Douglas MercerEssays

She It

by Douglas Mercer

WHEN SHE FOUND OUT she got the nod for the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson’s weave nearly fell off. And then she said:

Sheeeeeee It!!!!!!!!!!!

She it, all right.

Did you say Jumanji?

No, Ketanji. Don’t be discourteous to a Negro. Put your head back in the noose, White man. This is one darkie who’s going to stick it to you good.

She’s a female erectus and she’s up for the Supreme Court.

They say that whoever is the lowest on the totem pole among the nine on the Supreme Court has to do all the menial labor around the office. But you know in her case they will waive that rule. You can’t have an Empress of Color doing all the scrut work for the remaining White men on the court. Hell no! That would remind you of slavery and Jim Crow. No, they’ll just give her a great big wicker chair, let her put her African headdress on, and whenever a White man says anything she can say:

Sheeeeeee It!

She’s the queen and don’t you forget it. Don’t you be arguing with her; just fan her and bring her the watermelon.

And don’t mind that smell, it’s the fragrance of Black grrrrl power!

Because Black females have the power and not just any power, no: they have source power. Chimpesses built anything worth building, everybody knows that. The White man? Why, he just copy from the POCs.

Sheeeeeee It!

Given that this Negro Jackson is obviously an Affirmative Action Jackson — that is, she’s been given an unfair and illegitimate leg up her entire life; she hasn’t earned a thing; and she only got picked due to being Black, how do you think she’ll vote on Affirmative Action cases?

Sheeeeeee It! She’s for it!

It if was good enough for her, it’s good enough for the next Negro, and the one after that, and all Negroes to come for all time.

Sheeeeeee It!

And how will she rule on crime issues?

She wants the Congoids free to run amok. Those White devils ain’t going to kill and rape themselves, are they? Hell no, they aren’t! Got to let Kong et al. know the Supreme Coat got their backs, and let them go on a killing spree, take those White devils out. That there is payback, that there is justice, that there is some big Black rep-a-marations, that there is one of them racial reckonings. She bend the law for them, good and hard.

Sheeeeeee It!

Now that Uniqua McScrewWhitey is about to be on the high bench, pathetic White man Scott Adams gave this galaxy-brained take: The Republicans should vote unanimously for her. Then Blacks will vote Republican!

White stooge Paul Ryan has already praised the fried-chicken-eating sasquatch. Apparently they are related via their spouses, which makes me think that someone in the extended Ryan clan is burning some coal, and probably a lot of it. Miscegenation is an ugly thing. Ted Cruz said that Biden promising to pick a Black female was an insult to Black females.

To which the Black females said:

Sheeeeeee It! Insult us some more just like that, you Cuban cracker.

Jackson won’t have to do any work, she’ll just sit and be queenly with her corn-row “reave” for a crown and let her interns do the work. But the Jew press will marvel at how well she’s doing. He fans will rave about her “juwispoodence” and how she writes her “bweefs.” When any of those whitebread conservatives get out of line she’ll speak her “toof” to them.

Sheeeeeee It!

She’s a purple-bottomed banana-eating nightmare, and She on da Court, jus’ like Wendell Holmes, honky!

What could go wrong?

How will she vote on voter suppression? Sheeeeeee It! — ain’t no Black man smart enough to get an ID, let him vote!

How will she vote on civil rights?

Civil rights is no rights for the White man, so she be for it!

Take away them White rights, that be revenge.

Sheeeeeee It!

They say when Biden was down in the dumps and on the ropes, he went to South Carolina and got doddering Black James Clyburn to endorse him. And so millions of Black Church Ladies, the ones that Roof fellow missed, came out to vote for Biden. And the rest is history. Thing is, to get Clyburn to endorse him, Biden had to promise to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court.


Sheeeeeee It!

And now the time has come. And now a collard-green-eating monkey named Ketanji Brown Jackson is to be on the once august Supreme Court of the United States of America.

Apparently Shaneequa and Laqueesha were not available.

Prepare for those jungle beats, White man, and don’t expect any justice from this Justice. She hates you and your kin and your kind.

She going to do some law for the Black man for a change.

Sheeeeeee It!

* * *

Source: Author

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Dr. Doom
Dr. Doom
25 February, 2022 10:25 pm

This is ultimately a good thing. White Men need to stop supporting this Anti-White system. Without your support it will wither and crumble under the weight of its own fatuous stupidity.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Dr. Doom
26 February, 2022 9:56 am

You might as well tell whites who support rap music to quit that, or white bastardball fans to quit supporting the National Bastardball Association. Let ’em go; they are lost to us. Let whites who support Feckless Joe go too. They are gone, irredeemably lost, Don’t waste your breath on the washouts. — Thing is, to get Clyburn to endorse him, Biden had to promise to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court. — Some Whites will think Mr. Mercer had to be joking about that — that it couldn’t possibly be true. It’s true. Biden is their president now for promising to nominate a sheboon to the highest court in what was once their land, for life, with no review of its anti-White rulings. What fools didn’t see… Read more »

Lazaris Procrustes
Lazaris Procrustes
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
27 February, 2022 9:41 am

Will, do you remember how White people were hypnotized by disco music? And then, almost overnight, the spell was broken. I think people just OD’d on Barry Gibb’s falsetto (although the Bee Gees were very good at r&b and disco, better than any black band), and the Gibb brothers’ open shirts and hairy chests.

