Posts Tagged
Savitri Devi

Cosmotheism in Savitri Devi
R.G. FOWLER originally published the following extracts from Savitri Devi’s Defiance under the title “The Superman: The Purpose of the Universe, the Meaning of Life.” I am reprinting it here because of the resemblance to William Pierce’s philosophy of Cosmotheism. For more on Cosmotheism, click …

Nation, Race, Blood, and Faith
The real spirit of traditional European religions — and of Cosmotheism — is contained in the blood of our folk wherever it extends through space and time. by Savitri Devi THE GREAT difference between creedal and non-creedal religions lies in the fact that, while the principle of unity…

National Socialism and Cultural Renewal
by Savitri Devi ANOTHER MOST POSITIVE contribution of the National Socialist régime to the renaissance of Germany — and of Europe — lies in its effort to cleanse the press, as well as all forms of art and literature, and to build a new healthy and beautiful culture upon the ruins of the decadent,…

A New Religion for Us, part 5
American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 24, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THIS WEEK we continue to explore the idea of a new religion for racially-conscious White people; and we return again to National Socialist Germany. As I said…

A New Religion for Us, part 4
American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 17, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
TODAY we continue our exploration of an awakening — an awakening that began with Charles Darwin, exploded into life in the ideas of Shaw and Nietzsche,…

A New Religion for Us, part 3
American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 10, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THIS WEEK we continue our exploration of the evolution of religion and religious thought in National Socialist Germany. We’ll be learning about these…

A New Religion for Us, part 1
American Dissident Voices broadcast of May 6, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
WITHIN the lifetimes of some of my listeners, just before the middle of the 20th century, Aryan man achieved, in National Socialist Germany, a new way of life…

The Death of Adolf Hitler
by Savitri Devi OTHERS HAVE described — or tried to describe — far better than I (who was not on the spot) ever could, the last days of the Third German Reich: the irresistible advance of the two frantic invading armies (and of their respective auxiliaries) into the heart of the land, in which…

Gods on Earth
A selected reading from Savitri Devi’s The Lightning and the Sun. by Savitri Devi (pictured) NATIONAL SOCIALISM refused every compromise with the spirit of the faiths “in Time.” That is the reason why it did not — could not — triumph, materially, now. That is, however, the reason…

Paul of Tarsus, or Christianity and Jewry
by Savitri Devi (pictured) IF THERE is a single fact which anyone who seriously studies the history of Christianity cannot help but be struck by, it is the almost complete absence of documents regarding the man whose name this great international religion bears — Jesus Christ. We know of him…