American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

The War in Europe

American Dissident Voices broadcast of November 14, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IN PARIS, FRANCE, just a few hours ago, and just one day after a video was released by ISIS threatening to bring their war into Europe, a series of coordinated attacks on the White people of that city took place leaving over 150 dead at last count. (ILLUSTRATION: emergency workers and a victim of last night’s Paris attacks being evacuated from the Bataclan theater)

Two bombs were exploded outside a stadium where a soccer game — a heavily-attended match between friendly rivals France and Germany — was taking place. This is a popular, traditional event among native French and visitors from Germany and practically no one else — and therefore the vast majority of the fans there were White people.

An 18-year-old, Alexandre Bims, had just arrived when the first blast occurred. “We thought it was a gas leak, but then we saw people on the floor that were not moving. Then there was a second explosion and we saw someone who lost an arm.” As he fled, there was a third explosion.

At almost exactly the same time, machine-gun-wielding killers entered a club where a rock concert — by the American band “Eagles of Death Metal” — was in progress, and opened fire, killing at least 118 men and women out of some 200 in attendance. After they machine-gunned the crowd, they threw explosives at the survivors. Again, the venue seems to have been chosen because of the almost 100 per cent. White audience for that kind of music.

During the carnage, a few of the concertgoers were able to reach the roof of the club and climb into the window of a nearby apartment building. One witness stated “We stayed there waiting for it to be over. We heard explosions, gunfire, screams.”

A radio reporter who was there, Julien Pearce, says “It was a bloodbath. People yelled, screamed and everybody was lying on the floor, and it lasted for ten minutes, ten minutes — ten horrific minutes where everybody was on the floor covering their heads. We heard so many gunshots and the terrorists were very calm, very determined and they reloaded three or four times their weapons and they didn’t shout anything. They didn’t say anything.” Well, what needs to be said? Is it ISIS? Is it al-Qaeda? Does it matter? No, nothing needed to be said: Middle Eastern Muslims killing White people, in the open-borders White West that the Jews have engineered.^tfw

Some 14 people were shot to death at upscale restaurants Le Carillon and Le Petit Cambodge, and another 18 were killed at the fashionable bistro La Belle Equipe. Once again, these were not the kinds of places where one would expect to find “refugees” and migrants. They were the kind of places where White people congregate.

All told, there were six separate and coordinated attacks. They were all in the central city of Paris, almost in a straight line when you look at them on a map, they all took place at nearly the same time, and all within about a mile of that monument to White genius and culture, Notre Dame cathedral.

All of the attacks took place in what Britain’s Guardian describes as Paris’s “less exclusive, more multicultural eastern neighborhoods,” which actually buttresses the idea that Whites were deliberately chosen as targets: This was an area with which the non-White attackers were familiar, and they may even have considered it “their turf.” Yet they purposely chose places in this “multicultural” part of Paris where Whites were likely to be.

1,500 soldiers were put on the streets of Paris — and all of France’s borders have been closed. French President Francois Hollande says that no effort will be spared to find those responsible and punish them. But really, M. Hollande has set himself an impossible task. Seven of the eight known attackers from last night were seen blowing themselves up, and the eighth was shot dead by police. The plotters may be found, though even that is doubtful. If you think that the Muslim invaders of France are going to give accurate information when they’re interrogated by the French police, you’re crazy. And if you find the plotters you may discover, as was done in the case of the attacks that took place in Paris ten months ago, that some of them claim affiliation with al-Qaeda, others with ISIS, but no proof that any of them had any contact with those groups at all.

The truth is that the Jewish-controlled political system in France — just as in Britain, just as in Germany, just as in the United States — has opened its borders and invited its enemies to set up shop wherever they choose in their country, paid them handsomely to do so and to breed the native French out of existence, and entire swathes, neighborhood upon neighborhood, of French cities, and entire suburbs, are now filled with millions of aliens who hate the French and all White people passionately. Many among these millions need no mastermind, no orders from above, and not much encouragement at all to strike against. All they probably need is a bit of inspiration — such as that from the extremely graphic ISIS video that was released just before these attacks, and which constitutes a declaration of war against Europe — or a bit of provocation, which is provided ten or twenty times a week at least, as Western bombs rain down on the Middle East, and occupation governments are imposed, and Western nations, led by the Jews, turn nation after nation in that part of the world into cratered, smoking moonscapes where sudden death and maiming and disfigurement are a daily part of the lives of millions.

No amount of police or secret service detectives can crack this case, because you can’t “crack” a whole culture. Even if you could read every email and every text message and listen to every telephone call in all of France, you could not “round up the perpetrators” because you are dealing with a nation within a nation, a people — an enemy people — who gladly, willingly, and spontaneously and without central direction sacrifice their own lives to kill you, defeat you, and — ultimately — replace you.

If you want to understand what we are up against, I urge you to watch the latest ISIS video.

