
Who Killed John Kennedy?

This piece was written in 1988-89 by Ben Klassen, the founder of Creativity, a racial religion for White people. While some of it is speculation, the power dynamics described cannot be ignored. There are omissions (which may be due to some facts not yet having come to light when it was written) such as the Kennedy administration opposing Israel’s acquisition of nuclear weapons. And the idea that Kennedy’s re-issuance of United States notes led to his assassination has been widely criticized (though we all should become familiar with the difference between honest money and the very Jewish usury of the Federal Reserve). Mr. Klassen’s subheading for the article was his answer to the question he posed in the title: “No big mystery to those who understand the murderous Mossad, the nature of the sinister Jewish power establishment behind it, and to those few of us who have the guts to tell it as it is.”

by Ben Klassen

LAST November 22, my wife and I celebrated our forty-second wedding anniversary, and we did so in the company of our children and grandchildren on a special vacation at Disney World. On that same day, the world widely acclaimed and publicized the anniversary of the criminal assassination of the then young and glamourous President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, shot down in cold blood in the streets of Dallas twenty-five years earlier. Numerous feature articles appeared in newspapers, tabloids, and on television screens commemorating that fateful day. But after 25 years, the mystery of who shot Kennedy on November 22, 1963, seemingly still remains unsolved and beclouded. Numerous theories, mostly bizarre and off the mark, still swirl around that historic and dastardly deed.

I remember that day well, as undoubtedly do millions of others who were then old enough to realize the shock and impact of that foul crime. When my 12-year-old daughter came home from school that day, the first thing she said was “Boy! those Republicans don’t fool around, do they?” True, her assessment may have been premature and somewhat naïve, but perhaps no more so than the numerous theories and conclusions floating around in the minds of the vast majority of the American public today, and certainly it was no more wild than the official conclusion put out by the Warren Commission that was quickly set up to whitewash and confuse the whole criminal affair. After months of “investigation” the commission managed to so contrive the “evidence” that it would support the conclusion they wanted to project even before they started the expensive and long drawn out probe; namely, that it was nothing more than one lone, erratic nut — Lee Harvey Oswald — who did the job, all by his impulsive little lonesome.

Despite the massive propaganda barrage that the Jews have slopped on us for the last 25 years, the American public and the world at large still won’t buy that ridiculous explanation. In fact, at the time of the 25th anniversary in 1988 there was not only widespread coverage recalling the event, but there were also a number of public opinion polls taken as to what the public believed or did not believe about the Warren Commission’s official verdict. The Orlando Sentinel ran one such poll in their column called “Sound Off.” Of the 2039 callers who answered their key question — “Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone in assassinating President John F. Kennedy?” — 1,890 callers (93 per cent) said they did not believe it. This was 25 years later, and after the prestigious Warren Commission, which had spent months on its “investigation,” saying that a lone nut was responsible and that was all — that there was no conspiracy! When this did not wash with the American public, the Rockefeller Commission was set up later to again investigate and whitewash the same affair, to try to shore up the public’s confidence in the Warren lie. When this still did not do the job, years later the House Select Committee on Assassinations was set up, headed by a capable lawyer named Richard Sprague. When it seemed he might be coming too close to the facts, the CIA and FBI decided to have him sacked. The CIA took over and the cover-up of the crime proceeded, grinding out the same impossible and ridiculously stupid conclusion that the Warren Commission produced. That the public still didn’t believe it was shown by numerous polls conducted at that time and during the ensuing years. Today, after numerous books and thousands of articles and “documentaries” by the Jewish press, the public at large and the world as a whole overwhelmingly rejects the ridiculous conclusion that “there was no conspiracy,” as is shown by the Orlando Sentinel poll (93 percent rejection) and numerous other polls.

Although the American public is extremely gullible and will swallow most of the lies slopped upon it by the Jewish propaganda machine (such as the Holohoax) evidently the “official” Warren Commission lie is just too, too much for even the gullible American public to accept. And there is good and sufficient reason why such an outright and blatant lie cannot and will not wash, as we shall see. But whereas the American public will not buy the lone nut, no conspiracy story, it still remains hopelessly confused as to who did do it, and as to why Kennedy was assassinated.

Before we go into the who and the why, let us briefly review the known and accepted events of that fateful episode that in a few brief moments changed the course of American and world history.

On November 22, 1963, John Kennedy, in the company of his glamorous wife Jacqueline, was riding in an open motorcade through the streets of Dallas, ostensibly to shore up his sagging political image. As he was riding through Dealy Plaza and past the Texas School Book Depository Building, at 12:30 PM, shots suddenly rang out. Governor John Connally, who was riding in the same car in a seat in front of Kennedy was severely wounded. John Kennedy, whose brains were blown out by one of the shots, was pronounced dead on arrival at the Parkland Hospital, to which the car was rushed.

