American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

Rumblings from the Future

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 3 December, 2022

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THERE ARE RUMBLINGS in the air today — rumblings from the future; a new future in which the fatal stasis of near-total Jewish power over our society, which threatens to exterminate our race, may well be broken.

One such rumbling is the increasing awakening of American Blacks to the fact of Jewish power.

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan believes, or claims to believe, a lot of strange things (such as his belief that White people were “invented” by an ancient “Black scientist” and that UFOs follow him “wherever he goes”), but not much stranger, really, than what more “mainstream” religions teach. I’ve covered him and his church from time to time for many years on American Dissident Voices. What he and his team teach on the Jewish stranglehold on power in this country is generally spot on, however. His team researched the Leo Frank case and produced one of the best books on the topic ever published, The Lynching of a Guilty Man.

Now we have the very public awakening of Black rapper and racemixer and billionaire, the very influential “Ye” or Kanye West, who has not only been denouncing Jewish power in a very public way recently, but has even been seen in public appearances wearing “White Lives Matter” apparel, indicating that he is at least aware of the anti-White agenda being pursued by the powerful and wealthy Jews who he’s been calling out lately.

And that’s a good thing — whoever is doing the talking, it’s positive when the real facts of reality are put on the table, in sight of everyone, especially including our own people. And Jewish control of the media and our other institutions is the primary fact of reality that any reformer or thinker needs to understand before anything useful can be done to change things.

Like Farrakhan, though, West mixes his accurate perception of the ever-more-obvious fact of the massive power of Jews with a lot of nonsense he absorbed by listening to the teachings of the “Black Hebrew Israelites,” a Negro version of the Whites who believe that they’re the “true Jews of the Bible.” According to his own words, he also is a committed Bible believer who takes seriously the need to “love everybody” including Jews, a love that the Jewish power structure — who have recently stripped him of many of his multimillion-dollar contracts — definitely does not reciprocate.

The Black awareness — and general awareness, for that matter — of Jewish societal dominance hit a new high again in recent days when Black comedian Dave Chappelle apparently tricked the Jewish overseers at NBC and went off-script on live television with an amusing but sobering monologue on Jewish media power when he was hosting the popular comedy series Saturday Night Live. Seeing Chappelle’s monologue — on a major “American” network, no less — was surreal, like experiencing a Cholly Bilderberger fantasy come to life.

Ye’s new pal is a rather nutty character who is nonetheless a pro-White advocate of sorts, Nick Fuentes. Fuentes, who implies that he’s not entirely White when he says he’s of “Mexican” ancestry, is a big self-promoter with gifts of wit and gab who made a name for himself by showing up in person at Republican/conservative/neocon events, where he and his followers would publicly ask some very uncomfortable and embarrassing questions from a more-or-less anti-Jewish and racialist perspective, often making the conservative event turn into a total fiasco for its backers and promoters, and radicalizing some of the young people in the audience.

Fuentes looks White, and I frankly doubt his implication that he’s really Mestizo. Though some small percentage of Amerind might be in his background (as it might be in a fair number of Appalachian Whites, too, who are nevertheless White by William Pierce’s standards), I think that’s probably a tactical lie — which doesn’t say much for his character.

And I’ll add parenthetically that I don’t agree with people who say that anyone named Fuentes shouldn’t be speaking for White people. That’s ridiculous. There are literally millions of White people with Spanish surnames.

But Fuentes, though aware of toxic Jewish power and the threat that poses to Whites, also embraces a weird belief system in which the Catholic flavor of Christianity is the “solution,” and he calls for an America dominated by Catholic media and a Catholic ruling elite. He claims to see the main conflict in the West as one between Jews and Catholics, and claims that our only choice is to ally with one of those two sides. A man in his early 20s, Fuentes also asserts, despite his celebrity and success, that he is an “incel,” meaning a man who is “involuntarily celibate” due to societal dysfunction — while simultaneously saying that “having sex with women is gay” and that “the only really straight heterosexual position is to be an asexual incel.” That’s too weird for me to parse without my head exploding, except to say that it’s obviously contrary to Nature and healthy sexuality, and also totally disqualifies Fuentes from any role above dog-catcher in the society the National Alliance intends to build.

