
Yom Kippur and the Kol Nidre Prayer

EVERY YEAR, including this year, Jews around the world will be gathering to celebrate the most holy day on the Jewish calendar. It is called Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement.

At synagogues everywhere worshippers will recite the Kol Nidre prayer. Taken from the first two Hebrew words of the prayer, Kol Nidre means “all vows.”

The goyim are told that Yom Kippur is an occasion when pious, saintly Jews approach their Maker in a penitential rite to beg his forgiveness for wrongs they have committed during the past year.

That is rubbish. In fact, on their Day of Atonement Jews ask for and receive nothing less than absolution for all the sins and wrongs against Gentiles they are about to commit in the coming year! In so doing, they cut a shrewd lawyer’s deal with their God (whom they call YHWH or Yahweh, traditionally anglicized as Jehovah) that gives them an exemption in advance from all wrongdoing.

Here is the actual text of this outrageous Jewish “prayer”:

Of all vows, bonds, promises, obligations and oaths wherewith we have avowed, sworn and bound ourselves from this Day of Atonement to the next Day of Atonement, may it come unto us for good; — of all these vows we hereby repent. They shall be absolved, released, annulled, made void, and of no effect; they shall not be binding, nor shall they have any power. Our vows shall not be vows; our bonds shall not be bonds; and our oaths shall not be oaths. (High Holy Day Prayer Book, quoted in Judaism, ed. Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg [New York: George Braziller, 1962], p. 145.)

That’s pretty clear, unambiguous language. What we have here, in fact, is nothing less than a one-year, renewable license to lie, cheat, and steal with impunity, all based on a decree from the Jews’ so-called holy book, the Talmud, which says:

And he who desires that none of his vows made during the year shall be valid, let him stand at the beginning of the year and declare, “Every vow which I make in the future shall be null.” (Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Nedarim 23a & 23b)

Among those reciting the Kol Nidre oath this time will be many Jewish politicians, lawyers, businessmen, journalists, and public officials. It should be noted that any oaths they take to uphold and defend the Constitution or otherwise tell the truth are, as of the night of their annual ceremony, “annulled, made void, and of no effect.”

Isn’t that nice?

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Source: New Order via Racial Nationalist Library

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2 February, 2022 11:55 am

Lying comes as naturally to Jews as breathing.

ricck lineheart
ricck lineheart
8 February, 2022 6:38 pm

And the so called ‘ Lawmakers ‘ on Capitol Hill will all bow down to kiss the behind of every Jew all day and all year long . Business as usual on Capitol Hill.