Posts Tagged
White Youth

Bring Forth the Cleansing Hell Fire
THERE WAS A TIME, and it wasn’t all that long ago, when magazines for teenage girls were mere innocent entertainment. Mainly clothes and make-up. And romance. Said romance was of the innocent-girl-swept-off-her-feet-by-charming-suitor who in true gentlemanly fashion never ‘takes…

Generation Nomad: Travellers Without Destination
by Veiko Hessler THE YOUTH of today are quite possibly the most decried and despised generation in history. Millennials are regarded as a selfish, entitled generation who believe in neither country nor God. Despite being, supposedly, the most educated, wealthy, and free human beings to have ever…

Youthfulness, Liberalism, and the Gaining of Wisdom
With today’s college students’ obsession with “safe spaces,” acts of “micro-aggression,” and an intolerance for opposing viewpoints, is America losing its grip on reality? by David Sims WHEN YOU LOOK at the younger generation, you see people who have yet to learn what your longer lifetime has enabled…

Whites Are Being Replaced
Although this Brookings Institution article by truckler William Frey doesn’t admit it, Jewish-led social policies and agendas (such as mass immigration, racial mixing propaganda, promotion of abnormal sexual behavior, and moral condemnation of “racism”) are leading directly…

The Third Wave
The potential to revolutionize our society is present in our children, if we will only tap into it. by Kevin Alfred Strom and Jeff Hilton (American Dissident Voices broadcast for April 30, 2006) BACK IN 1967 a very strange thing happened in a high school history classroom in California. Something amazing.…