Douglas MercerEssays

The Future Is Coming

by Douglas Mercer

IN HIS book The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans, Hans F.K. Gunther noted that the signature of the Indo-European mentality is a kind of supernatural calm which cannot be disturbed.

There is that, for sure.

But there is also Teutonic berserker rage.

Divine serenity: Aphrodite of Menophantos

William Pierce was fascinated by George Bernard Shaw’s play Man and Superman. The crux of his Cosmotheism is that man is evolving into ever higher and more powerful forms, never resting in mere passive contemplation.

Man is a rope tied by Nature between man and Superman.

As such, man is not made for perpetual harmonies. Man is meant to be always breaking through old forms to create new, higher, superior harmonies.

Whoever strives always onward, always upward, him we can save.

Arno Breker knew this.

Greek statuary conforms to Gunther’s ideal. Always in proportion, always in equipoise, always in perfect undisturbed harmony.

One of Picasso’s better portraits

In the early 20th century, while all the “art” around him was decomposing this perfection into its broken parts, into chaos, destruction, and deconstruction; into dismantling; while massive Jewish putrefaction was sapping the European spirit, while Jewish nihilism was setting in, Breker went the other way.

The Jew Kafka gave us the torture rack and the cockroach. Jew-influenced Picasso gave us man splintered to death in a million little pieces.

Breker gave us new heroes.

Where in the ancient Greek geniuses we see rounded planes, in Breker we see hard ones; where they had gentle curves he has hard lines; where the Greeks had placid, perfect faces, Breker had hard, determined glances full of powerful, purposeful energy.

For the Greek, everything was in proportion — for Breker everything was seeking boundlessness.

Arno Breker, Active Man (1940)
Arno Breker, Apollo and Daphne (1941)
Arno Breker, Strength (1939)

The Greeks had perfection which the Jews broke apart. Breker took perfection and made it more perfect still, built more powerful forms.

Adolf Hitler wanted to give architect Albert Speer free reign in Europe. Had this advent held, we could have had majestic cities built upon the ideas of Breker.

In architecture we could have had monumentalism as far as the eye can see.

Instead we got “brutalism” — buildings like unto cheap roach traps.

We could have had heroic forms in art. Instead we got Pollock and pointlessness; a mud-stained rag is more inspiring.

It is for us to hark back to this thwarted new beginning.

Arno Breker gave us the shape of things to come.

A future that is coming.

* * *

Source: Author

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The Fortress Unvanquishable, Save for Piercian

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23 January, 2021 10:03 am

The Great Hall was so gigantic that its dome should have been heated to avoid the danger of avalanches. It would have required pretty elaborate gutters. Speer had betrayed his work in retrospect to save his head. He has claimed that Hitler had the idea of the globe on the top, on which the imperial eagle is enthroned. This had been a “symbol of his claim to world domination”. But Hitler never spoke of world domination in all his writings.

23 January, 2021 10:22 am

Product of the defamation: “Save the Aryans”.

It makes fun of the fact that “the Aryan is an endangered species”. Everything reminds of Spielberg’s “Jurassic Park” not without reason. For example, the team includes a half-negress as a “scientist” (“the new Germans”). Btw., Spielberg had stolen the German font Neuland for his lettering of the film.

Who are the makers of this garbage? A state-sponsored company called “Bohemian Browser Ballet,” one of whose stated goals is to mock Germans and Germany. Their main protagonist, who also appears in the video, has given himself the Jewish-sounding name Schlecky Silberstein, but his real name is Christian Brandes.

How do we know this disgusting, depraved creature?

23 January, 2021 10:28 am

Speakig of “Neuland”
An Austrian and a German (both living in America) cooperate as a duo.

23 January, 2021 10:44 am

“Chronos” by Ron Fricke (German name) from 1985

George Kennedy had also German ancestry

By the way, Marlon Brando was also of German origin.
“Brando” sounds Italian, but became from “Brandau”.

23 January, 2021 10:59 am

Bavarian inventor of OpenOffice on the “Big 5”
tech giants, announced by a negro in lederhosen.

Smart people claim that silencing Trump was not an action against Trump, whom they had promoted for years and who was done for anyway, but a clear warning to Biden: “Do what we ask of you, or you’ll get the same!”