Lee Harvey Oswald, a drifter and nonentity without means, had evidently been carefully coached and set up by the conspirators to play the part of the fall guy. He was seen running out of the Texas School Book Depository Building, and a Dallas policeman by the name of J.D. Tippit, who tried to arrest Oswald shortly thereafter, was shot and killed in the act. Presumably he was killed by Oswald, but even this conclusion is questionable. Shortly thereafter Oswald was captured and taken into custody.

The Kennedy assassination cover-up is undoubtedly the most complex and pervasive Jewish hoax since Christianity and the Holohoax.

He was promptly questioned by seven FBI agents for 12 hours. Forty-seven hours after Kennedy was shot, while in the custody of Federal agents and being transferred in a passageway beneath the Dallas police building, Oswald himself was gunned down by a Jewish night club operator named Jack Ruby (real name, Jacob Rubenstein). This was done in broad daylight in full view of the television cameras, and thereby instantly was destroyed a highly visible but unstable light on the conspiracy. He was, however, only one of 29 people who were connected with the conspiracy that were to die prematurely and violently under mysterious circumstances, as we shall see.

Lyndon B. Johnson, Vice President under Kennedy, was quickly sworn in as President during the flight back from Dallas to Washington. Contrary to all legal procedures and to the laws of Texas, Kennedy’s body was also flown to Washington and taken out of the jurisdiction of the Texas authorities. Also removed from Texas jurisdiction was the investigation of this foul crime. Lyndon Johnson quickly curtailed the investigation, and bypassed independent Texas authorities who had prime legal jurisdiction, by appointing the Warren Commission as the sole authority to do the job. Seemingly this was done because the crime was of such magnitude that the usual authorities who should have had legal jurisdiction (the Dallas police, the State of Texas) were too minor to be entrusted with such a major crime. Actually, the real reason, as we shall see, was so that the cover-up could be contained and controlled in one highly selective package, a package carefully stacked so that it could be trusted to do just what it did do — to not investigate the crime at all, but on the contrary, to cover it up.

The Warren Commission, headed by Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren, took over all aspects of the investigation and barred all other authorities who had prior and legal right to do so. In this it was backed up by the controlled Jewish press, by the FBI, and by the CIA. In fact, it became a willing tool of these latter two federal agencies and did as it was told.

The story of the cover-up was long and odious, and unfortunately, we cannot cover all the details of its many dubious procedures, nor can we fully review its preconceived conclusion that it contrived to report in thousands of pages. Let me repeat that after all the massive propaganda it received, despite volumes of lies sworn to by the FBI and the CIA, the fact remains that after 25 years, even a highly gullible American public does not believe the Commission’s ridiculous and impossible fairy tale.

Basically, the conclusions the Warren Commission reported were these:

(a) There was no conspiracy.
(b) Lee Harvey Oswald, a lone nut, did it all by himself. He fired all the shots that killed Kennedy and wounded Governor Connally from a sixth story window of the Texas School Book Depository building.
(c) This consisted of only three shots fired from a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle made in Italy.

There is more, much more, thousands of pages of garbage, that is the story put out by the Warren Commission. It was the conclusion they were determined to foist on the public before they ever even started gathering “facts” and “information,” and they stuck with it to the bitter end, either ignoring or twisting any evidence that did not fit their preconceived “conclusion.” The story is so wild that it could easily fit into our series of The Wildest Stories Ever Told.

No wonder. The authors have a common mentor – the Jewish power establishment. Also, no wonder that after 25 years and massive doses of lies and propaganda, the overwhelming majority of the American public still won’t buy it.

Here are some of the strange and bizarre antics and episodes that occurred during this blatant crime and fraudulent cover-up.

  • Although the alleged key culprit, Lee Harvey Oswald, was questioned by seven FBI operatives for twelve hours, the transcripts of the interrogations were burned and destroyed forever.
  • Oswald was murdered within 47 hours of the assassination by Jack Ruby, a sleazy pimp and himself a paid operative of the FBI. This he was ostensibly able (allowed) to do while Oswald was in the custody and “protection” of Federal agents.
  • In order to make sure that Jack Ruby would not later recant and spill the beans, he conveniently “died of cancer” while in prison awaiting trial.
  • None of Oswald’s fingerprints were on the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle with which he was accused of shooting the President. Since he was rushed out of the Depository building immediately after the president was shot, he would hardly have had the time to clean it up.
  • Although Oswald was known to be a poor marksman with a rifle (several months earlier April 6, 1963, to be exact, he had taken a shot at right-wing Major General Edwin Walker and missed) yet the Warren Commission credited him with the miraculous feat of inflicting eight different wounds on President Kennedy and Governor John Connally within six seconds from a distance of more than 200 feet and at an angle that would have taxed the professional skills of even the world’s most expert marksman.
  • One of these bullets was credited by the Warren Commission as having followed this most amazing route: It supposedly went through President Kennedy’s back and came out of his neck, then went through Gov. Connally’s back and out of his wrist into his leg. Now, man, that is some shooting! Strangely, this same alleged bullet was then accidentally found lying on the floor of the Parkland Hospital where the victims were taken. When “discovered,” this magic bullet was found to be clean as a whistle, unscarred and unmashed, even though it supposedly had traversed and shattered ribs, wrists and other bones in its most remarkable trajectory. Would you believe?
  • The Warren report blandly stated that “No credible evidence suggests that the shots were fired from any other place than the Texas School Depository Building.” This despite the fact that the Commission knew the names of at least 266 witnesses present at the scene of the crime. Of these, two hundred and fifty-nine were able to testify before the Dallas police, the Dallas Sheriff’s Department, the FBI, or the Secret Service. In the case of 68 persons interviewed or called as witnesses, the law enforcement interrogators “forgot” to ask where they thought the shots came from. Of the 90 who were asked this important question, 58 said that the shots came from the grassy knoll (in front of the motorcade) and not from The Texas Book Depository Building (behind the motorcade). Strangely, most of the 32 who disagreed about the shots coming from the grassy knoll were government officials, their wives, or aides. Nevertheless, even ignoring coercion or bribery of such officials, two thirds of the witnesses affirmed they believed the shots came from the grassy knoll in front of the motorcade, a very important piece of evidentiary information the Commission chose to completely ignore. We will have more to say about this later.

