A Jewish Tale of Mind-Stealing and Gene-Stealing
by Douglas Mercer
THE MOVIE IS CALLED The Last but it means “the last Nazi.” Not the last National Socialist, but the last “Nazi,” that’s the Jews’ preferred term of anathema. This film is Jew-run propaganda but with a twist. For a shockingly long time the movie gives the “Nazi” her due. Ok, not her due, her due would be some argumentative kill shots, but still it’s something. But despite portraying the German as the protagonist of the movie, and making her sympathetic and interesting, and giving her the best lines, in the end the Jew is a Jew. And you see why they made this movie: to put out more celluloid Jewish propaganda. The momentary pause before the ideological Jewish triumph just makes it all the more Jewish.
It begins in the most disgusting fashion possible. A young and healthy and beautiful White girl has converted to Judaism. And she hasn’t just converted. She is in love with Judaism. For a nearly interminable half hour she waxes on and on about how “beautiful” the Jew religion is, how much she loves it, and how excited she is to “be a Jew.” She is getting married to a Jew — but she’d convert without that. In fact, she out-Jews the Jews in her love of all things Jewish. This is a White girl, who of course should be marrying a White man and making White babies. Instead we get long soliloquy after long soliloquy about how she has “found a home” among the Israelites. Truly disgusting, as stated.
Then comes the hook. The White-girl-turned-Jew is on the beach with her future Jew husband and they see his “bubbe” — that is, his 92-year-old Jewish great-grandmother — approach. They all sit down and in the course of a long conversation she drops the bomb on them. She is dying of cancer and is going to go to Oregon in a week to commit suicide with the help of a euthanasia specialist. But that’s not the bomb, far from it. She then tells them that she has been an imposter all these years: She is not the sweet Jewish grandmother eating bagels with schmear and playing mahjong; no, far from it. She is not a Jew, she is a German. And what is more, she was a “Nazi.” And what is even more, she worked at Auschwitz. She shows them pictures to prove it. Why, she likely ate at the camp mess with the Mengele, the “Angel of Death” (according to Jews). What’s a Jew to do?
Suffice it to say the couple is dumbfounded at this discovery. When she is done, the man immediately goes on the offensive and says his great-grandmother should be taken to Nuremberg (if that kangaroo court’s still around!) like that guy from Ohio or that Secretary of Death — or, short of that, to Israel or the Hague — and tried on war crimes charges. She should be the lady in the glass booth. Presumably he thinks she should be executed. He has just found out that he is not a Jew after all and he is bewildered (it turns out his real great-grandfather was also a German who worked at the camp). Most normal people would be exhilarated at the discovery that they have no Jewish blood but to him it’s the worst thing imaginable. The woman’s reaction is quite different. She says that they should all go with the great-grandmother to Norway and commune with the Vikings until she dies of her cancer. Apparently she wants her to be able to pass away among memories of her people.
What a plot twist! They found out that their Jewish great granny is not a bubbe, is not a member of the international Tribe, but one of “Hitler’s minions.” And what’s more she is an unrepentant “Nazi.” Of course you can imagine their chagrin.
During the long conversation after this startling revelation, the Jews make their limited hang out: giving the German the best lines. The great-grandmother begins to speak in lyrical German and remarks that it is such a beautiful language and such a pleasure to speak it freely once again. She uses the word “homeland” and speaks of the time during and before the war when it was still acceptable to use that word. When inevitably the word “Holocaust” makes its appearance, she has a look of scorn and says she hates that term, that it is an abuse of the English language; she says that though it might have taken several minutes for someone to die from Zyklon B, tens of thousands of German girls were gang raped for days; her contention regarding the Jews was that “it was war” that the Jews were strong, strong in science and medicine, and thus were like any other combatant. She suggests that the postwar story of Jewish victimhood is only half the story and that there are “two sides” to every story. She laments that “it’s always the Jews, that everything is about the Jews.” All in all, this is not halfway bad for a mainstream movie — but you know that in the background the Jews have something cooking up their sleeves.
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Next the scene moves to the parents of the man; his mother (the “Nazi”’s granddaughter) is distraught at the news that she is not a Jew; her husband is the snarky skeptic and agnostic and is also a writer of graphic novels. We learn that he is already planning a comic book novel starring the great-grandmother as a superhero/supervillain, noting that not everyone has a mass murderer in their family — and he intends to milk the event “for reparations.” His planned plot line somehow involves Amerindians in America and Muslims in Europe, two typical Jewish concerns. At one point the groom (the husband-to-be of of the Jew convert) asks the great-grandmother if she ever saw “him.” By “him” it is understood that he means Adolf Hitler. Whereupon the great-grandmother beams and launches into a lyrical memory of when she was a young girl and saw Hitler speak from a balcony. She notes that it was night and the plaza was lit up; and it looked liked “fireflies,” so beautiful was the scene. She is in raptures as she says that what she remembers most was that Hitler said he wanted peace, but in order to attain that Germany had to be strong. In another exchange she says that Germany lost the First World War because at first there was money for the war and then all of a sudden there was not, and she blames the Jews for this. The convert woman says that the Jews did not cause Germany to lose that war; this statement goes unchallenged.