German “father of MP3”

There were no drunk Australians at Okto-
berfest this year because it was cancelled.

Franklin Ryckaert
Franklin Ryckaert
23 January, 2021 11:19 am

“The Greeks had perfection which the Jews broke apart. Breker took perfection and made it more perfect still, built more powerful forms.”

Apart from the logical impossibility of making something “more perfect than perfect”, Breker’s forms as exemplified in his sculpture of “Active Man” show what that leads to: grotesque misshapenness. Look at those abnormally big hands.They are bigger than the figure’s face. Now lay your hand on your face to see how impossible that is. The figure’s calves too are as thick as his thighs, another impossibility.

If “higher evolution” would mean becoming such monsters I would rather stick to Greek “boring” but harmonious forms.

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Franklin Ryckaert
23 January, 2021 8:00 pm

Not sure how you’re seeing what you say you see.
Looks like a very athletic guy to me.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Franklin Ryckaert
24 January, 2021 11:02 am

Is it not possible that the artist enlarged the hands to show that Aryans are people that work,people that do, that accomplish and not people that talk and manipulate with words and half-baked ideas?

(The thighs look like 4/5 head to me, and the calves look like 1/2 head—which is correct for a muscular male.)

Foger bacon
Foger bacon
Reply to  Franklin Ryckaert
25 January, 2021 12:03 am

It looks right when viewing the statue on foot, in person. The proportions make it seem even larger and taller.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
23 January, 2021 11:27 am

Art must have strength and inner conviction to survive the Jewmockcracy onslaught, and still remain agile. They do not want displayed any of the qualities that we admire–they always mock them or bend them in some way. But we must not let them harden us into expressing our soul in any “official” forms, but must remain dedicated to expressing our beliefs fluidly and passionately, while always exploring new ways to do so. All of this comes from the “supernatural calm” of Aryan Spirituality. Breker, while honoring the Greeks, did not let himself be limited by them. Wagner’s “Cry of the Valkyrie” is magnificent on its face, but the Jews have used it and overworked it in their comedies and melodramas, portraying aggressive overweight German women singing, while wearing horned helmets.… Read more »

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
23 January, 2021 8:06 pm

The problem with Wagner is that his version of Nordic and German mythology is essentially the same falsified Abrahamic comic book interpretation you find in Marvel’s Thor and a myriad of books and movies.
Pagan deities are aspects of nature, not fantasy humanoids who live in the sky.

23 January, 2021 1:49 pm

Western saddle “Made in Germany”, value 4000 €.

“The wild wild west starts just behind Hamburg.”
“Men are like that”

“The members of Texas Lightning were, by Proclamation 603
before the Texas Senate, declared to be Honorary Texans.”

23 January, 2021 2:12 pm

“Although closely related, ‘Dresden’ is however not actually about the bombing in the Second World War in the same way ‘Enola Gay’ was about Hiroshima. Instead, it uses the city as an unsubtle metaphor about relationship breakdown, an emotive topic that connects with the album’s theme of unfulfilled utopian dreams.”

Unimaginable that Brits ever admitted their own guilt.

Who were all those bolshewik Jews?

23 January, 2021 2:44 pm

Filmed in Berlin. Singer married
the German actress of his video.

23 January, 2021 2:56 pm
15 Beautiful German Cities Not Destroyed That Survived WW2 Almost Untouched

23 January, 2021 2:57 pm

Comfort for those who think it’s “too late”. It is never quantity that counts, but always quality! Eighty percent of our breed are now genetic waste that make no contribution to our survival.

An example of nature that only a tiny minority of the strongest and best must survive to create a new breed community is given to us by the East Prussian Trakehner horse. Only a few escaped WW2, today they are a noble breed.

Perhaps it is long past time for the over-
due cleansing, purification and distillation.

23 January, 2021 5:46 pm

An Aryan does not wear fraudulent Jew watches:

“Arabo was arrested on charges of money laundering and conspiracy in connection with the Detroit-based Black Mafia Family, as well as for not declaring large cash purchases to the IRS.”

But, for example, the practical Flieger watches of for-
mer Wehrmacht pilot Helmut Sinn, which are afforda-
ble for every capable member of the white society.

24 January, 2021 1:14 am

Good things are simple, handy and practical.