Allen Dulles, CIA Director during the Kennedy investigation, is quoted as saying that, after all, the CIA would “lie about anything, at any time, and to anyone.”

  • There was one individual spectator, a man by the name of Zapruder, who happened to film the motorcade at the time of the shooting, using an 8mm movie camera. Since this was hard evidence that could refute the conclusions desired by the conspirators, the CIA moved quickly to appropriate the film.
  • Life magazine in its October 2, 1964 issue, ran an article by then-Rep. Gerald R. Ford (R-Michigan), who was a member of the Warren Commission. In this article, it ran eight pictures of critical frames from the Zapruder film, including frame number 6 which showed blood and brains spurting upward from the head of Kennedy. Evidently Life had committed an unforgivable error that could have run counter to the establishment’s narrative. The presses were stopped in mid-run and a new number 6 picture was substituted, which merely showed the president slumped over. Someone from higher up evidently gave the order. When a keen reporter (who had a copy of both issues), years later, tried to obtain an explanation from Life, the management blandly denied that there had been a switch or that there had been two versions.
  • Nitrate tests exonerated Lee Harvey Oswald from having fired a rifle November 22, but this evidence was suppressed.
  • Oswald vehemently denied that he had shot anybody, but because he evidently had much more he could tell, he was quickly murdered and removed from the picture.
  • Oswald was questioned by a federal agent back in August 1963, but the notes were later burned.
  • X-ray and autopsy pictures of the dead president have been concealed from the public to this day.
  • The Warren Commission claims that only three shots were fired and all came from Oswald’s Mannlicher-Carcano rifle. Two of these shots were fired within 1.2 seconds (according to the Commission as evidenced by the Zapruder film). Officials of the Mannlicher Steyr factory in Italy found this most flattering, but stated that the time lapse between shots from their rifle had never been less than 2.3 seconds.
  • When a newspaper in Spain (La Voz de Espana) printed that story and it was brought to the attention of the Senate press gallery, one of the pressmen (an agent of the CIA) asked if he could have the copy to photocopy it. It was “accidentally” destroyed. When the same individual who had dug up this issue tried to get another copy from the Spanish newspaper, he was told that they happened to have ample copies of every issue except that one particular issue. It had disappeared.
  • During Kennedy’s autopsy, his brain (what was left of it) was removed and placed in a stainless steel container with formalin. This chemical “sets” the brain tissue so it can be sliced and examined. It was placed in the National Archives, under lock and key.

Some years later, neutron activation tests were perfected. These remarkable tests could accurately tell, for instance, by taking one hair from Napoleon’s head, how much arsenic had been given to him to cause his death. They could also be used to tell whether Kennedy had been shot from the front or the back. When forensic pathologists went to the National Archives to try to conduct just such tests and settle once and for all the question of from which direction had he been shot, JFK’s brain had disappeared from the archives. To this day, nobody knows where it is (officially).

That the conspirators were determined to suppress the real information at all costs was evidenced by the fact that it was apparently dangerous to know too much about the crime. Such people as Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby met violent and untimely deaths. Both of them were part of the conspiracy, and neither apparently could be trusted not to blow the whistle. But they were only two out of a string of at least 29 people who had some knowledge of the conspiracy and who, over a period of years, died under mysterious and violent circumstances. These murders, too, had to be covered up in an ever-widening circle of complications. That the conspirators, whoever they were, or are, have been able to successfully do so over the last 25 years proves more than anything else that the conspiracy is not only determined and pervasive, but also tremendously powerful. Here are a few of those that met with an untimely death because they knew too much:

  • Dorothy Kilgallen, a nationally known syndicated columnist and television personality, personally interviewed Jack Ruby during the latter’s trial for killing Oswald. She then made the mistake of telling her make-up man that she was going to “break the Kennedy assassination wide open within five days.” Three days later, November 8, 1965, she was found dead in her apartment.
  • Gary Underhill, a CIA agent, told friends he knew who killed Kennedy, and that he was sure that they would soon get him (Underhill) also. On May 8, 1964, Underhill was shot to death in Washington
  • William Pitzer, a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, had photographed the military-performed autopsy of JFK’s body, He told friends he had been ordered to keep quiet about what he saw and did so for years. Nevertheless, he was found dead with a bullet in his head on October 29, 1966.
  • Carlos Prio Socarras, formerly a sometime president of Cuba and at one time a business associate of Jack Ruby, died on April 15, 1977, of what was declared “a self-inflicted gunshot wound” to the chest.
  • Joseph A. Milteer, who was identified by Miami Police as a “right-wing extremist,” was secretly taped by Florida lawmen accurately describing how Kennedy would be assassinated. This he did 13 days before the event. On February 9, 1974, a Coleman stove blew up in his bathroom. He died two weeks later, but the mortician who saw the body said the burns were not sufficient to cause his death.
  • David Ferrie was a CIA contract pilot who flew secret missions into Cuba. New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison, in a trial, questioned the flier, implying that Ferrie had flown the real killers out of Dallas and into Cuba immediately after the assassination. On February 21, 1967, a month after the questioning, David Ferrie was found dead in his apartment, shot in the heart.

There are more detailed stories easily available of people who knew too much and consequently died an untimely, violent death under mysterious circumstances. However, we do not have the space here to pursue each case. I believe, however, that I have cited sufficient examples to show that the conspirators, whoever they might be, are powerful, are ruthless killers, and will leave no stone unturned in suppressing any evidence which they suspect might surface to blow their conspiracy.

The heart of the story

We now come to the heart of the story: Who might these conspirators be? We have clearly established that there was a widespread conspiracy, planned long before its execution on November 22, 1963. More importantly, the evidence further strongly indicates that there was a vast cover-up, and it, too, was meticulously planned long before the Warren Commission was set up to whitewash the real conspirators and blame the “lone nut,” Oswald, who was a naïve patsy and a small cog in the operation. Of that there is no doubt. Oswald was not the main instigator of the huge plot, nor is it likely that he even so much as fired a shot. Then who did? Moreover, who was powerful enough to successfully carry out a pervasive cover-up that spread not only throughout the nerve centers of power in this country but even to the press and power centers of foreign countries as well?

There are any number of individuals or groups who would have had motives to kill Kennedy, and perhaps would also have had the means to do so. After all, any man, no matter how well protected, is vulnerable to the assassin’s bullet, as has been proved more recently in that President Reagan was shot at and hit, as also was Pope John Paul II and a number of other highly protected individuals. From time to time, a considerable number have been mentioned as possible suspects in the killing of Kennedy, people and parties who had both the means and the motive:

  • Fidel Castro, because there was information out that the U.S. was going to liquidate him.
  • The Anti-Castro groups, because Kennedy betrayed them in the Bay of Pigs fiasco.
  • The Kremlin and the KGB, because of the missile crisis and other frictions, had the motive — and the means.
  • The list that had been brought up at one time or another is almost endless. For one reason or another the following have also been mentioned: The CIA, the FBI, Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, H.L. Hunt, E. Howard Hunt, Howard Hughes, Aristotle Onassis, David Rockefeller, and even Jacqueline Kennedy.

Each one of these, it has been argued, could have conceivably had some motive to see Kennedy dead. There is one major test, however, that none of these could possibly meet, and that is the all-pervasive power in the press, in the political field, in the judicial field (and several other major areas) to plan and stage a successful cover-up, something the conspirators have more or less succeeded in doing for the last twenty-five years.

Who could possibly have the power to do this? Who could stop the presses of Life magazine in mid-run and change pictures? Who could yank a Supreme Court Justice out of his routine and put him at the head of a whitewash committee?

Who could command the whole news media to consistently support a blatant and transparent lie, claiming that there was no conspiracy? Who would tell the Mannlicher-Carcano Corporation and its employees, even in Italy, to keep their mouths shut? Who could possibly murder at least 29 other people who knew too much and get away with it?

The Spotlight newspaper, in a series of articles compiled over a period of years and put together in a book called J.F.K.: The Mystery Unraveled, asks similar questions, but then at the very end it gets cold feet and cops out by leaving the question unanswered, and thereby does not quite unravel the mystery. DeWest Hooker, who is credited with being the first to enlighten George Lincoln Rockwell about the evil ways of the Jew (see the dedication of G.L.R.’s book, This Time the World) and was also an early cohort of Willis Carto in their “Nazi” days, told me that Carto had told him that the Spotlight can use such terms as “dual loyalists,” “Zionists,” “Israelis,” but had been forbidden to use the word “Jew” in reference to any culpability in any endeavor whatsoever. Who would have the power to tell Willis Carto and the Spotlight that they cannot even under any circumstances accuse the Jews directly of anything?