* * *
The trip to Oregon is now on — it’s a “Nazi” getting euthanized, get it? The Jew convert woman is going with her; before she leaves the groom (who has found out to his horror that his blood is White) tells his pseudo-Jew wife-to-be that he is going to “get re-circumcised” so as to “make it official” (that he’s an idiot, apparently). On the way to the hotel where her personal “final solution” is going to take place, the great-grandmother has a nervous breakdown; this, I think, is in order to make her look weak and pathetic. Once in the hotel room the euthanasia specialist arrives and it is revealed that the convert woman wants to have “five or six” children who, even though their bloodlines will be White, will be raised “strictly Jewish.” And as a “Nazi” is going to die, a large brood of (self-identifying) Jews (with pure German blood) will be born, get it? They are laying it on thick at this point, a lot of butter on the toast; but it will get even more obvious that they want to bludgeon you over the head with their Kosher message, despite a good word or two about our Uncle they let slip. The convert woman then places a necklace with a crucifix on it around the great-grandmother’s neck in order to make the symbolism even more blatant — at this point they might as well run a crawl that says “Nazis bad, White people bad” over and over.
Now they are ready to show us the dying process, but then a funny thing happens. A deux ex machina plot device has the euthanasia specialist leave the room; and then, gradually, the convert woman starts to hear sounds — a ringing in her ear, a buzzing, and we soon learn that it is really the sound of marching, of jackboots marching (Germans!). The marching-jackboot sound grows louder and louder until she is nearly driven mad. She then gets up and goes to the outside patio, and lures the great-grandmother out with her. We hear the convert say “you are such a coward” then we hear the great-grandmother say “I don’t want to die” — then we hear screams. Though we don’t see it, it is apparent that the convert woman (who had started out being sympathetic to the “Nazi”) has strangled the great-grandmother by putting (wait for it) her “Jewish hands” around the older woman’s neck while touching the cross necklace. The camera then stays on the empty bed and we hear (yes, they really did this) the sound of Adolf Hitler giving one of those speeches wherein his passionate and fervent voice rises to crescendo upon crescendo, and never lets up until the world is alight. The speech goes on for over a minute, a minute during which (they imagine) the viewer is contemplating “German evil.”
* * *
The final scene shows the great-grandson escorting his fiancée from the police department the next day; it’s unclear what has happened, but the hint is that he will not be prosecuted. The Jews often play a dangerous game, but this one is not that dangerous — they give you the message in bold letters. The White-girl-turned-Jew who had been a little sympathetic to “the Nazi” in the end has new ancestral memories, which flood her brain with ominous and frightening “marching Nazis”; then they capstone it with what they pretend is the sine qua non of evil: Adolf Hitler shouting. Apparently, the convert has lost all thought of an appropriate Viking funeral. No longer does she envision her husband’s non-bubbe in Vallhalla; instead, she sees her in the darkest pit of Hell. Now she thinks only of getting revenge for the infamous “six million.”
Another subtext that not all will notice: The great-grandmother is played. not by a German actress. but by a Jew — and no less a Jew than the sister of American-Creed-spouting, open-borders zealot Ben Wattenberg (real name Joseph Ben Zion Wattenberg). Who says these Jews aren’t tightly, even incestuously, networked? No, whatever detour they may make into a White character defending herself, this celluloid rot has the Kosher seal of approval. And the last image we get is that of a White couple about to be married who will raise actually-White children who will believe they are Jewish.
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Source: Author
Mel Gibson Spills The Beans!
…although he does not mention
the Jew scum per se…
This movie is a good example of psychops.
At White Biocentrism is another of Mr. Mercer’s hard-hitting essays that shouldn’t be missed: Worshipping The Spooks. https://whitebiocentrism.com/viewtopic.php?p=25817#p25817
I think this film is propaganda by the Jewish elite against the wider Jewish population. Conversion to the Jewish religion plays the same role for religiously defined nations without a national territory such as Judaism as immigration does for nations defined by a national territory. It gives outsiders access to rights and resources of the nation. This tends to diminish the life chances of the lower-ranking members of the nation. The role of maternal descent in the Jewish religion has traditionally been able to limit this. The film demonstrates through the murder of the old woman that outsiders sufficiently indoctrinated into Jewish culture and religion are reliable. I conclude that the Jewish elite wants to increase the number of their subjects through new additions. This could be a reaction to… Read more »
A Jewish Twofer, another Douglas Mercer essay of great impact, has been published at White Biocentrism: https://whitebiocentrism.com/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=6211&p=25866#p25866
I see Douglas Mercer has added even more articles over at White biocentrism as well. This guy hits as often as he does hard with his essays. https://whitebiocentrism.com/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=6218 “Judges Ratify The Invasion”
https://whitebiocentrism.com/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=6220 “Hysterical Indians Cry Hate.”
Out of fear, social pressure and cultural trends, they manipulate people to hate themselves, to convert into Jews and join their tribe. This poison or monster is an abstract one. It lives passively among the population through the culture distortion. It is so frightening because of how insidious it is, like some sort of Jewish demon that possesses White people and you cannot kill with regular means. Imagine this. The original Jews, the swarthy Semitic ones who wrote the old and new testament, have long gone extinct, and the only “Jews” alive today are converted White people who just believe they are Jews! Truly insanity if that’s the case This Jewish soul will forever possess the bodies of many White people today until we destroy them completely from our books,… Read more »
You’ll need a pretty large and cohesive team to get that (“until we destroy them completely…”) done, Jamie. You are a part of a team, right?