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Surveillance as a Service: The Global Impact of Israeli “Defense” Technologies
IT IS THROUGH collective awareness and action that we can all build and contribute to privacy-preserving technologies that aim to protect people everywhere from the prevalence of surveillance and suppression of dissent and self-determination. It is equally important to hold companies accountable…

Stuck in the Muck: Musings and Ramblings About Conservatism These Days, part 2
by John Massaro EMOTIONS ALWAYS RUN HIGH during wartime when one’s country, or a close ally, is brutally attacked. And so it is now, as I write, shortly after Israel, our only dependable ally in the Middle East, whose people only wish to live in peace with their Arab neighbors, fell victim to a dastardly…

The Hundred-Front War
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 28 October, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom IT MAY HAVE BEEN one of the anonymous writers for Instauration magazine many years ago who coined the terms — I am not sure — but every so often I am criticized for using the expressions “the Other”…

Understanding Hamas vs. Israel
Israel is a terrorist state, and the US media — almost entirely controlled by Jewish interests — constantly omit or minimize coverage of the brutal treatment of non-Jews by Jews in the region. Our view of the conflict should mainly be determined by the fact that Israel is the de facto world…

The Jew’s “Holocaust” Culture of Contrived Victimhood Threatens White Survival
The post excerpted below is an instant-classic about how exaggerated and contrived Jewish victimhood related to “the Holocaust” has created a culture inimical to White racial survival. We demand an end to this culture and trillions in reparations for the damage done. — Dissident…

High Jinks on the High Seas
The Achille Lauro by Revilo P. Oliver ACCORDING TO the story that has been told a thousand times by the jewspapers and the boob-tubes, four young Palestinians “hijacked,” i.e., seized control, of a fairly large ocean liner, the Achille Lauro, which was carrying about four hundred passengers…

25 Senators in Secret Meeting With Jewish Leaders to Plot Strategy Against Growing Anger Over Influence of Jewish Elites
Senator Chuck Schumer ON JUNE 5, 16 heads of Jewish organizations joined 25 Democratic senators in a private meeting, which, according to the Times of Israel, is an annual event. All of the Jewish organizations but one were openly declared advocates for Israel and are supportive of its policies. Key…

Jews: Exempt From the Rules They Force on Us
Israel’s Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked: Her Facebook account and Paypal account, etc., remained intact despite her direct and credible call for murder of Palestinians. by David Sims AYELET Shaked is the Israeli Justice Minister. In 2014, she used her Facebook account to promote genocide…

Provocation and Response
by Dr. William L. Pierce THE SITUATION IN Palestine is interesting, both in terms of what is happening over there and in terms of the reflection over here. It’s not just the occasional good lick the Palestinians manage to get in against the Jews over there; that’s always good to see, of course,…

No Free Speech for the Goyim: The Jews Escalate Their Zio-Supremacist War on Our Ancient Liberties
Boycotting Israel is the Right Thing to Do Philip Giraldi | The Unz Review Tracking the consequences of Israel’s apparent conviction that it should never be bound by the rules and conventions that constrain the behavior of other countries sometimes leads one into dark places. The daily torments inflicted…