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Taken to Mount Sinai
PLEASE WATCH the amazing video above. It’s hard to imagine a more perfect allegory for the absolute state of the U.S.S.A. Here’s a Jew criminal spewing drivel about the slaves promised by the Talmud and how our mongrel Afghan flophouse perfectly fits the bill, while the desiccated and…

Chiraq: Three Mass Shootings
THERE ARE TWO major public health issues threatening our globalist kosher bodega. If you immediately thought of “obesity and the opioid epidemic,” you could not be more wrong. Disgusting mongrel fat-bodies and debased Whites “vaccinating” themselves in the gutter isn’t…

The Most Recent Fatal Attack
The following is not a digest of many news stories; it is a single news report from ABC7 and the Chicago Sun-Times news wire, detailing just a bit of the exuberance of our rotting carcass of a country’s very first official “Juneteenth” celebration. THERE HAVE been 54 people shot,…

Chicago Implodes, Animals of Brown Hit Hardest
WE WERE so tantalizingly close to fixing our “African-American” burden before the sky started falling over a seasonal flu and months of Soros-funded Afromania reduced our cities to smoking craters. You might think Whites got the worst of this insane kosher collapse as the official holocaust…

Pure Criminality
Videos circulating online show widespread looting and clashes with police across Chicago’s Magnificent Mile shopping district early Monday, sparked by an officer-involved shooting hours earlier that left a 20-year-old man wounded. LOOKS LIKE the “White supremacists” are at it…

Chicago’s Historically Violent Summer Season
Memorial Day weekend has seen at least 36 people shot so far across Chicago, nine of them fatally. TODAY we remember the brave mongrel soldiers of the Chiraq all against all, the dangerous brown animals who gave their lives to help bring about the coming Semitic nightmare state. Each one of these alien…

Chiraq: The Welcoming City
E.T. will help its fellow alien invaders. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) moved this week to block Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials’ access to the city’s police databases following news of possible raids in Chicago and other major U.S. cities. GOOD THING Chiraq…

Chicagoland: Africa in America
Context: Below are excerpts from an editorial by Black conservative/libertarian Walter Williams. — Dissident Millennial Enough’s Enough by Walter Williams During the weekend of Aug. 4-5 (and the preceding Friday night), 12 Chicagoans were shot dead, and 62 others were shot and wounded,…

Chiraq: The Growing Problem of Cemetery Violence
THE NEGRO SHOULD start to improve any day now. We’re just one more doomed program, one more punitive tax, one fewer White face on the talmudvision away from miracling a failed race into something resembling a healthy consumer unit for our ugly globalist marketplace. The fact that the current…

A Rose is a Rose, &C.
by Revilo P. Oliver ALTHOUGH THE AFFIRMATION of a rose’s identity was made popular by a female mountebank named Gertrude Stein, it states a fundamental fact of biology. Poison ivy is poison ivy. Tigers are tigers. And, as I remarked at some length in the June issue of Liberty Bell, savages are savages.…