the post-war Americana of regret exactly like the Britards who worship Powell or even worse, Churchill…his pessimism is of course prophetic fatalism. The only nostalgia justifiable is for the right side- the Axis, and I can think of no one who has done more in the Anglosphere or indeed Europoid world… Read more »

30 June, 2021 3:23 pm

“Trump Just Can’t Keep That Hand Down!”
he just cant stop being a jew …

Thomas Cole
Thomas Cole
30 June, 2021 8:02 pm

We are still talking about that clown, aren’t we…

4 July, 2021 11:14 pm

Now I understand what Eustace Mullins meant when he said that America is ruled by Communists on both sides of the political spectrum. One side for China and the other for Zionist Israhell.

5 July, 2021 12:38 am

It’s just another in a long list of expressions, verbal or physical, of how sickeningly DUMB…he is.