This knife gained popularity in the United States following World War II, as returning servicemen brought Mercator knives home from Germany. […]

The Mercator knife also found some popularity with delinquent youths, and by the mid-1960s the “K55K” or “K55” was described as the “weapon of choice among the older teenagers of the South Bronx.”

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
24 January, 2021 2:39 pm

Had the Germania Dome been actually built,
it would have been large enough to create its
own weather patterns inside the structure. This
was a problem that confronted the builders of
the massive VAB (vehicle assembly building)
for the Apollo launch sites of some fifty years
ago. The structure still stands to this day.

26 January, 2021 1:13 am

The Jews know that we are the only people in
the world endowed with Faustian thoroughness
of thought and are therefore immune to them.

This annoys them.

26 January, 2021 1:22 am

A Briton would never think that the Jew is the problem. An “American” with a drop of German blood, on the other hand, will be in doubt and follow his instinct. The German soul has a separate role in the earthly salvation event. If the Germans fall, all the others fall like dominoes. Beware of the Germans, for they are your survival insurance!

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Peter
26 January, 2021 9:26 am

As a big fan of all things Celtic, I am constantly sickened by what has been happening to the British Isles for over 2000 years.

Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
5 February, 2021 1:44 am

Когда я мелким был я сидел делал понятные в этом возрасте дела . Занятия делал . Так вот сидишь один раз вдруг портфель сам отодвинулся. После еще че то зашевелилось в коробке . Ну и как изюминкой было то что включилось радио само по себе Отключить причем выключателем я его не мог вылечил его только выдиранием батареек само по себе радио исправно было . Но оно само включилось . Ну а сами эти явления сопровождались шшш ээжгэ такая странная штука . Не шипение а будто чей то язык . Ну и значит еще в меньшем возрасте где то в 4 года я услышал странный звук . Подхожу я к окну и вижу большую спираль в небе благо то что я почти этот процесс запечателел . Значит сначало это был сгусток… Read more »

26 January, 2021 1:49 am

I freed myself from the Jewish mental prison with my own mental discipline. Most people are too lazy to think, today more than ever, which is only dear to the Jews. Spirits tempted by Jews are under the delusion of having to neglect themselves in favor of the Jews. These are the ones who believe in the Jewish “democracy”. It is useless to counter them with “arguments” (facts). They are on the lowest rung of the karmic ladder.

28 January, 2021 4:28 pm

There is no such thing as “indo-european”. It’s a fabricated term cleverly used by those who intend to subvert our civilization, take over and make us extinct. Stop using it, you sound like gullible fools and probably you are by propagating this sinister myth. There are Indians, and there are of course Europeans and all sorts of other people like Asians, Africans, etc BUT the word “indo-europeans” is non existent.

28 January, 2021 5:39 pm

“Am 30. Januar sind in Deutschland die Würfel gefallen. Und ich glaube nicht, dass die Gegner, die damals noch gelacht haben, heute auch noch lachen.”

“On January 30, the die was cast in Germany. And I don’t think that the opponents who were laughing then are laughing now.”

28 January, 2021 6:01 pm

Second part of the video:

“Wir sind lebende Bürgen dafür, dass niemals wiederkommt das Zeitalter dieser korrupten Parteierscheinungen. Seit dem Tag hat sich von Woche zu Woche steigend unsere Flagge zum Symbol des deutschen Volkes und Reiches erhoben.”

“We are living guarantors that the age of these corrupt party guises will never come again. Since that day, our flag has risen from week to week to become the symbol of the German people and empire.”

28 January, 2021 9:35 pm
28 January, 2021 10:11 pm
29 January, 2021 5:40 am

Was the Third Reich “socialist”, as the “neocons and libertarians” permanently claim? Is socialism something bad if it is done in the name of the nation? Didn’t the term socialism have a completely different meaning a hundred years ago? Can there be “national capitalism” at all, or isn’t capitalism by its very nature always globalist and thus transnational and border-dissolving? Or are some here stiffening on words? Is “democracy” the “rule of the people” or the rule of the rich? Is the “People’s Republic” of China a republic of the people? Was the GDR a “German democratic republic”? Or better just a communist dictatorship and Russian satellite state? The “Internationale” is considered the anthem of the socialists, but was banned under penalty in the Third Reich. If Hitler was a… Read more »

29 January, 2021 5:47 am

The Scandinavian model is often referred to as “socialism”. In any case, until they were flooded with armies of Thirdworlders, these countries had a higher standard of living than the purely capitalist Anglo-American social order. In “Israel” socialists are always nationalists at the same time. No one would have a problem with that there. The kibbutz movement, for example, is quasi-national socialist.

