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White Fertility and the Very Jewy Promotion of Cannabis
by B.E. Clover THEODORE KACZYNSKI ONCE SAID, “Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness. Science fiction? It is already happening to some extent in our own society. Instead of removing the conditions…

Jew-Promoted Childlessness on the Rise in Scandinavia, Rest of Europe, and U.S.
Childlessness is becoming increasingly common in Scandinavia, according to new research. A STUDY by the Denmark-based Rockwool Foundation revealed that fertility rates in northern Europe are largely declining. Not only are couples having fewer children on average, but there is a distinct increase…

Birth Control in Drinking Water: A Fertility Catastrophe in the Making?
Fish struggle to fertilize eggs three generations after exposure to contraceptive hormone, raising questions about the effects on humans. A RECENT REPORT from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) found that birth-control hormones excreted by women, flushed into waterways and eventually into drinking…

How Europe’s Demographic Winter Can Be Reversed
An eye-opening article that suggests that cheap housing for young Europeans — something instituted by the German National Socialists — would go a long way toward increasing White birth rates. What the author should have added, however, is that access to such housing should be restricted…

The Demographic Catastrophe of Europe
THERE IS NOT a single European (or western, for that matter) country with positive birth rate. This means that there is mathematical certainty that European people will disappear, if they do not change their behavior and have more children. This means that White people will disappear even if immigration…

Whites, The New Visible Minority
White Europeans have a new reality to confront; like the African elephant, once powerful in the animal world, we risk being wiped out as a species. The great question now to be answered is whether we’ll realize what’s happening before it’s too late to do anything about it. by Eric…

Worse Than the Black Death? The “Second Demographic Transition”
This article should be read in conjunction with my brief essay “On Family” (2014). by Andrew Hamilton IN THE 1300s, the Black Death (bubonic plague), possibly history’s greatest demographic catastrophe, killed between 30 to 60 percent of the earth’s White population within a few short years.[1]…

Italy: Anti-White Feminists React to Fertility Day With Hate and Rage
What the Jews and “feminists” really hate is White children. ALTHOUGH ITALY’S birthrate is well below replacement level, radical feminists have attacked the country’s Fertility Day campaign to encourage women to have more children, comparing it to Mussolini’s Fascist government.…

Replacement Migration
by Andrew Hamilton
“Demographic theory, and numerous simulations, have already shown that immigration cannot compensate for population ageing except with flows so large as to hugely increase population growth and rapidly replace the existing population with a foreign one — ‘replacement migration’…

The Importance of Population Structure and Dynamics
by Andrew Hamilton IN TRYING to conceptualize what a current, or indeed ongoing, global head count of Whites would look like (no such reliable enumeration exists), it is imperative to keep in mind the age structure and reproductive profile of whatever population exists, as well as the dynamics of rapid…