
Jew-Promoted Childlessness on the Rise in Scandinavia, Rest of Europe, and U.S.

Childlessness is becoming increasingly common in Scandinavia, according to new research.

A STUDY by the Denmark-based Rockwool Foundation revealed that fertility rates in northern Europe are largely declining. Not only are couples having fewer children on average, but there is a distinct increase in the number of people who go through life without ever having children at all.

The research found that women born in the decade up to the year 1988 are expected to have an average of 1.82 children, a drop from the figure of 1.92 children per woman seen in females born in the ten years up to 1978.

According to the study’s projection’s, 21 per cent of women born in 1988 are likely to end up childless by the age of 45 compared to just 17 per cent of women born ten years earlier.

These figures echo findings reported by Newsweek last month in a piece on America’s falling fertility rate, which revealed that current trends mean many of today’s young women will end up involuntarily childless. The latest government figures in the United Kingdom, released this week, also show a similar picture, with fertility rates at their lowest since before the Second World War, and a third of births in the country coming to foreign-born mothers.

The Jewish-dominated global liberal establishment of academics, politicians and much of the mainstream media hail dropping fertility rates across the first world as a “success story” of so-called “reproductive rights” — abortion-on-demand and mass contraception use — and an increase in women having to go to work due to shifting economic realities.

However, the research shows that while around 25 per cent of women born in the 1990s are likely to end up childless, less than five per cent of today’s young women say they don’t actually want to have any children — meaning many, perhaps millions, will be left disappointed by missing out on the families they would have wanted.

Commenting on a “shocking loss” of sixteen million fewer children born across two decades than would have been the case if birthrates remained at their 2007 levels”, Lyman Stone and W. Bradford Wilcox write: “What many don’t realize is that, today, women are more likely to report that they didn’t have as many children as they wished to have — not that they had more children than they wished.”

“Indeed, the average number of children women in the U.S. report desiring is actually rising slightly, to more than two children”, remark the authors.

Stone and Wilcox, who are Fellows at the Institute for Family Studies, go on to assert that “births are falling because many women of childbearing age are concerned about the economic and social difficulties now associated with parenthood”.

“They are especially worried about the financial costs of having a child, the enormous time demands of parenting and the state of the economy, according to a survey of 1,300 reproductive-age American women we sponsored in April,” the pair notes. Kevin Alfred Strom of the National Alliance states that “Jewish-promoted feminism is a huge factor in the falling birthrates, and so is the massive psychological harm that has been induced in White people made to feel worthless by half a century of anti-White propaganda in the schools and the media.”

Recent research published in the Lancet found that dropping fertility rates will result in 23 countries, including Spain and Japan, seeing their populations drop by more than half by 2100.

Meanwhile, projections show the population of sub-Saharan Africa is set to treble to over three billion people by the end of this century. Widely covered in the international media, outlets such as the BBC trumpeted the findings as evidence Western countries would have “no choice” but to open their borders to millions of African migrants.

Emerging Europe took a particularly strong line on this, attacking Hungary and Poland for using financial incentives to support families to have more children rather than mass, third world immigration to offset an ageing population.

According to the media outlet, which is funded by the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office along with banks and multinational corporations, such policies are not only “less effective” than open borders, allegedly, but are offensive in that they “reinforc[e] the outdated notion that the role of women is to be mothers”.

Supporting women to have children is a “problematic and patriarchal assumption of women’s role in society,” writes Portia Kentish, insisting that “instead, the solution lies in a liberal immigration policy”.

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Source: Breitbart and National Vanguard correspondents

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Franklin Ryckaert
Franklin Ryckaert
31 July, 2020 5:40 am

<i>”…Supporting women to have children is a “problematic and patriarchal assumption of women’s role in society,” writes Portia Kentish, insisting that “instead, the solution lies in a liberal immigration policy…”</i>

Well yes, so let us spread that idea in the Third World, especially black Africa. No more children for black Africans. That will solve their economic problems and thus the need to emigrate.

31 July, 2020 7:04 pm

Kalergi Plan 101.

4 August, 2020 6:18 pm

Eastern Europe is our only hope at this point, bar a massive fertility explosion among Generation Z whites. Being a member of that generation, I want as many children as God will give me. Let’s hope and pray that I find a wife who wants the same. The more who desire what I do, and fight to have it, the better our future will look.

Reply to  Vlad_Dracula
5 August, 2020 3:38 pm

Perhaps start an action group in your community, you never know, you might be suprised by how many think the same.

Reply to  Vlad_Dracula
28 November, 2023 11:39 pm

We really do need to organize better, all buy land in the same area etc.. it would make things so much easier. I don’t know where to even start… without coming across as weird, people questioning my motives, or ending up meeting the wrong people.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Tracy
29 November, 2023 9:42 am

As part of both the Cosmotheist community and the National Alliance, I can tell you that we are not only organized, but also vet one another to keep the “wrong people” out. With that Tracy, I question your motives here. What are you seeking? Can you fit in to our program of Building a New White World? Do you believe in bringing something to a community and contributing? Many here stop by to chat about what was or what they want from someone else to provide, and unfortunately want to do nothing else.