Fuentes and West and Jewish alt-right grifter and sex pervert Milo Yiannopoulos recently visited populist grifter, and deposed President, Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago estate to talk about national and social issues. That’s a measure of how chaotic and weird America’s political landscape has become. But it’s also a measure of how awareness of race and Jewish power is on the rise. Trump “had to” distance himself from the weird trio, and the weird trio exploded into mutual recriminations about fifteen seconds after the Trump dinner was over, but the “distancing” was pretty mild, about 10,000 times more mild than what the Jews would have preferred. I can almost smell the bile rising in Jonathan Greenblatt’s crop, or whatever it is that reptiles have. And he was already pretty damned enraged by Elon Musk’s giving him only 90 per cent. of what he asked for at Twitter instead of the 150 per cent. he deserved. Poor, poor fellow.

In France, the country that gave us the race-aware novelist Jean Raspail (and so much more), a rising awareness of the threat of non-White immigration is coming from some very unexpected quarters, too. A recent news dispatch tells us:

France’s greatest living author Michel Houellebecq says Europe will be “swept away” by mass migration, adding that he was “shocked” that the ‘great replacement’ is treated as a conspiracy theory.

Houellebecq made the comments during a conversation with French philosopher Michel Onfray.

“The Great Replacement, I was shocked it’s called a theory. It’s not a theory, it’s a fact,” said Houellebecq. “When it comes to immigration, nobody controls anything, that’s the whole problem. Europe will be swept away by this cataclysm.”

Onfray agreed with him, asserting, “It’s objectively what the figures say,” in relation to the issue of massive demographic change….

A poll taken in April last year found that the majority of French citizens thought some form of “civil war” was likely as a result of failed multiculturalism and attacks on French identity.

The so-called ‘Great Replacement’ is the idea that leftist politicians are deliberately encouraging rapid levels of mass migration in order to replace native people with migrants….

Well, that sounds good, and it is good to see a big fracture in the French Establishment over the issue of their looming replacement by Brown invaders. And it is good to see major figures categorically deny the Jews’ endlessly-repeated and self-contradictory talking points, 1) that the Great Replacement isn’t real and is not happening, and 2) that Whites will soon be replaced as majorities in the countries that used to be theirs and that’s a good thing.

But, as with the fractures we’re seeing on our side of the Atlantic that are shining light on the Jews, it’s a quite gallery of confused and corrupted people who are involved. Michel Onfray openly declares himself to be a “hedonist” philosopher whose highest ideal is the “most pleasure for the greatest number.” Michel Houellebecq is married to a Chinese woman. Lastly, and most importantly, many or perhaps all of the new opponents of the Brown tide in France deny it’s a Brown tide at all. Like worthless American conservatives, they claim “not to see race” and object to the invasion only because it’s largely Muslim. They welcome Jewish “allies” too.

This breaking of the deadly stasis is going to be messy and chaotic of necessity, as America and the West have become exceedingly messy and chaotic places thanks to the Jew-led breakdown of our traditional and natural values since 1945. But we have no choice but to accept the chaos either way — an imposed chaos which leads to our race’s death, or a more anarchic chaos in which many of the various racial and social groups unnaturally mixed together in our society begin to break free of Jewish control in their own ways and in sometimes bizarre or dangerous directions, a chaos which leads to the breakdown of Jewish hegemony over us. Let’s push with all our might to make it the latter chaos — for then, with Jewish media and financial and political power broken, we will have a chance to create a new order for our people.

