David SimsEssays

Tommy Robinson, Puppet

Tommy Robinson

by David Sims

TOMMY Robinson, himself, might be a good and courageous fellow. He’s the most famous opponent of the Muslim invaders in Britain today. But he has been keeping bad company, and, as a result, it appears that he has become a puppet on the hand of Zionist puppeteers.

The people with whom Tommy Robinson has been working most closely are Jews. These Jews have steadily pushed the focus of Tommy Robinson’s anti-Jihad movement away from the protection of the thousands of English girls who were raped and trafficked for prostitution by Muslim gangs toward the (false) idea that Jews are the people most endangered by Muslims.

Tommy Robinson collected donations (reportedly about $3 million equivalent in UK currency) in order to produce an exposé video called The Rape of Britain, which would have exposed the Muslim rape gangs’ activities in great detail, and explained the relevant history better than it had ever been explained before. Instead, what Tommy’s organization actually produced was a video called Shalom, which attempts to make Jews look like the primary victims of Muslim immigration in the United Kingdom.

The extent to which Tommy Robinson, himself, is responsible for this bait-and-switch isn’t known to me at this time. Tommy is in jail. His handlers, lacking their puppet for the time being, have begun propagandizing directly through TR News. And they’ve been doing it in a way that makes their Zionist leanings rather obvious.

They’ve been denigrating the idea that England should belong to ethnic English persons, i.e. to people whose ancestors were Saxons or Celts. They’ve been advancing the idea that people of African, Jewish, or Arab descent can be as “English” as is someone whose ancestors have lived in England since the Roman Empire. This is something that Zionist Jews might do. It is not something that real nationalists would do.

I still think that Tommy Robinson has been keeping bad (Jewish) company, and he has been taking tainted (Jewish) money. They’ve come to dominate him. He is beholden to them. He has become a puppet on their hand. Tommy is, I think, a good-hearted fellow who has got himself in a difficult spot through very clever handling by the world’s foremost experts in subversion.

The Jews who are presently running Tommy Robinson News have published a video with eerie-sinister background music called The Elephant in the Room. It attacks White advocate Mark Collett and several other people.

A much younger Mark Collett made the mistake of trusting a Jew who solicited statements from Mark that could have gotten him into legal trouble. The Jew recorded Mark’s statements with a hidden video camera. Later, the Jew confronted Mark and Mark tried to deny making statements that might get him jail time.

The moral lesson from that isn’t that lying is bad. I mean, lying is bad, but it isn’t the most profound elephant in this particular room. There are at least two lessons that it is more important to learn.

First, never trust a Jew. Second, never allow your country to be subverted by (or develop loyalty to) any race other than its own founding national stock — especially not the Jews — because they will corrupt your laws in such a way as to make honest criticism of themselves, however deserved it might be, an illegal thing to do.

And then they will corrupt your culture, morally debase your society, change your laws, and institute a money system based upon usury — with themselves doing no work to earn the money that they lend, and with themselves the beneficiaries of the interest charges. Your people, once proud and independent, will, through the actions of the Jews, become morally degenerate slaves. That is a fair summary of what the Jews do (broadly speaking, though not all of them do it at the same level), and it is the reason for most of the “anti-Semitism” that has ever existed.

* * *

Source: Author

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8 August, 2019 8:26 pm

TR’s infamous tweet “I’m Jewish mate”

– presumably in spirit only(?)

As for colonisers acting like victorious ancient armies here’s the cherry on the cake: fathers’ rights include rapists’ rights in cUKistan.


Reply to  PPight1931
9 August, 2019 9:09 pm

I had a few screenshots from Tommy (I’ll try finding them this weekend) and yeah he’s as kosher as they come. Definitely no ally of ours.

Reply to  PPight1931
20 August, 2019 5:20 pm

What the, why wasn’t this breaking news? Did he later elaborate on it as a joke or something? I find it hard to believe he would just outright admit this in a tweet only for it never to be brought up again, but it is for sure from his verified account.

Reply to  Ping
29 July, 2020 8:06 pm

Not hard to find tons of material online showing ‘Tommy’ works for Mossad. Why was it not breaking news? You know who runs the news surely?