29 January, 2021 5:56 am

These idiots do not understand historical connections, they are only interested in passing the buck to each other. They do not understand that they remain caught in the trap of their mortal enemies.

29 January, 2021 6:05 am

Hitler was neither “left” nor “right”.

And whether he really was the “authoritarian dictator” that has been attributed to him for the past 80 years is a matter of debate among knowledgeable minds.

29 January, 2021 7:55 pm

Communication scientist Norbert Bolz: “Islam must
be taken seriously because it takes itself seriously.”

So it was with National Socialism. Its energetic
nature consisted of fanaticism, uncompromi-
singness, and – when necessary – brutality.

Suddenly there were people who meant what they said,
who did not just announce, but took action. This made an
impression, both on enemies and on like-minded people.

29 January, 2021 8:03 pm

Although Mussollini was a pathetic wretch in
contrast to Hitler, he was the only one so far
to clean up the Mafia in Italy. It is significant
that the Americans left their war equipment
like jeeps in Sicily to the Mafia after the war.

29 January, 2021 8:13 pm

For the National Socialists, victory was a matter of will.

Reply to  Phil
30 January, 2021 8:12 pm

For us, it still is. But if Whites will themselves to be bystanders instead of participants, then the actions of other actors will run them down and destroy them. Life belongs only to those who will–and do– fight!

“It is not enough to believe, you must also fight!”–some great man…

29 January, 2021 8:44 pm

The Jews act like a creeping poison that paralyzes you. It
undermines your motivation. They make time work for them,
which works against our continued existence. They lull you
with all sorts of appeasement: “Things won’t be so bad! Ta-
it easy, nice goy!” But as always, a rude awakening follows.

29 January, 2021 8:57 pm

Emerging doubts are systematically dispelled: “Look how well we and all of humanity are doing since you finally gave up your destructive ‘me versus the others’ mentality. Finally defeat completely all your prejudices, we are all only human beings of flesh and blood, we all have the same needs!”

Thus our own future chances melt away like ice cream in the
summer sun. The Jewish “paradise” is made of cotton candy!

Their concept of defeating their enemies consists of hardly noticeable permanent propaganda. Jews are very prudent and cautious in their approach. They hang their fishing rods in the water until one bites, and feels “happy” to hang on their hook.

29 January, 2021 9:06 pm

Actually, they secretly expect you to stand up, grab them
by the collar, and throw them onto their “psychoanalysis”
couch: “Now I’m going to do MY hypnotherapy, you scoun-
drel, my way!” But they have long had an easy job with us.

29 January, 2021 9:24 pm

Jews defeat their enemies by “friendly fire.” A rabbi was repeatedly annoyed by children. He said to them, “If you come back tomorrow to tease me, I will give you two pieces of money!” As expected, the children came to tease him.

A day later he said, “Today you will only get one coin.” The children were frustrated, but still came back. This time he said, “I’m afraid I don’t have any more money, so now you’ll have to tease me for nothing.” The children left and never came back.

29 January, 2021 9:40 pm

The Jewish “method” consists of the “Five Big Bs”: Beloh-
nen, Belobigen, Bedrohen, Bestechen, Bestrafen. (Reward,
Praise, Threaten, Bribe, Punish.) This is how you train dogs.
Of course, all this has nothing to do with “love of humanity”.

29 January, 2021 9:46 pm

This is also why they shower their most faithful political servants
in the West with their “humanist awards” and Israeli “doctorates.”

29 January, 2021 10:10 pm

What was “dangerous” for the Jews about the National Socialists was that they were not extrinsically but intrinsically motivated. In other words, they were not corrupted and bought, but sworn to a common meaningful goal through enthusiasm. As was their nature, they were comrades in destiny, springing from their unconditional and non-negotiable will for freedom.