As I said when I posted it, however, children and sensitive persons should not watch it. It is extremely graphic and shows the execution by beheading of numerous captives of ISIS.

ISIS is widely believed to have established a modus vivendi with world Jewry, since they and Israel have at least one interest in common: the destruction of the Assad regime in Syria, and other stable, strong governments in that part of the world. ISIS clearly is involved in the current invasion of Europe. In notable contrast to earlier ISIS productions, the video’s “chants” make use of the Russian language. Russia — which, unlike Western nations, has been dealing out some serious defeats to ISIS forces — is the main target of the piece, but it is clear that war is beng declared on all of Europe. Its title is “Soon: Very Soon” and it was released just before today’s attacks. You can see it here on, and if the site that’s hosting it takes it down, we will re-post it from our own server.

The production bears the logo of the Al-Hayat Media Center, the Islamic State’s foreign language media division, which has produced a series of similar videos documenting ISIS atrocities and threatening different targets in the West.

“We came to you with slaughter, defying death. In your gun barrel we have seen paradise,” the subtitles read. “Europe is shaking, Russia is dying. The Kremlin will be ours.” And “Your wives will be our concubines; your children will be our slaves.”

Another video which will give you and your friends and family a realistic view of the war which is just beginning in Europe is entitle With Open Gates. As I said when I posted it here on, it is a hard-hitting, you-can’t-stop-watching-it film about the massive non-White invasion of Europe. It is going viral all over the White world. From the tearful testimony of the Greek woman who pleads for help, saying “They’re in our houses — someone has to help us,” to the scenes of gut-wrenching violence and rape, to the ominous debate between Nick Griffin and a multiracialist in the European parliament, to the vacant smiles of the brainwashed Whites who welcome the invaders — you won’t be able to take your eyes off this film.

This production does, albeit briefly, tackle the issue of Jewish responsibility for opening the gates of the West to the invaders.

“Although this 19-minute film may feel like a dispatch from the future, it is cut entirely from recent news reports, police camera footage, and interviews.” The film states “At current immigration levels and disappearing birth rates native Europeans are destined to become a minority in their own countries within decades. This is already the case for many of Europe’s largest cities.”

“Millions of young Muslim men leave behind their family, pay thousands to criminal traffickers to reach the land they have been promised by traitorous Jew-controlled European politicians illegally. Dubbed by the media as ‘refugees,’ they cross through 6-10 ‘safe countries’ to reach wealthy nations like Germany or Sweden where they hope to receive free money” — and, not incidentally, sexual access to White women; another fact the film does not shy away from.

Although the topic of responsibility for the moral disarmament of Whites in the West deserves to be the focus of a film ten times the length of this one, the producers of this piece deserve great credit for telling their viewers that Jews — themselves an earlier wave of Middle Eastern invaders — are the ones who created the inverted morality and the political ideology that is causing White Europeans to bare their throats without resistance to the knives of the invaders, and their women’s bodies to their “embraces.”

With Open Gates — as its producers warned — was quickly removed from YouTube, which is a part of Jewish-owned Google. However, a number of sites, including National Vanguard, have bypassed the censorship by hosting the film on their own servers.

I titled today’s program “The War in Europe.” I do not believe it is premature to call it that. I believe that, within a few years, that everyone — even the controlled media — will be calling it that. Facts on the ground trump weasel words and propaganda every time. And I believe that this war is also coming to America. I believe we are on the cusp of the Third World War.

There is no way that this war can be won by anti-terror “security measures,” no matter how draconian (and they are going to get much more draconian). There is no way it can be won by showing more and more weakness in the face of the invasion, or by coddling or “welcoming” or physically supporting the invaders and their prodigious breeding. There is no way this war can be won (or avoided) by “tolerance” or “understanding.” It can only be won by racial loyalty, realism, and strength. It can only be won by realizing that we are White Europeans, and anyone not of our blood must leave our living space — or leave the Earth forever.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. I want to send each of you our beautiful, full-color illustrated booklet explaining the purpose of the Alliance. In this booklet you can read about our program to save our race and secure a future for White children. It is entitled Building a New White World — to receive your copy, simply visit or send $3 ($7 outside the US and Canada) to National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Once again, that’s $3 ($7 outside the US and Canada) to Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We’re on the air every week — and our news site is updated many times every day — at We also have a forum where you can meet, talk, learn, and share with others — Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to never give up.

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Jimmy Smith
Jimmy Smith
14 November, 2015 3:28 pm

This is what happens when you let Arab Muslims come to your country. The White liberals who are welcoming them into their countries are truly mentally ill.

14 November, 2015 3:31 pm

The situation is not just disgusting, it is evil. Islam is clearly the enemy of mankind and their rich Jewish overlords have thrown them into our arms. I thank God I am not European, I would have killed myself the second I saw those disgusting hordes destroying my countryside with not one soul rising a gun in defense. I am young enough that if I were just a little less restrained I would undoubtedly join whatever militant organization formed against this regardless of the guaranteed likelihood of failure or death. I watched the video. I know Donald Trump is connected to these billionaires, but if he can save our country, then let Europe burn at the hands of savages so that we can see clearly how evil they really are.