10 August, 2019 3:04 am

Duh! It’s been so obvious to anyone willing to let go of their tribalism that this moron is a made man. Completely controlled opposition like many others such as Duke and the like. Pretty much all current system buckers today are totally owned!
Don’t be fooled folks. The truth is there are no public and prominent supporters for the preservation of the white race. Me and others here are just about it which is fine!
It starts with keeping yourself in check and aware. There isn’t a need for a public figure.

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  GusGrissom
10 August, 2019 8:17 am

There is zero evidence that David Duke is controlled.

john smith
john smith
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
10 August, 2019 9:44 pm

i still give DD the benefit of the doubt
but he did back Trump and has been keeping bad company
like the likes of (((Mike Peinovitch)))
i feel that Charoletssville was an obvious OP
James fileds is a J his mother is (((Samantha Bloom)))
it does lead one ask questions ,
if he is not complicit then he really should be smarter than that

PJ Dooner
PJ Dooner
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
11 August, 2019 2:01 pm

He couldn’t bring himself to point out that Molly Tibbetts (sp), the girl who was murdered by a Mexican, was mixed race!–she was probably adopted since she didn’t look like either of her parents. He went along with the jew media and pretended that she was white, a jew ruse to confuse the masses about what a white is.
Do an image search on Startpage: https://www.startpage.com/sp/search

Reply to  GusGrissom
10 August, 2019 6:18 pm

How do you dare to vilify Dr Duke? He is one of the most courageous and steadfast White nationalists, whose public career has been, and is an example.

Reply to  GusGrissom
20 August, 2019 5:23 pm

More than a “made man”, he’s the most “made” man in Britain:

10 August, 2019 9:32 pm

Its getting old

How these satanic jews invert everything that is said in this country

Very tiresome
For regular people who
Are simply trying to survive,
On this unflushed Toilet of a Planet

11 August, 2019 8:57 am

The idea that TR is ¨…keeping bad company¨, I find wearisome. As if we should be understanding of his lack of integrity, his shilling, his perfidy – in fact. There are these things called conscience, principledness, honor, and simply knowing right from wrong. I am a very flawed human being but I seem to recall knowing from a very early age the difference between being used/merely persuaded by others and standing alone if necessary on my conviction as to what I perceived to be the bare truth. One is to be an honorable, worthy man. The other, in the end, is to be worthless. I have but contempt for such, for TR. That he has suffered for his ¨stand,¨ in my opinion merely speaks to his stupidity. Perhaps he feels… Read more »

Reply to  Servenet
11 August, 2019 1:09 pm

SERVENET is right. There is no excuse for the behaviour of Tommy Robinson.

How revelling is the fact that ALL the so-called European nationalists (Salvini, Marine Le Pen, Orban, etc) keep talking about “the Muslim invasion” (which exists but it is a complicated issue involving racial/religious aspects to be analyzed elsewhere) but do not say a word about the Black invasion and, of course, the Jewish role in all this.

Tommy Robinson is a puppet, like the supposedly White activist Lauren Southern who ended up making a crappy video called “Borderless” that gives a “compassionate” view of the vermin known as “refugees”

Reply to  Angelicus
12 August, 2019 8:14 am

Well said.

pj dooner
pj dooner
11 August, 2019 1:48 pm

I don’t know if you have other information about Fields’ mother being a jew but the name Bloom is not necessarily a jew name:

Gerald Goldberg
Gerald Goldberg
12 August, 2019 7:56 am

ISLAM, LIKE CHRISTIANITY, WAS CREATED BY JEWS! RABBI ABU BAKR Shia Muslims say Muhammad was murdered by Abu Bakr and Umar through the means of their daughters, Aisha and Hafsa, feeding him poison. Umar attacked the house of Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad and kicked the door in on top of her, causing her to miscarry the unborn grandchild of Muhammad. It was Abu Bakr who canonized the Quran and slaughtered the Mohammedans who apostatized. Umar refused to give Muhammad Pen & Paper on his death bed. He wanted to write a Last Will & Testament. There are 2 sections of the Quran – The Mecca section and The Medina section. One has the peaceful verses and the other has the warring verses. JEWISHENCYCLOPEDIA The unedited full-text of the 1906… Read more »

