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Old Tablets and New: Two Decalogues for the White Race
by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D.
O my brothers, break, break the old tablets! (Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra 3.12.10)
ACCORDING TO Jewish mythology, Moses came down from the mountain with two stone tablets in hand. Inscribed on them, by the Jewish god Yahweh, were 10 “commandments” for the Jews to follow…
Let’s Celebrate Lack-of-Independence Day
A classic American Dissident Voices broadcast republished to commemorate what is still, for some reason, called “Independence Day” weekend. by Kevin Alfred Strom HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY. I’m a…
Flag Fetishism
A classic essay; consider it well and deeply this Independence Day weekend. by Andrew Hamilton THE PREVALENCE of American flags in the few remaining White enclaves of the country is striking to any thoughtful observer. Even these small areas, of course, are not all-White as they were a quarter- or half-century…
As We Approach Our 248th Fourth of July
A classic essay republished to commemorate July 4th by Andrew Hamilton THE UNITED STATES, nearly 246 years after its declaration of independence from Great Britain, presents a revolting spectacle For sheer vileness, the US, with its universal surveillance, police state mentality, hatred of freedom,…
Thoughts on the Fourth of July
Independence Day, 1945: Little did our people know that they had just secured victory for their deadliest enemies, who have now almost destroyed our nation, our civilization, and our race — as Adolf Hitler predicted. by Dr. William L. Pierce (1998) WE JUST celebrated the Fourth of July, America’s…
Slaves to the Paragraph
by Douglas Mercer THE NATIONAL Socialists liked very literal showings of their ideology, such as this: When they burned degenerate books, they would carry the books through the town on a dung cart or an execution wagon before they consigned them to the flames. You might suspect, after reading it, that…
An Overgrown Story
by Revilo P. Oliver (1987) OVER THE PAST year or two, several correspondents, one of whom enclosed a copy of a published newsletter, have enlightened me about the true origin of the famous colossal statue of the goddess Eleutheria, who, most inappropriately wearing the radial crown of Apollo Helios,…
Democrats: Ditching Their Whole Ticket?
Parallels to the Jews’ Nixon/Agnew problem by William White Williams
Chairman, National Alliance I DON’T CARE MUCH to follow the circus that Dr. Pierce rightly ridiculed as that quadrennial ritual of our democracy: choosing a new Maximum Leader to occupy the big, white fortress on Washington’s…
Chairman, National Alliance I DON’T CARE MUCH to follow the circus that Dr. Pierce rightly ridiculed as that quadrennial ritual of our democracy: choosing a new Maximum Leader to occupy the big, white fortress on Washington’s…
Gaining Understanding: An Interview with Will Williams, part 2
National Alliance Chairman William White Williams; a recent (2024) self-portrait painted from a photograph taken around 1982. Among other works, Chairman Williams has painted numerous portraits, and cover art used by Instauration magazine. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 29 June, 2024…
Doing it Empirically
by Douglas Mercer FOR THOUSANDS and thousands of years, the fastest a man ever traveled was on a horse: 12 miles per hour. Finally it was Europeans, as always, who moved us forward, creating the train going some five times that fast. Then along came cars and then planes. When jet engines arose around 1930…
Achieving Peace and Harmony
by David Sims THERE ARE SOME VERY naïve questions on Quora. Here’s an example which I answered: “I think we should encourage peace and harmony between White people and Black people instead of strife and hostility. Don`t you agree?” “Encouraging peace and harmony”…
Gaining Understanding: An Interview with Will Williams
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 22 June, 2024 Introduced by Kevin Alfred Strom WE ARE GRATEFUL to podcaster and activist Dave Gahary who just this week completed a long live interview with National Alliance Chairman William White Williams, part of which we’ll be presenting to you today.…
Words and Consequences
by Alpin MacLaren IN GEORGE ORWELL’S BOOK 1984, he spent a good deal of time discussing language in the appendix at the back of the book. He pointed out that language strongly impacts how we think. By changing language, Big Brother’s INGSOC government directly controlled the minds of…
Holocaust Insights 8: False Witness Bruno Doessekker
THIS SERIES is based on the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books; please buy it here to support our efforts!), a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround…
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