Why, who else but the Jewish establishment and the Jewish powerhouse itself? It is they who have the power to not only suppress any information they deem deleterious or harmful to their cause, but they can also spread wholesale all over the world any lie or set of lies they deem beneficial to their cause, and this they blatantly have done for centuries. The cover-up of the Kennedy assassination is one major example, but by no means the only one. The Six Million lie, the holohoax, is an even bigger lie they have successfully promoted, and communism and Christianity are two more gigantic Jewish lies.

The whole stance and position of the Spotlight is in itself a strange case in point. It proudly proclaims to print news that other papers (meaning the Jewish establishment papers) do not dare to print. It does in fact present a wealth of news on the many shady shenanigans the government and the Jewish establishment would just as soon the public did not hear. Many of these news items are directly aimed at our cozy relationship with Israel and how Israel is manipulating the United States and ripping off the American taxpayer. It has even run a powerful exposé on the 1967 Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty, and referred to it repeatedly, something the establishment press does not dare to touch.

But here is the strange paradox in the Spotlight’s position. It will go so far in pointing to the Jewish stranglehold on American and the world, and then it will pull back. It will never say explicitly, loud and clear, the Jews are behind it. Dual loyalists, Zionists, Israelis, yes, but not the Jews per se. The Jews, on the other hand, blatantly accuse the Spotlight of being violently anti-Semitic, and the Spotlight will vigorously deny it, and so they play the game. The fact is, there are a number of Jews on the Spotlight staff. There are also Jews among its contributors: Charles M. Fischbein, the Collier brothers, Alfred Lilienthal and others.

Mark Lane’s and the Spotlight’s treatment of the Kennedy assassination is a case in point. Mark Lane has written a major book, Rush to Judgment, on this heinous crime, and written several subsequent follow-up articles, as have others on the staff. Mark Lane makes it very clear that the Warren Commission lied to the American public, that there was undoubtedly a vast conspiracy behind it, and that the whitewash and cover-up were of unprecedented magnitude. Anyone with an ounce of reasoning would be led to the same conclusion that we have come to — but strangely, he does not so conclude. He says that it was the CIA, which as we all know is American, don’t we? So the Jews, Israel, and the Mossad had nothing to do with it, right? But then, you wouldn’t expect a Jew to blow the whistle on the Jews, now would you?

This is the last-minute diversion that is typical of most of the Spotlight’s reporting — point in that direction, then cop out in the finale. All of which raises the question — is the Spotlight controlled by the Jews, or isn’t it? We believe it is. We believe it fits neatly into the class III journal category, the trap classification, which is described in Protocol No. 11 of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Extract From Protocol 11 (found on page 223 of Nature’s Eternal Religion): The future despotic Jewish State will have three classes of journals that they will control. In the front rank will stand organs of an official character. These journals will always stand guard over Jewish interests and they admit that, therefore, their influence will be comparatively small. In the second rank will be semi-official organs whose part it will be to attract the tepid and indifferent Goyim. In the third rank they will set up their own papers, but to all appearances they will be in opposition to their regime. This will (a) trap their real opponents to accept this simulated position as their own; (b) they can lead the opposition opinion into the very channels to which they then desire, and thereby neutralize them.

Whereas the Spotlight is evidently (for obvious reasons) not willing to put the finger on the Jewish network for the assassination and cover-up of the Kennedy crime, we of the Church of the Creator come up with the obvious and only answers. The Jews planned the foul job, and their murderous band of bloodthirsty killers, the Mossad, pulled the trigger or triggers that killed Kennedy.

The Mossad

Who or what is the Mossad? Most Americans have never even heard of it, and few even know it exists. It is therefore cogent that we expand here briefly on the nature of the Jewish Mossad.

The Mossad is, in a way, the Israeli equivalent of our CIA, but it is much more. It is the Jewish intelligence gathering arm, whose headquarters are in Tel Aviv, Israel, but their vast armies are spread into every country of the world. Like the CIA, they not only gather information relentlessly from every corner, nook, and cranny of the world, but they also ruthlessly murder people they deem a threat to the Jewish conspiracy. They foment revolutions, hatch political plots, overthrow governments, assassinate key figures, stage commando raids where necessary, or organize revolutionary movements, all in the cause of the Jewish race. The CIA, or the Russian KGB do all these things also, but with this difference: Since the Jews control practically all the nerve centers of power throughout the United States and the world, so do the intelligence agencies of the United States collaborate with the Mossad. In short, the CIA and the KGB are adjuncts of the Mossad, with the Mossad firmly in control of all. The CIA feeds all important information it gathers not only into its own computers in Washington, but also into the huge bank of computers in Tel Aviv. So does the KGB, so does British Intelligence, the German, and the French. The Mossad gathers all, but it does not give any back. It is a one-way street.

In fact, the CIA and FBI are heavily infiltrated by, and staffed with, Mossad agents. The Mossad also makes sure that their own agents are in every agency of the US government, on the staff of every congressman and senator, and, in fact, are on the inside of every important nerve center of power.

