
Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement

I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”

This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritisation are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”

That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organisation that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.

If you were building a prosecutorial case for use in some future tribunal, this is the kind of evidence you would use.

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Swedish Jewish Leaders Call for Ban on Neo-Nazi Party (from the Jerusalem Post)

Leaders and prominent members of the Jewish community in Sweden have renewed calls to ban the neo-Nazi Nordic Resistance Movement, following the latest of several demonstrations by the party in recent months.

Approximately 300 far-right activists participated in a demonstration held by the NRM on Saturday morning, designed to attract attention to the party in the lead-up to Sweden’s general election scheduled for September 9.
Saturday’s rally follows a demonstration it staged in July during an annual political conference, and a rally held in September last year in Gothenberg.

Despite advocating policies restricting citizenship to “Nordic” people, “repatriating” immigrants who are not of Nordic ancestry, and working “to regain power from the global Zionist elite,” the NRM has not been banned.

Jewish Community in Stockholm President Aron Verstandig said neo-Nazi activity in Sweden has been on the rise “for some time,” and described NRM as “an openly violent” party which should be outlawed.

“I see it as extremely troubling that we have a rising neo-Nazi movement in Sweden, and the politicians should do whatever they can to ban these organizations,” said Verstandig.

“The government hasn’t done enough to limit this group and legislation needs to be passed” to proscribe the party, he said.

Verstandig said the Jewish community had felt “very intimidated” by Saturday’s march, even though the demonstration was not directed specifically against Jews.

“This community is largely made up of Holocaust survivors and their descendants, so to see people openly saying they are Nazis in public is very scary,” he said.

The NRM describes itself as a “National Socialistic organization,” which seeks to establish a National Socialist society and has a specific policy agenda item of retaking power from the “global Zionist elite who have economically and militarily occupied the greater part of our world.”

Their policy platform says “global Zionists” not only “promote” the State of Israel, but also “work [for the] long-term for instability in all nations that could be a threat to their power structure.”

Despite the demonstration and rising visibility of the NRM, Verstandig said in general there is a “good environment” for the Jewish community in Stockholm, and that it does not feel any sense of discrimination, noting that Jewish summer camps and educational institutions are fully attended.

He said the community nevertheless feels threatened by the neo-Nazis, as well as by Islamist extremists who have been blamed for the majority of antisemitic incidents in the country in recent years.

Annika Hernroth-Rothstein, a journalist and political consultant, described the NRM demonstration as “incredibly uncomfortable” for the Jewish community, particularly because counter-protestors included elements from the far-left who have also been involved in antisemitic incidents and sentiment in Sweden.

She said NRM’s efforts to label certain people, including herself and other prominent public figures as “betrayers” of Sweden and Nordic people, represented a significant danger to her and others they have singled out.

Hernroth-Rothstein said, however, the NRM was not a significant threat to the Jewish community or society at large since it has very limited public support, and said that Islamists in Sweden represented a much bigger problem.

She said Jews are unable to freely identify as Jewish in public due to safety concerns, are banned from conducting religious slaughter for kosher meat, and cannot establish Jewish schools due to prohibitions on religious schools.

She also noted legislative efforts to ban the import of kosher meat, which is still currently available, and to ban circumcision are further evidence the Jewish community feels under siege.

“Antisemitism is the herpes of Europe, it goes away for a while and then flares back up,” she declared.

“Diaspora Jews are a tribute to society, and we are the canary in the coal-mine for all civilization, and by that measure this country and this continent are going down the drain.

“The Jewish community cares about the country and loves it, and it’s really upsetting that this love is not reciprocated,” said Hernroth-Rothstein.

“No one would care if the Jews would leave,” she said. “We’ve told them what is needed, like allowing kosher meat, allowing people who make themselves identifiably Jewish the ability to move freely, allowing religious schools, but no one does anything.”

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Source: Diversity Macht Frei

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Gail Raubal
Gail Raubal
23 March, 2019 4:07 am

I feel the judens are “openly violent,” they are the herpes that stays dormant and then flares up. Their remarks are opressing as is and ludicrous.

Reply to  Gail Raubal
17 August, 2019 6:21 pm

Gail, I am sure you are horribly offended by their evil hate-speech.

Bancroft Hall
Bancroft Hall
23 March, 2019 2:47 pm

The excellent English-language internet site

is a daily, must-read for Aryan Patriots. I’ve been reading it daily for months.
But today it suddenly stopped functioning. I’ve notified NORDFRONT folks. Hopefully it comes back. ZOG is not pleased that NORDFRONT exists and that is has become HUGE and HIGHLY effective

23 March, 2019 6:04 pm

“Antisemitism is the herpes of Europe, it goes away for a while and then flares back up,” she declared.