29 January, 2021 10:23 pm

What goal in the life of a white man is more motivating than ensuring the survival of his own kind? To sacrifice is not to be a victim. Nothing of value comes into being without sacrifice. Our peoples are the result of persistent selection breeding and rivalries over thousands of years that refined us into what we are. Or once were.

comment image

29 January, 2021 10:33 pm

Everything has its price. One does not honor one’s ancestors
and their achievements by insulting them with cowardice and
refusal to give birth, but by going beyond them and ennobling
their deeds with them. Freedom means responsibility, it is not
a “gift of grace”. If I owe my existence to thousands of genera-
tions before me, I have a damn debt of gratitude to all of them!

29 January, 2021 10:42 pm

Work does not do itself. What is not done, sooner or later falls
on our own head. And our few descendants will hate us for it
and spit on our graves in disgust. Such a shameful existence
as a mere “need-satisfier” was unimaginable for all our ances-
tors. Anyone who doesn’t understand this simple truth because
he thinks he has a “right to breathe” doesn’t really deserve life!

29 January, 2021 11:11 pm

Let us come to the clear instruction for action that really annoys Jews: Start families! Have many children, because that is what the Jews hate the most! In this way, you will thwart their efforts to exterminate you. Organize yourselves and unite into ideologically stable survival communities! Do not waste your life time to write idiotic “comments” in anonymous net forums for years, which nobody of importance will ever read. You must focus your energies like a laser beam.

30 January, 2021 12:10 am

If we cannot reduce them – we will maximize ourselves! Note: The parasite never wants to finish his host completely, with it he would be gone himself. But an autonomous self-sufficient existence, which is beyond his control, thus depriving him of his necessary life energy, would harm him considerably.

Therefore he will do everything to prevent this. Not only by systematically attacking our fertility by all possible “tricks”, but also by stigmatizing our independence as “dangerous in principle”. He has already stretched his ideological spider’s web so far that he believes he can deny us the right to an existential future even in the farthest corners.

Reply to  Phil
2 February, 2021 7:54 am

PS: The little problem with “ideologically unenlightened” whites would be that the more
there are of them, the more useful slaves the cunning Jews have. Among the destitute
but self-sufficient Mennonites there is at least nothing for Jews to to grab, rob and steal.

30 January, 2021 12:37 am

Traditional German family in the Harz mountains.

“Mr. Jew: we do not make nuclear bombs against Iran, nor do we follow Israel’s fate daily on the screen, as you might like. What do you want from us: Our pockets are empty. You want to tax us and a daily walk to your ‘Holocaust Memorial’? We have more important things to do and to take care of ourselves! Our existence is about productivity and success. So good luck with yourself! With your reverend permission, we now close the door behind us – no one here has ever invited you as a guest.”

Reply to  Phil
30 January, 2021 3:25 pm

Greetings Phil. After their many complaints Martin Luther asked: “Who invited them here and who is preventing them from leaving?”

Reply to  Truthweed
31 January, 2021 5:21 pm

Fantastically to the point, Truthweed Yes, what to do with people who have sneaked into our house without permission, and even when we are in bed with our wife and turn off the light, still stand next to us?

Either they have a bad “Got it?”, or believe to be allowed to breathe even our air.bedroom. And that since Luther’s time, unable to learn. Athlete’s foot and scabies are a more pleasant plague. Obviously, they still need another good thrashing.


Reply to  Truthweed
31 January, 2021 9:21 pm

Their illusioned “God” must have either totally screwed
them over at the time of brain distribution, or s**t direct-
ly into their reptile brains, otherwise their entire species
wouldn’t be constantly suffering from linguistic diarrhea.

31 January, 2021 12:48 pm

Jewtube will make sure that this excellent literature will not become too well known. Rather, the kids shall be directed by hundreds of thousands to the lying channels of such propagandists as “Mark Felton Productions”, “TIK” or “World War Two” to undergo a proper brainwashing.

De-demonization is considered “glorification and trivialization of Nazi ideology” in terms of the prevailing agenda. The alleged “criminals” must under no circumstances appear as human beings. In the sense of Jewish power, it must be ensured without restriction that the narrative of “German war criminality” and “sole guilt” is maintained.

Douglas Mercer
Douglas Mercer
4 November, 2023 1:16 pm

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