Gerald Goldberg
Gerald Goldberg
12 August, 2019 8:00 am

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY ISIS NEVER ATTACKS ISRAEL! ISIS IS US – CONCEIVED IN AMERICA – BORN IN IRAQ – REARED IN JORDAN – TRAINED BY ISRAEL – FINANCED BY SAUDI ARABIA. Google: OVERTHROWING OTHER PEOPLE’S GOVERNMENTS: THE MASTER LIST By William Blum – Published February 2013 [The United States routinely interferes with elections of dozens of other nations and even “installs” political leaders through various CIA operations, including CIA-led coups and assassinations of foreign leaders] Instances of the United States overthrowing or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government) Unless Americans study, THE CIA AS ORGANIZED CRIME and THE PHOENIX PROGRAM, by Dougla Valentine, they will continue to live in La La Land! Start in chapter 13… Read more »

Gerald Goldberg
Gerald Goldberg
12 August, 2019 8:01 am

OVERTHROWING OTHER PEOPLE’S GOVERNMENTS: THE MASTER LIST By William Blum – Published February 2013 [The United States routinely interferes with elections of dozens of other nations and even “installs” political leaders through various CIA operations, including CIA-led coups and assassinations of foreign leaders]. Instances of the United States overthrowing or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government) •China 1949 to early 1960s •Albania 1949-53 •East Germany 1950s •Iran 1953 * •Guatemala 1954 * •Costa Rica mid-1950s •Syria 1956-7 •Egypt 1957 •Indonesia 1957-8 •British Guiana 1953-64 * •Iraq 1963 * •North Vietnam 1945-73 •Cambodia 1955-70 * •Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 * •Ecuador 1960-63 * •Congo 1960 * •France 1965 •Brazil 1962-64 * •Dominican Republic 1963 * •Cuba 1959… Read more »

Χωρίς Όνομα
Χωρίς Όνομα
Reply to  Gerald Goldberg
13 August, 2019 1:23 pm

Sorry to burst your bubble but the 1957 coup d’etat by group of Greek Army Colonels led by Georgios Papadopoulos had no help from and nothing to do with USA/CIA/etc. just lookup state departments declassified document 4753 21.04.1967 time 11:25 and also 4769 21.04.1967 time 16.10. The revolutionary officers took them by surprise, they actually caught everyone in their sleep. It was a good thing they overthrew the so called “democratically elected” government, just study what was going on from 1965 ’till 1967, the country was in complete and utter chaos. Now, 6 years forward the CIA was heavily involved with overthrowing Georgios Papadopoulos’ regime and putting in his place a new dictatorship and a puppet “leader” the infamous General Dimitrios Ioannides. Infamous not only because he did not oppose… Read more »

Gerald Goldberg
Gerald Goldberg
Reply to  Χωρίς Όνομα
13 August, 2019 6:15 pm

Your argument is with: OVERTHROWING OTHER PEOPLE’S GOVERNMENTS: THE MASTER LIST By William Blum – Published February 2013 “Sorry to burst your bubble but the 1957 coup d’etat by group of Greek Army Colonels led by Georgios Papadopoulos had no help from and nothing to do with USA/CIA/etc. just lookup state departments declassified document 4753 21.04.1967” Are you SERIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS? We still can’t get ALL the files on JFK’s assassination and Zapruder’s film was not going to to be seen until 2039 on LBJ’s say so, but had to be released when Jim Garrison demanded it in his case against Clay Shaw. When a grand jury indicted Clay Shaw based significantly on the testimony of Garrison witness Perry Raymond Russo, it was, Garrison said, the first blow struck to the Warren… Read more »

12 August, 2019 5:58 pm

When you say that the US government has interfered with those numerous foreign governments, which US government do you mean, the apparent US government or the actual US Government?

4 March, 2021 5:35 am

The chances of a nationalist movement or leader arising in Israel’s colony, Englandistan, have been slim since either the Celts were converted to Jewy Catholic Christendom by the Romans and then converted the invasive Germans from about 600 ad, who then converted the invasive pagan Danes to Catholicism, which Anglo-Danes were then conquered as a whole by Jewy-funded Normans, or since Henry the eighths Protestant conversion, which is a default Mosaicism finally ousting the pagan remnants of Roman Christianity or have been slim since Elizabethan Masonry blossomed in the wake of the Masonic crusades or have been slim since Red Zionist Cromwell took Jewy money to fulfill a protocol of beheading kings and readmitting Juden to England. The Nationalist parties of England since 1945, namely the NF and BNP have… Read more »

uda-israeli-flag unz.com.jpg