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The USS Liberty Truth Campaign 2024, part 2: Millions Are Ready for the Truth
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 8 June, 2024 This week we continue our yearly USS Liberty Truth Campaign — and this year a powerful eyewitness account of the vicious attack on the Liberty — Philip Tourney’s Holocaust on the High Seas — is newly available from our Cosmotheist…
Living Things
by Douglas Mercer WE LIVE AND WE LEARN, they say; but the ones who “live” without learning don’t live at all. For to learn is to earn, and in the spiritual world only those who work get to eat; and one only gets what one pays for. To learn is to develop, to evolve, to figure things out, to extrapolate, to put two…
The Colonized and the Colonizers
by David Sims ANOTHER QUESTION from Quora: “Why did White people have such a problem with Native Americans?” So you can fully understand the dynamics, let me begin with a very important digression: Colonized people are not always culturally inferior to the colonizers. The presently…
Don’t Go to College (and Other Thoughts on Education)
by John Massaro ASK ANY BOOMER and he’ll tell you how it was drilled into our heads, as teenagers, that “you can’t get anywhere without a college education.” What that actually meant was that you couldn’t get a job that paid well. When it came time to enter the workforce, we were led to believe, a college…
Victory’s Fire
by Douglas Mercer IT IS THE SIMPLE THINGS in life that count, wouldn’t you agree? And it was Sophocles who said that one does not know how beautiful the day has been until the cool of the evening. By sheer inadvertence, the movie The Zone of Interest gives us such a message, despite the quintessentially…
The USS Liberty Truth Campaign 2024, part 1: More Timely Than Ever
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 1 June, 2024 This week we once again present our USS Liberty Truth Campaign — more timely than ever in light of today’s expanding mass murder by the Jews in Palestine, and the increasing outrage against American funding and support of that massacre.…
Never Stop Debunking Jewish Lies: Quora Edition No. 3,873
Someday, newspapers will print this great news — after which the percentage of truth in their pages will skyrocket. A sneering contempt for non-Jews oozes out between the lines of Jewish propaganda: “Never question your betters.” by David Sims ONE TRENDING QUESTION on Quora recently…
They Should Get No More
Wherein we discover a new word: “crybullies.” by David Sims THE QUESTION WAS recently asked: “Have the Jews milked their Holocaust for everything they can?” The Jews will, of course, call this an “anti-Semitic” question — a “hate” question. But, no. It is a…
Memorial Day: What Is Worth Fighting For
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 25 May, 2024 This week we present a newly-edited version of one of our most important classic ADV Memorial Day broadcasts, helping us to remember what is really important on this somber — and, today, grossly misunderstood — holiday. In the past, …
Holocaust Insights 7: Jewish Ghettos
A friendly get-together in the Warsaw ghetto, 1941. Today’s rule of the West by such mixed-race excreta is intolerable. THIS SERIES is based on the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books; please buy it here to support our efforts!), a massive volume (634…
One of the Vermin Speaks Out
The comedic genius. by Douglas Mercer THEY LIKE TO CALL Jerry Seinfeld a “funnyman” but what he is most of all is one of the vermin, one of those Jews who metaphorically crawl on their slimy bellies out the sewers and onto the street, there to infect the population with the Jewish plague. They said that Seinfeld…
The Jews Are Our Misfortune Redux, part 3
Not all the young people who are newly seeing the Jews as problematic are worthy of — or capable of understanding — the National Alliance message of racial progress. But some can indeed be awakened. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 18 May, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom LAST WEEK I DISCUSSED…
Our New Myth
In this new, worthwhile, and thought-provoking opinion piece, Blake Hood asserts that our civilization has reached its final crisis, and has thereby become ready for a new religious/foundational mythos — this time, that of Adolf Hitler. This is substantially in agreement with what Kevin …
The Jews Are Our Misfortune Redux, part 2
This new National Alliance sticker (click for the large, printable version) — which our Chairman suggests may be our most radical yet — is sized to be printed on standard 5.5×4.25-inch sticker blanks. All National Alliance members and supporters should have already received,…
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