Change “Antisemitism” to “Jews”, and it all makes sense.

24 March, 2019 12:06 am

Almost all Jews were ‘Holocost survivors”.

How dare those evil Swedes want Swedes to rule Sweden and how dare those evil Nowegians want to rule Norway. Who do they think they are? And how dare Jews want to rule Palestine/Israel?

24 March, 2019 12:11 am

Actually anti_Semitism is the antibody that combats the Herpes.

Reply to  Truthweed
17 August, 2019 6:17 pm

Ethnic Russians are Nordic people. They are survivors of the Jewish holocaust against them.

27 March, 2019 9:15 pm

“No one would care if the Jews would leave,” is the most important take-away. By now, the jews should’ve learned that if that’s their status, they’d better leave now. Muslim refugees are the Europeans’ Semite of choice, for now.

28 March, 2019 7:31 am

“The Jewish community cares about the country and loves it, and it’s really upsetting that this love is not reciprocated,” said Hernroth-Rothstein.

Lies ! More Jewish Lies.
And the lies will never stop, EVER, until every one of us, every non-Jew, is DEAD !

31 May, 2019 4:21 am

Which 6m do we have to suffer –


Say “No” to

(((Sausages))), Sausages! …… “6m (((Soapy sausages)))”

Hail to unofficial thinkers acknowledging paten recognition and basic arithmetic.

Say no to political correctness…..
Say no to forced intergeneration…..
Say yes to interest free banking….

Being )w Savvy is the way forward …..)w Savvy …. “)W SAVVY” keep away from (((their semantics)))

Lets remove the puppets of the )’wsh criminal banker families from within local and global administration in order to allow all Goy to ‘Roll over and compound inheritance’.
https:// peterquiggins. wordpress. com/ 2018/05/07/ sausages/

#patricklittle #littlerevolution #VoteLittleWinBig
#killerculture #antizionistleague #antitraitors #HolodomorInfo #ScottRoberts #GDL

31 May, 2019 4:23 am

“This is a salute to the memory of those “blind sided patriots”, English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh who factually” Yet, unknowingly fought under the auspices against “hate and racism” for the criminal banker families in order to sustain their (((Usury))) system” over the advancing interest free banking system advocated by those who knew race mattered/s to the (((misleader’s))). This is the compound debt based Usury system that we saved which is now the guaranteed inheritance we are leaving for our children to live their entirety in debt slavery. Solution! We need to demand” or more so force forward a “Gottfried Feder economic system” for our use or if we don’t an inevitable disaster is pending. Lets give a big thank you to the Marxists/communists, mislead patriots and bleeding heart liberals… Read more »

clarence spangle
clarence spangle
9 September, 2020 12:47 pm

“The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength with the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies personal worth, contests the significance of folk and race, and thereby withdraws from mankind premise for its existence and culture.”—Mein Kampf

Br. Art
Br. Art
10 August, 2022 11:01 pm

To me that picture says it all. That’s an organization! 300 uniform healthy whites in unison. I am also impressed with patriot front and their action.

What is the National Alliance view on these groups and their structure?

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Br. Art
10 August, 2022 11:11 pm

You seemed to be impressed by flashy public displays and “action” in the form waving flags and banners. There’s much more involved to building a truly revolutionary organization, one is to organize one’s recruits into performing useful, but hardly ever glamorous, essential activities. To be a true alternative that brings in people to stay, a well coordinated system of institutions (such as education of the young, media to inform that has many platforms and audiences within the race, legal services, and so on) must be built.

Successful organizations cannot be all flash and no substance. The ones who try to do so have always failed.

Br. Art
Br. Art
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
11 August, 2022 7:43 am

Yes I am impressed by public displays or things I can see, other than that displayed on a computer or phone screen. Actually I did see that on a damn screen! Haha. Perhaps your right. I’m impressed with the propaganda of these public action groups as well, they are getting it out on the streets and it appeals to the youth. I’m also very impressed with your propaganda. I agree that taking care that our youth are educated racially proud and loyal is essential. I also agree that great care in planning is essential. Here we are and we’re not afraid! That’s what 300 white young people marching in unison, clean and white says to me. Comment sections are often filled with sarcasm, which is a Jewish invention. To me… Read more »

Reply to  Br. Art
11 August, 2022 1:29 am

Personally, I am happy for any pro-White groups that are doing something positive for our people. However, I joined the National Alliance because I consider it the best one in the United States. We have a very strong organization. Isn’t this website one of the best – if not THE best – pro-White news sites on the internet? I think it is. But, above and beyond even that, we are accomplishing a lot in regards to building other infrastructure. You can’t necessarily see it from the outside, but believe me: the National Alliance is getting bigger and stronger by the month. Why don’t you join us?