In short, the Mossad is purely Jewish — loyal only to Israel and the Jewish race and the worldwide Jewish conspiracy. It is the world’s most powerful, most efficient gang of killers. Although, historically speaking, the name Mossad is of recent vintage, under other names the roots of these murderous brigades go far back in history. When the Jews describe the killing of 75,000 of their enemies in the Book of Esther, they were describing a typical Mossad operation, and they have been celebrating their Purim every year ever since. Killing their enemies is what they mean by “having a good day.” These killers run rampant throughout every country in the world, including, and especially, the United States. Our congressmen are acutely aware of them, and also deathly afraid of them, and for good reason — as are most personnel in the government’s employ.

It is my unswerving conclusion that when the Jews planned to assassinate John Kennedy, it was the Mossad which did the job. They had their professional triggermen carry out the execution and do it right. They had their sharpshooters set up behind a stone wall on the grassy knoll in front of the motorcade and when Kennedy was in close range, they let him have it from front and back and blew his brains out. That is why the Warren Commission repeatedly ignored eyewitness reports about the shots from, and the activities on, the grassy knoll. At the same time they placed Oswald in the School Book Depository building to play the part of the fall guy, but you can be sure they did not leave the real killing job to a third-rate bungler like Lee Harvey Oswald.


We now come to the question of motive. Why would the Jews want to kill John Kennedy?

When it comes to motives, I confess I do not claim to be a mind reader. We can only speculate, look at the ensuing events of history and come up with cogent reasons as to why they did what they did. With that as a basis I can think of several important reasons why they would want to see John Kennedy dead, and I will list them in what I believe to be their order of importance.

First, according to the Canadian Intelligence Service of September, 1988, Kennedy committed the most deadly of all crimes in the eyes of the Jewish bankers. He bypassed the Jewish Federal Reserve, as did Abraham Lincoln a hundred years earlier and for which he, too, paid the ultimate price. In the complex cover-up of the Kennedy murder, history repeated itself and a strangely similar modus operandi was used as in the cover-up of the Lincoln crime some 98 years earlier.

On June 30, 1963, Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110, and further amended E.O. No. 10289 of September 19, 1951, thereby giving the President authority to issue the currency. He thereupon ordered the issue of $4,292,893,815.00. This was almost ten times as much as the $450,000,000.00 printed by Lincoln during the Civil War. He evidently forced then Secretary of the Treasury, C. Douglas Dillon, another name-changing Jew (Lapowski), to have his signature affixed to the United States Notes. Shortly thereafter, on November 22, 1963, Kennedy paid the ultimate price and was shot, as was Lincoln.

The first thing President Johnson did when he flew back to Washington was to reverse this order. For good reasons, this operation of printing U.S. notes (as mandated by the Constitution) has been shrouded in secrecy by the Jewish bankers, since, if it became general knowledge, it would blow the cover on the whole Federal Reserve scam. Even among racial and “conservative” circles there is much confusion and a general ignorance of this bold and monumental action. When I discussed this issue with Tom Metzger about a year ago, he vehemently assured me that he had thoroughly investigated this matter of Kennedy printing the notes, and that there was nothing to it.

However, we have the Executive Order number, the date, and the amount of the issuance, all stated in the above. Even more convincing, I have seen and personally held in my hand one of those U.S. notes — a five-dollar bill, and herewith reproduce a copy of it.

TOP: a Federal Reserve Note; BOTTOM: one of Kennedy’s greenbacks. The differences between the United States note and the ubiquitous Federal Reserve Notes are subtle but clear. Once you’ve held a U.S. Note from 1963 in your hand, all the denials in the world can’t negate the fact that JFK did have them printed and that the Jews did have a prime motive to “eliminate him with extreme prejudice.” We show here the two bills (the backs are identical) with the differences noted. Compare the 1963 U.S. Note, signed by C. Douglas Dillon, without the Federal Reserve seal (to left of Lincoln’s portrait), and the Federal Reserve Note that has the Federal Reserve seal there. We will remain economic slaves to “the power of the purse” as long as we allow them to manufacture our currency and charge us to use it (called the “national debt”). When Hitler came to power he took control of the Reichsbank (equivalent of the Fed) from Max Warburg and started printing interest-free money. We all know the immediate effect this had on the German economy — from bust to boom! — in just three to five years. Hitler was right! So are we! — Ben Klassen

The second serious infraction that Kennedy made in opposition to the Jewish conspiracy was his decision to end U.S. participation in the Vietnam fiasco before it had hardly begun, a move that angered Jews, since they had planned an increasingly heavy, long-term involvement in that stupid venture. Present on Air Force One with Kennedy on his fateful trip to Texas was Rep. Henry Gonzales of Texas. On March 21, 1988, Rep. Gonzales revealed a bit of significant past history in a speech before the House. Gonzales told us that on said trip, Kennedy, as he rose to leave the (airplane) compartment, turned and said to him (paraphrased), “By the way, I have issued orders to pull all our military and their equipment from Vietnam, beginning this December.” The Jews had different plans as we all know only too well. They planned to bleed the American treasury dry, to kill thousands of young American boys in the jungles of Vietnam, and destroy American prestige and honor, what was then left of it. All this they did with a vengeance. Kennedy was killed within hours after he talked to Gonzales, and Lyndon Johnson, as soon as he became president, reversed that order, and used the Tonkin Gulf “incident” to vastly expand the ill-fated American presence in Vietnam. This insane war helped to put billions of profits into the hands of the Jewish war profiteers, at the expense of the world’s foremost patsy, the White American taxpayer.