The rumblings from the future are going to get louder, I predict. The ranks of the awakened — many only partly awakened — will continue to rise, as the war on us, and Jewish power, become too obvious and toxic to be denied much longer. Many of the newly-aware will be deeply confused, many even more confused than the disorganized and befuddled January 6 protesters were. There will be repression, even worse than that visited on those protesters. And there will also be chaos.

We of the National Alliance intend to bring order out of that chaos. We intend to create an entirely new society that will guarantee that White children will still be being born 10,000 years and more from now. We intend to sweep away the confused and incomplete ideas of the past that failed to preserve us against our determined Jewish enemy. We intend to make the subversion and corruption of our people and our race-based society impossible in the future. In the war on our race that began — or should I rather say expanded and intensified — in 1945, and which continues to the present day, we intend to win. To do that, we need more members of our intentional White community. If you are among the clear-headed, rational, and idealistic few, who see without confusion what needs to be done, you are invited to join us.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.

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Rockwell's Ghost
Rockwell's Ghost
3 December, 2022 11:50 am

West has more courage than most any white man of today, taking on the kosher kabal. Other whites cringe in fear or hide behind keyboards. It appears non-toady blacks are backing up West. Alas, no”white” Rockwells in sight.

Reply to  Rockwell's Ghost
4 December, 2022 4:15 am

This is not exactly fair towards us White men. Kanye has several layers of protection (being Black, celebrity, and rich) that many whites lack, namely those that live in countries that have no freedom of speech. I would love to openly criticize Jews, but will you take care of my family if I end up in jail?
Greetings from Europe.

3 December, 2022 1:08 pm

I may be being optimistic but I believe that we may be beginning to witness the beginning of the end of Jewish domination of the White world. Their true nature is becoming so obvious that even Blacks, obviously not the most intelligent race, are seemingly beginning to see them for what they really are. Although things can be expected to get worse before they get better.

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
4 December, 2022 4:51 am

Mr. Strom, you never cease to wow me with your radio show. And although the crux of the message of this one is of a very serious nature, you managed to get my belly rolling with some of what you said, such as: “and also totally disqualifies Fuentes from any role above dog-catcher in the society the National Alliance intends to build.” and ”almost smell the bile rising in Jonathan Greenblatt’s crop, or whatever it is that reptiles have. “ Although it’s sad that it was the negroes and some wanking pud-pulling incel who got the message publicized, instead of us Whites, who have been trying to tell each other this stuff all along, just to be dismissed as crazy, bigoted, hateful, extremist, White Supremacist, Nazi, and even pressured by the… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Nom De Guerre
4 December, 2022 12:10 pm

The National Alliance accepts donations from anyone, however, we’re not obligated to donors to perform in any manner. Funds received are used according to our principles. We do not disclose the identities of supporters or members without their permission.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
6 December, 2022 3:09 am

Jews always overestimate their abilities. They are too self-conceited to be effective managers in any state. The very fact that they now control the whole governmental structure in USA unmistakably predicts inevitable collapse. Anywhere and anytime where Jews come to power everything crumbles down. They are exceptionally gifted in the ability to ruin everything they touch. 

6 December, 2022 7:34 am

I made this slideshow video from the last American Dissident Voices broadcast

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Dan
6 December, 2022 10:31 am

Nicely done video, Dan.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
6 December, 2022 11:11 am


Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Dan
10 December, 2022 11:02 am

It’s good to see a new Alliance member using his talent to spread our Website links on other platforms. Thank you, Dan. I look forward to your coordinating with other NA videographers to reach Whites through that medium. NA currently has three video channels: one at something called Odysee, another that we allegedly control, video./ I’m not tech savvy and don’t follow them. We launched our first video channel, my baby — — from which the other two have since been spawned. That was after popular Jew-owned YouTube would ban any videos our people put up there. We’ve been having some difficulty with the so-called “free speech” Bitchute folks recently, and our channel there has been banned now in every European nation, thanks to Jew censors. But I still… Read more »

Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
11 December, 2022 9:56 pm

ok. Point taken