Maybe, just maybe, the equality illusion will be broken in a similar fashion?

Until then, we are just stayin’ alive.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Lazaris Procrustes
27 February, 2022 2:29 pm

Yes, I remember well Disco, the Gibbs, their Saturday Night Fever movie, and the drug culture that went along with it. The Gibb boys, though talented, were drug addicts like most bands of that era were. I even remember pop music in the 1950s before it became all niggered up. Patti Page’s “How much is that Doggie in in the Window?” Sappy, but at least it was ours — no “twerking.” Jews control the music industry today like they have for decades. The equality illusion will be broken when enough of us withdraw our consent and decide to separate ourselves from the Jew’s illusion, but not through popular music that’s controlled by alien races. [C]onsider what has happened to the popular music industry in recent years. It’s not just the… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
27 February, 2022 11:07 pm

An update on Viacom recently (22 February 2022) just announced:

Sumner Redstone (fka Murray Rothstein) died not too long ago and his daughter Shari Redstone became the head Jew in charge.

26 February, 2022 1:43 am

She’s one of those orcs Tolkien was warning us about.

Reply to  Titus
26 February, 2022 12:58 pm

MOB Would it were only decline in augustness that describes the US Supreme Court’s course over the last more than a century. I see only one synonym for “august” (, that seems as if it might be an important quality for a supreme court justice to possess, that one being “dignity,” which, like all of its synonyms, including virtue and honor, suffers from subjectivity. (, More consequential than the decline in apparent dignity is the abandonment of even pretense of objectivity (, which is what we hope for in supreme court justices tasked with interpreting and ruling on our country’s laws and founding documents. Instead, Jews Louis Brandeis (1916-1939) and Felix Frankfurter (1939-1962) served explicitly Jewish interests in their leadership roles as Zionist activists, in opposition to Americans’ wishes and interests… Read more »

26 February, 2022 8:36 am

Will she fling her dung around the Supreme Court, like monkeys do at zoos?

27 February, 2022 8:50 am

Ketanji Brown Jackson’s husband is White. I guess she wanted to marry a man who would stick around long enough to help her raise their kids, if they have any.

Carmine Dalle
Carmine Dalle
Reply to  Karen
27 February, 2022 2:35 pm

So Biden is going to put a brown johnson on the Supreme Court? That is disgusting.

28 February, 2022 10:54 am

Why did the majority of Americans vote for Biden? He’s somehow worse than Trump, and that’s a pretty low bar.

2 March, 2022 5:37 am

“White stooge Paul Ryan” Ryan did a tour of duty as an oil driller, back during his college days. The guy is a certified race traitor. Oh, and just recently, Mittens Romney was apparently trying to earn a few brownie points with the White race hating jews by shoveling manure on Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar for having given speeches at the AFPAC Conference, Romney even tried to double down and said ‘White Nationalism is evil’. What’s evil about White wishing to survive as a race and to have the ability to govern themselves, instead of being subjugated to being ruled over by non-whites who hate them and self-hating race traitors like you, Mittens? I just have a very hard time, trying to understand how so many White humans… Read more »

2 March, 2022 9:28 am

Ain’t America great? Another jungle baboon on the Kangaroo Court, along wirh sodomites lesbians religious race-mixing nutcases, pedophiles and financial con men. Aren’t you proud to be an American and to be so “free”? I just noticed that the “oath keepers” will never mention the jew and abhor white racists and anti-semites. Jews always lead the “opposition” and whites eat it up like cake. You wont see the word JEW on the truckers convoy signs banners posters, they protest wearing masks and ignore their genocide by wide open open borders, but these “brave” idiots will fight to the death to keep from wearing a jew mandated mask. We can survive wearing a mask but will never survive open borders. We are pathetic remnants of our white heritage, deathly afraid to… Read more »

2 March, 2022 7:30 pm

Sheeeeeee It! That is one entertaining article. Who doesn’t love a bit of sarcasm?

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Deb
25 March, 2022 2:38 pm

After watching parts of the US Senate hearing this week for to confirm Biden’s Sheboon to be the next Associate Justice on the SCOTUS, it’s a good time to revisit this ADV by Dr. Pierce from 1998: Judicial Insanity and Schoolyard Massacres | National Vanguard Frederica Massiah-Jackson, withdrew her nomination after it became clear during Senate Judiciary Committee hearings that she would not be approved. Now, that’s really something, for the Politically Correct U.S. Senate to balk at approving a judge who is not only female but also Black…For the past 15 years Massiah-Jackson has been a judge on Philadelphia’s Court of Common Pleas, and she’s made quite a reputation for herself as a Black racist who always sides with Black defendants — and in Philadelphia that means most criminal defendants. She curses and swears at White prosecutors… Read more »

Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
26 March, 2022 3:11 pm

Thank you for recommending Dr. Pierce’s article from 1998. I was not aware of Massiah-Jackson’s nomination and the subsequent brouhaha surrounding it at the time. Her allegiance to black criminals smacks of the same type exhibited by Brown-Jackson’s toward pedophiles. In the 24 years since Dr. Pierce wrote that piece, everything he observed and spoke to has worsened and I fear, this time around, the black sheboon known as Ketanji Brown Jackson will be confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice. The handcart to hell is picking up speed.

LH Collins
LH Collins
6 April, 2022 6:02 am

She definitely is a She-it!