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Endless Fascination
Examples of art under National Socialism, 1933-1945; works of Arno Breker by Douglas Mercer GODWIN’S LAW FAMOUSLY POSITS that if any online discussion lasts long enough the odds that Adolf Hitler will be mentioned approaches certainty. Why is that? Why the endless fascination? Why is Hitler the hinge…

Murder in the Cathedral, part 3
by Douglas Mercer WAY BACK in 19 hundred and 53 when White America was still at the midway point of its dissolution, the great and good Daughters of the Confederacy donated the famous and beautiful Jackson/Lee stained glass windows to the National Cathedral in Washington, DC. At the time no one thought…

Savage Black Rites in New York City
Ugga buggah, literally. Leading Establishment cultural and art publications, including Smithsonian magazine, have rushed to heap praise on this new “work.” Once the Jews convinced us that Jackson Pollock’s brush drippings were “art,” this became inevitable.…

The Future Is Coming
by Douglas Mercer IN HIS book The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans, Hans F.K. Gunther noted that the signature of the Indo-European mentality is a kind of supernatural calm which cannot be disturbed. There is that, for sure. But there is also Teutonic berserker rage. Divine serenity: Aphrodite…

The Eternal Importance of Art
Art, Beauty, and Inspiration ARTISTRY AND BEAUTY have a profound impact on human beings, and quite often it has been beautiful, creative expression that has launched social revolution. It takes great inspiration to see clearly the vision of a New Era, and to carry out the march to the dawn of such an era.…

Degenerate Art and Its Most Effective Opponent
DEGENERATE ART is the term used by the German National Socialists to describe the art, sometimes called “modern art,” used to degrade popular taste. The German phrase is entartete Kunst. In the extract from Wikipedia below it is claimed that there were changes in the arts. This is true;…

The Great Revilo Oliver: The Jewish Plague, part 5
A rational look at the Jewish Question: To what extent are Jewish thought processes distinct from those of Europeans? American Dissident Voices broadcast of September 9, 2017 by Kevin Alfred Strom DO JEWS have a mentality as different…

The Importance of Beauty
by David Sims KNIGHT Dunlap (1875–1949; pictured) was an American psychologist who made a special study of human beauty. He wrote, “Whatever its importance for the individual, beauty is for the race and for civilization of such profound importance that no other fundamental consideration…

Gaetano Federici
Against the Jewish critics and the Jewish press who pushed “modern art,” Federici held true to his principles. by Frederico Napolitano GAETANO FEDERICI (1880-1964) was an Italian-American artist — a real artist — and sculptor who idealized the human form and spirit. Emulating…

Jews and Modern Art
by Josiah Nott MODERN ART IS not really art at all, but Jewish self-promotion and degeneracy. So, though Jews are not heavily represented in true art, they are in fact very much over-represented in so-called modern art — in fact, they were and are the dominant force in it. (ILLUSTRATION: Jackson…