
Peopling the Motherland

putin_and_childrenRUSSIAN STATE advertising promoting the birth of more White children emerged in May of 2006, when Vladimir Putin began to make Russia’s demographic crisis Problem Number One. A year prior, the net human decrease in this country amounted to an alarming six hundred thousand people. At this rate, Russia is projected to lose 11 million people by 2025. Not unlike the case of “heroic mothers” of the past, he proposed to reverse depopulation pragmatically: better social services for new mothers, additional funding for multi-child families, a substantial amount of capital in the form of investments into children’s future education, and so on.

Putin’s critics immediately suggested that women might start reproducing out of greed, and they argued that Putin’s programs would lead to misleading short-term population boosts. Furthermore, they urged the government to address the poor health of the aging population, particularly men, whose life expectancy is at least a decade less than that of men in Western Europe and North America.

In 2008, Russia’s pro-natalism resulted in record birth rates—the highest since the Soviet Union’s collapse. However, while these measures have been covered by the media, two crucial aspects of Putin’s plan have been consistently ignored. First, this plan involves a significant cultural initiative which feeds into Russian traditions and contemporary advertising methods alike. Most important, this plan specifically targets people of European descent.

My temporary relocation to Moscow to conduct dissertation research has given me the opportunity to observe this sweeping initiative “live.” In general, the state offers its citizens cultural celebrations, secular federal and Eastern Orthodox Christian holidays, soccer matches, city jubilees, historic blockbuster films, military parades—all in the name of the Motherland. Russians are left with a sense of a glorious past—the kind of past that Western and American academic and government institutions are constantly telling us is outdated and oppressive.

More specifically, Russians are also rather conservative when it comes to marriage and children, despite the high divorce rate. So, it’s not surprising that the subjects of demographics, child rearing, a woman’s traditional role in the home, and even adoptions and surrogate motherhood receive extensive coverage in countless television miniseries, soaps, silly gossip talk shows, serious political programs, and “public service” advertising on major state-funded channels. For example, eligible bachelorettes and bachelors on a popular award-winning show “Let’s Get Married!” on state channel 1 systematically mention a multi-child family as their primary goal for resorting to television dating.

Yet, the most explicit pro-natalist messages appear within the confines of the 75-year old architectural wonder of the world—the Moscow metro system. This type of advertising grabs the attention of over six million people (90% of users), according to the recent study conducted by TNS Gallup Media. Long escalator rides deep underground and even longer commutes across the city make billboards on walls and posters inside trains simply unavoidable.

pro-natalism 2 smOne frequently encountered advertisements featuring colorful matryoshka nesting dolls and reads, “’Love for the Motherland begins with family’—F. Bacon.”

pro-natalism 3 smAnother billboard is a photograph of good-looking European grandparents, parents, and children enjoying the outdoors together and captioned with, “’Family is one of nature’s masterpieces’—Philosopher George Santayana.” The most distinct feature of both ads is the fact that they don’t simply depict happy nuclear families, but, rather, emphasize genetic and historic continuity through multi-generational family “clans.”

pro-natalism1 b smThe most overt image in this campaign states that “The country needs our records. Every minute, three people are born in Russia” and shows a young Slavic woman holding three blond, blue-eyed babies. While enormous Moscow is quite multiethnic, here, too, the government’s demographic target market is very clear.

The meaning of the somewhat shaded wording of the poster’s first sentence — in case you don’t get it like the Russians get it — is this: “Our nation needs us to set records in bringing Russian children into the world.” One anti-Russian blogger, the Jew Kim Zigfeld, says the poster is “totally shameless, barbaric racism” and tells us that the billboard is really saying: “Lots of babies are being born in Russia, and way too many with dark skin. What are you going to do about it, white woman?”

Whether this country’s current pro-natalist experiment, in conjunction with the recent anti-alcohol and anti-smoking campaigns, achieves significant results remains to be seen. But for those concerned with the “Death of West,” some comfort can be found in the fact that what is taboo in western Europe and America is a national priority in the Motherland.

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Source: Taki’s Magazine and NV correspondents

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Alois Walken
Alois Walken
12 December, 2015 7:28 pm

Now THIS is beautiful. It’s one of those things that almost make me wish I was born Russian–they are conscientious and moral, whereas while my America is indeed very moral, we are anything but conscientious. If these posters and policies were enacted in America they’d be considered anti-feminist, racist, etc.

Perhaps soon with the likes of Donald Trump America can be more like Russia, then I can actually be proud of modern America rather than ashamed.

13 December, 2015 7:09 am

God bless the Russians

Who ever the men and women are who are doing the leg work for this campaign, for Russian children.

God bless them

It would be a pleasure to get their auto graphs, Putin has put together a good team for this mission.

Share the dream
Nova Europa

My life for my People
Semper Fi

14 December, 2015 10:27 am

Lol. “Owing” to that programme, the number of non-whites surged dramatically, especially in the Caucasus region.

Hamill Legister
Hamill Legister
Reply to  dalex
14 December, 2015 10:36 am

Dalex —

Where can I read about the dramatic increase in non-Whites in the Caucasus region? Also, where can I read about the link between this program and the non-White increase?

Do you think the program was intended to decrease the White population? If so, why were all of these ads exhorting women to have large families apparently directed to White women? Can you show me any that weren’t?

Thanks for your time.

Reply to  Hamill Legister
15 December, 2015 7:55 am

1. Here under “Demographics, birth rates, White Slav population displacement”. There is a good selection of articles etc on that matter. 2. That program was aimed at raising the birthrate regardless of ethnicity, race whatsoever. Taking into account poverty, unemployment, low IQs, traditions and wild behavior (sounds familiar, right?) in non-White regions (especially in the Northern Caucasus), it’s not hard to imagine what the impact of that program was there, making the general situation in Russia even more problematic. Btw, some children at the first pic look a bit mongrel as well as the woman on the last pic (she definitely has some Northern Caucasus roots, I know what I’m talking about). Race mixing in Russia has been taking place for centuries and see what we get. I have… Read more »

George Wright
George Wright
17 December, 2015 2:21 pm

Hope this initiative is a great success. White nations throughout Europe could learn a valuable lesson here.