Posts Tagged
Karl Radl

Martin Heidegger and the Self-Assertion of National Socialism
Heidegger by Karl Radl READING THE universally acclaimed German philosopher Martin Heidegger is a pleasure that cannot and should not be underestimated. He was an innovative thinker of the first order and is part of what American ‘conservative’ philosopher James Burnham called the ‘dark’ or ‘irrational’…

The Jews Behind Fidel Castro and the Cuban Communist Party
by Karl Radl THE Cuban Communist Party, or the Partido Comunista de Cuba (hereafter PCC), is the organisation that preceded the development of the broad left-wing revolutionary movement that transformed into the late Fidel Castro’s communist government, and which was then recreated to support…

The Non-Jewish Origins of Krav Maga
by Karl Radl KRAV MAGA is in my estimation one of the foundation myths of Israel, as Roger Garaudy famously put it. It forms a key part of Israel’s Hasbara efforts by leveraging its status as a supposedly ‘deadly’ martial art and then introducing pro-Israel talking points and creating sympathy for the…

The Necessity of Extremism
by Karl Radl EXTREMISM SEEMS to be everywhere these days, from Animal Rights Extremists to Islamic extremists to Far Right Extremists, everything seems to be ‘extreme’. The irony of this is that this identification tag of ‘extremism’ is extremely arbitrary since there is no way to definitely label…

The Nonsense of Gun Control
by Karl Radl GUN CONTROL advocates are extremely keen to seize any national tragedy, such as a school shooting or a terrorist attack, to push the idea that… well… if we just banned guns, then it’d all stop happening. This is magical thinking of course, because a gun is but a tool and it doesn’t cause violent…

Are National Socialist Autonomous Zones Possible?
by Karl Radl WITH THE final destruction of the farce of the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), at the hands of a small force comprised of armed US policemen, that was more a squatter eviction than a battle; we are forced to wonder about the future of such attempts to create autonomous zones within existing…

The Calculated Destruction of the American Right
by Karl Radl WITH THE recent announcement that the Justice Department have formed a ‘task force’ to ‘counter’ the various ‘Boogaloo’ groups and that the Jewish-run social media giant Facebook has been actively nuking all accounts they ‘associate’ with such groups — which probably just means anyone…

Fake Holocaust Survivors: Dario Gabbai
David Dario Gabbai by Karl Radl CONTINUING ON with my series of articles on the claims of so-called ‘Holocaust Survivors’, today we can look at the narrative of the famous ‘Holocaust Survivor’ David Dario Gabbai who died recently and has been subject to many hagiographic accounts of his life. One such…

Charlemagne: Defender of the West or Servant of the Jews?
by Karl Radl THERE ARE few figures more famous in Western history than the Emperor Charles the Great, better known as Charlemagne, of the Carolingian dynasty of the Franks. Charlemagne was the grandson of the equally famous Frankish ruler Charles Martel and like him has the reputation of being a fervent…

The Necessity of Extremism
by Karl Radl We can see that ‘extremist’ is simply a propagandistic synonym for ‘enemy of the System’ while ‘moderate’ translates to ‘friend of the System’. EXTREMISM seems to be everywhere these days, from Animal Rights Extremists to Islamic extremists to Far Right Extremists, everything seems…