The third reason the Jews had for seeing Kennedy dead was inherent in the whole Kennedy clan. They had all the characteristics necessary to build a powerful goy dynasty, and this the Jews feared from the time old Joe Kennedy began building his powerful empire. The Kennedys were extremely wealthy, they were numerous, they were clannish, and they were politically ambitious and aggressive. Joe Kennedy already had ambitions in the thirties of grooming his oldest son Joe Jr., to become a future President of the United States, and Joe Jr. was shaping up to become an ideal candidate, being considerably more articulate and charismatic than was his younger brother John. Unfortunately, Joe was killed while on a bombing mission during WWII. Routine casualty of war, or did the Jews plan it that way? We will never know, but Joe Jr. was out of the way, accidentally or deliberately. Joe Sr., still had three more sons, and he next groomed son John, who, as we all know, by hook or by crook did become president in 1960. We also know that Bobby became Attorney General, and later Senator. Teddy as we all know also became Senator, and is still in the Senate today. The third generation of Kennedys are also entering the political domain, despite three violent deaths in the Kennedy clan.

There was one other thing that the Jews feared about the Kennedys. Although we have been told about their extreme liberal orientation in the Democratic party, essentially old Joe and his four boys were extremely well versed in the existence of the worldwide Jewish network and their string-pulling. Although John feigned to go along with Israel and the Jews, it was not sincere, paying only lip service for political gain. The Jews, being well trained in detecting the innermost sentiments of their enemies since before the days of Esther, did not trust John Kennedy and feared the rise of a Kennedy dynasty that might turn on them at the earliest opportunity. In his decisions on Vietnam, on issuing U.S. notes without the benefit of the Federal Reserve and in his lukewarm support of Israel, John Kennedy had to go, as five years later in 1968, did his brother Bobby, and Teddy, being of even more dubious moral fiber, is now thoroughly locked in their embrace.

Shortly before he was assassinated, Kennedy made a speech to a group of Cuban patriots in Miami. In his speech he revealed that he had been betrayed and double-crossed during the Bay of Pigs invasion, that whereas he had ordered air cover, someone in the chain of command reversed the order at the last moment and left the Cuban freedom fighters to the mercy of Castro’s militia. “We will have our revenge!” he is quoted as saying. The Jews who put Castro in power in the first place saw it otherwise, and were determined that Cuba remain in the Communist camp.

Back in 1963, before he was shot, John himself did not have the public image of being the great “hero” that the glitz and hoopla of Jewish propaganda has now, 25 years later, built him up to be. In fact, he was thoroughly hated and despised by many. After his Bay of Pigs debacle in Cuba, he was also regarded as a wimp by many. After he used 20,000 army troops in a strong-arm tactic to force one miserable nigger into the university at Oxford, Mississippi, he enraged most of the White electorate and many people began to ask, “Whose side is this damn fellow on, anyway?” His many extramarital affairs with prostitutes and other sleazy characters earned him nothing but disgust. Nor did his associations with the Frank Sinatra “Rat Pack” and Mafia characters win him any popularity ratings. The fact is, while he was alive, he was becoming the laughingstock of the American electorate. A phonograph record put out by nightclub comic Vaughn Meader parodying the Kennedy family was rapidly becoming a runaway best seller, and the nightclub comedians, too, in general, were having a field day in which the Kennedys were the butt of their jokes.

What did all this have to do with the Jews? Well, a great deal. It was at this time, in the early sixties, that the Jews were getting their major onslaught into high gear to ram their plethora of “civil rights” legislation through Congress, but with the unpopular image with which the Kennedy administration was now saddled, they were getting nowhere. All this changed overnight after he was shot. He now suddenly became a legendary hero, and the American nation not only was in shock, but somehow felt terribly guilty about his death. President Johnson (actually, the Jews) wasted no time capitalizing on this ridiculous guilt feeling, and “in the name of our martyred President,” he and Congress rushed through one “civil rights” bill after another, all designed to mongrelize and pump the Black blood of Africa into the unwilling veins of White America.

There was one other extra dividend the Jews reaped from this murderous affair. Whereas old Kennedy (and the family) had a major grip on the liquor industry, especially the importation of Scotch whiskey, this now rapidly slipped out of their hands and to the benefit of the rival (Jewish) Bronfman family. Although it was not really a significant factor in causing Kennedy’s murder, nevertheless the Jews never miss a bet in cashing in financially.

So John Kennedy was murdered by a brigade of professional killers, the Jewish Mossad. Both the assassination and the cover-up were planned months in advance by the only force in the world that had the pervasive power to draw on all its resources in the news media, the government, and the judicial agencies — namely, the worldwide Jewish network. Nobody else could have done it and made it stick, and that, my White racial comrades, is an obvious fact.