Jimmy Smith
Jimmy Smith
Reply to  Alois
16 November, 2015 5:12 am

Without Europe our country will lose all of our tradition which came from Europe. America is only a colony of European Nations. Without the Mother land to serve as a guide the colony will easily fall prey to the enemies of White people. America has already been alienated from it’s traditional European roots and is rapidly turning into a third world, non-white country. The future of the White race depends more on Europe fixing it’s problems then on America reversing the current trends which are changing it into a hopeless land for non-white hordes. All of the colonies which originated from Europe depend on the survival of their motherland to continue progressing from their roots which they came from.

Reply to  Jimmy Smith
16 November, 2015 4:19 pm

I was very angry when I made that comment (which I assume most people would be after watching the video) but I do, in the end, agree with you. I hate to admit it but America is practically another part of Europe, and just like how a person can’t be expected to survive in the wilderness with one arm and one leg, we can’t expect to survive with only ourselves. Even if we win a direct war, we would be too few in numbers to last the length of time. Just like how the Netherlands owe it to South Africa to save their people, we owe it to our fatherlands to save them in their time of need.After all, America is basically the colony of Anglo-Saxons and Celts. Over time… Read more »

Jimmy Smith
Jimmy Smith
14 November, 2015 3:37 pm

I don’t think the Arab Muslims will be successful in taking over Russia. Russia has experience dealing with Muslim terrorists (Cechnya) and I believe they are not shy about fighting Muslims.

Reply to  Jimmy Smith
16 November, 2015 4:21 pm

In a fair war, Russia is liable to win. After all, while similar in number and (combined) territory, Russian lands are more united and fertile (meaning better logistics). Not to mention, Russia’s historical rivalry with the Ottomans and Iranians (and usual victories) combined with the reawakened nationalism and sense of fraternity means they are very likely to win. Provided the Arabians never unite or match Russia’s fraternal spirit.

Reply to  Jimmy Smith
20 November, 2015 1:32 am

Russia is the only collective “White Will” operating in the world that I can see.

14 November, 2015 6:07 pm

What we need is the power of Music of the sort sung in the Cathedrals and great halls of Europe. A song that will stir the imagination and soul of every person of European descent


National Alliance Men’s Choir

Men of Europe stop your dreaming
Can’t you hear the invaders screaming
See their numbers increasing
To this battle field

Men of Europe stand ye steady
It cannot be ever said ye
For the battle were not ready
Stand and never yield

From the hills rebounding
Let this war cry sounding
Summon all at Europa’s call
The mighty force surrounding

Men of Europe on to glory
This shall ever be your story
Keep these fighting words before ye
European man will not yield

14 November, 2015 8:45 pm

Whites who are/have been tired of laboring for a “White Wake-Up” in vain should look at this attack with encouragement. How many Whites will be slapped out of their stupor by this act? Answer: More than all the talking/Online nonsense for 10 years.

Reply to  Christopher
16 November, 2015 4:24 pm

Yep. In my short experience, people tend to know more than they’re willing to admit (out loud). All they need is someone powerful enough to rally them.

A little off-topic (but related), Donald Trump seems to fit. I’ve been following him since July, he’s really making head way. Not to mention, as a member of at least one of these powerful communities he would know better than anyone what to expect and how to manipulate them.

15 November, 2015 8:45 am

This video called “With Open Gates” got more than 1.5 million views, but the Jewish supremacists keep pressuring ISPs to delete the film. Here is a copy of it should anyone want to download it.

Christopher Strenta
Christopher Strenta
16 November, 2015 1:16 am

Sarkozy talked about obligation. Sarkozy talked about coercive measures. But Sarkozy is a revolting slime with the mentality of a sewer.

Christopher Strenta
Christopher Strenta
17 November, 2015 2:40 am

I made a mistake concerning the comment I left about Sarkozy. I accidentally attributed the remark made by Strauss-Kahn, about how he wakes up every morning thinking about how he can help Israel, to Sarkozy. All that means, though, is that we got two slime balls for the price of one!

17 November, 2015 8:56 am

Jews promoting illegal immigration to destroy western civilization. An interview with rabbi Steve Gutow of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, where he admits that the Jews’ top agenda is pushing for amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Jew says amnesty for illegal immigrants is at the top of their agenda

Barbara Lerner Spectre says Jews are at the forefront of trying to destroy Western Civilization with multiculturalism.

Christopher Strenta
Christopher Strenta
20 November, 2015 1:17 am

I would just like to reiterate that that Nicolas Sarkozy is a slimeball. To think that this guy actually threatened the French people with force if they didn’t race-mix, is so over the top, there are no words.