* * *

Source: Racial Loyalty newspaper, January 1989

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21 January, 2020 8:20 pm

The best explanation that is also consistent with subsequent events concerns JFK’s efforts to prevent Israel from obtaining nuclear weapons. Michael Collins Piper (who worked for the Spotlight and it’s successor American Free Press) wrote a book “Final Judgement” about this. The Executive Order regarding US Notes wasn’t rescinded until the Reagan administration. If the assassination was a conspiracy of “right wingers” concerned about communism, civil rights, military victory in Vietnam and eradication of communism in Cuba, they failed on all fronts! The CIA’s head of counterintelligence, James Jesus Angleton, also handled the CIA interface with Mossad. This put him in a perfect position to know details of Oswald’s “defection” to the USSR as well as control of CIA domestic assets in the US. An Israel connection also explains why… Read more »

23 January, 2020 12:14 pm

I’ve noticed in the last few years that there is little to no mention of the JFK assassination in the “major” media. In my local paper, there was only a short description in the “On this day in history” section, just a few lines, on page 2. I believe there has been a decision to “memory hole” the murder. I’m glad to see coverage in online sites still appearing.

Reply to  Susan
23 January, 2020 11:09 pm

I think the cover up is in tatters. When you are in a hole, quit digging and deny there is even a hole.

One thing I noticed with the fading of the JFK assassination is the percentage of those believing it was a conspiracy is declining. It used to be about 75-80%. Now running around 50%.

Walter Green
Walter Green
24 January, 2020 12:22 am

Yes, it’s very easy to guess who did it.

The JFK assassination, 911 and, etc.
They appear to be very complicated and too big
so it feels like impossible to know the truth behind.

But, just asking “Who else?” leads to the only possible conclusion.

Reply to  Walter Green
25 January, 2020 9:30 pm

To anyone and everyone, I implore to find a copy either physical or digital of Final Judgment by Michael Collins Piper.

Reply to  Aenes
29 January, 2020 7:37 pm

Here is the 6th edition online. I think you can buy a physical copy on American Free Press. Though MCP worked for AFP for decades, at the very end he felt he got very badly mistreated by AFP, specifically Willis Carto’s wife. I think he lost his health insurance coverage and he ended up dying in a motel in Idaho. Willis Carto seems to have had a really bad streak as he lost the Institute of Historical Review, The Spotlight and apparently control of the AFP.

26 January, 2020 9:35 am

I once had a spat online with a Jew who claimed he was “Pro Goy.” We had quite the tussle and for a moment I could only imagine what these creeps did to Jesus and probably how easy it was for them to get the Romans to crucify him, or what they did to the Armenians all because of oil. Anyway, this Jewish man told me that the Jews miscalculated how long it would take before they had total world power, and I don’t mean IN THE SHADOWS, I mean out in the open, where peoples’ lives are under threat every minute of every day and where we goy are fully enslaved as the Jews want us, serving them, serving their needs while they live like Kings, when all they… Read more »

Reply to  James
26 January, 2020 3:30 pm

How much the enemy really controls or has assimilated may be exaggerated. They live by deceit and lies. Through media they can protract and magnify themselves. Their cruel , single mindedness that is not distracted with remorse nor compunction causes both admiration and loathing . They have no value for life even their own. They play with no rules nor law and has been said do not tire nor discouraged. The traditional churches or sanctuaries has been appropriated by them and now is a dry fountain , whose false testimony worships Jesrael or testifies to jewish lies. our only hope is to be vigilant and search the spirit of the truth. . They do not change despite their lies and insidious deception of the “good jew”. Their motive for killing… Read more »

26 January, 2020 1:53 pm

“Who Killed John Kennedy?” Easy – Jews ! Jews ! Jews ! Jews ! Jews ! Jews ! Jews ! Jews ! Jews ! Jews ! Jews ! Jews ! Jews ! Jews ! Jews ! Jews ! Jews ! Jews ! Jews ! Jews ! ; Jews – and more Jews !!! Who else could have been the main killer behind him ? They are natural born killers and they are doing that today to us directly and indirectly. I don’t know which is worse; if the problem is we’re not awake OR worst whether or not we’re wake and we’re afraid to do anything about our awokeness . After all, speaking out has now become virtually a crime in the United States and additionally IT IS a CRIME… Read more »

tony bonn
tony bonn
11 April, 2021 10:56 pm

This article is extraordinarily insightful for such an early date even with a few key errors which are totally forgivable at this emergent period of JFK research – even before Oliver Stone’s movie. As an addendum, I would only note that Jack Ruby did not kill Oswald – nor was Oswald killed on camera – it was all staged. The man playing the role of Jack Ruby was FBI agent James Bookhout. Oswald was murdered inside the Dallas Police Department after the staging. According to reports Michael Collins Piper received, Ruby was taken to Israel where he lived for many years. Oswald had no role in the shooting – that was left to professionals. He was not even on the 6th floor of the TSBD. There is not even a… Read more »