David SimsEssays

Even Logic Itself Is a White Discovery

Eratosthenes of Cyrene

by David Sims

IN INNUMERABLE films and television programs, Jews encourage Negroes to think that African Blacks would have built a super-advanced country like the fictional “Wakanda,” if Whites had not colonized Africa. Which is nonsense.

No: None of the non-White races had even figured out the approximately spherical shape of the Earth prior to the Greeks, who, two millennia ago, used geometry to deduce the Earth’s shape.

The discovery of the “round” Earth was a White discovery, the discoverer being Eratosthenes of Cyrene, and the experiment that proved the Earth was round was the measurement of the length of shadows cast by vertical poles standing in two cities (Syene and Alexandria) at noon on the day of the Summer Solstice.

Eratosthenes was also able to find that the circumference of Earth was 252,000 stadia, with 1 stadium being equal to 185 meters (the diameter of an actual stadium), or, in other words, the Earth’s circumference was calculated to be 46,620 kilometers. Today, we know that the Earth’s circumference is 40,074 kilometers, so Eratosthenes over-estimated by about 16%.

Now, in using the Greek stadium as the measurement unit, I was being conservative with regard to the goodness of Eratosthenes’ work. The diameter of an Egyptian stadium (Alexandria, Egypt was a Greek city) was 157.5 meters, and if that’s the measurement unit that Eratosthenes was using, then his calculated value for Earth’s circumference was 39,375 kilometers, which is an under-estimate by only 2%.

And remember this the next time you are told that White thinking is somehow inferior to that of other races: Whites were the first to recognize, and summarize in written form, the laws of logic itself.

* * *

Source: Author

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Gertjan Zwiggelaar
Gertjan Zwiggelaar
24 February, 2022 7:28 am

I read Rowan Hinton Helper’s marvelous book, The Negroes in Negroland etc. (c. 1867). Here is the link: https://archive.org/stream/negroesinnegrola00helpiala/negroesinnegrola00helpiala_djvu.txt Once you have read that you will know more about the negro whose average IQ world wide is lower than that of a smart gorilla. The lowest recorded IQ on Earth appears in north eastern Negroland. The number is 38. The average IQ of NORAM negroes is 85, the same as that of the gorilla mentioned. Another excellent book is J. Edgar Steele’s, Defensive Racism, An Unapologetic Examination of Racial Differences. Once you have read those two books; which I have each read twice, you will come to realize that it is impossible even for there to be a black history month because negroes never invented writing nor did they invent:… Read more »

Lazaris Procrustes
Lazaris Procrustes
Reply to  Gertjan Zwiggelaar
24 February, 2022 11:37 am

I don’t want to get too far off-subject, but I was wanting to know more about the race of giants. I did a search of your name and saw your books and programs, but nothing about the race of giants. I have seen books about this, but I did not order them and do not know what to think.

Reply to  Lazaris Procrustes
25 February, 2022 11:52 am

Don’t have definitive info. but every mention I recall was of white giants, or red haired or didn’t say.

Check out the work of Robert Sepehr about the giants:

(heck, check out his work in general – he plays his game carefully but he knows)

Also search for “Giant of Kandahar” supposedly a hoax but, maybe not?

Gertjan Zwiggelaar
Gertjan Zwiggelaar
Reply to  Lazaris Procrustes
25 February, 2022 12:30 pm
Gertjan Zwiggelaar
Gertjan Zwiggelaar
Reply to  Lazaris Procrustes
25 February, 2022 12:53 pm


These two links might help open up the conversation for you Lazaris Procrustes. Thanks for commenting. May your new discoveries lead you towards enlightenment.

Lazaris Procrustes
Lazaris Procrustes
Reply to  Gertjan Zwiggelaar
27 February, 2022 9:43 am

That is some far-out stuff!

Gertjan Zwiggelaar
Gertjan Zwiggelaar
Reply to  Lazaris Procrustes
27 February, 2022 1:31 pm

And it’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Thanks for checking out my links.

Reply to  Gertjan Zwiggelaar
25 February, 2022 11:21 am

OMG, yes! Thanks for the link. (I forgot where I once saw it)

I stumbled across a copy of it years ago and it was a revelation (and rang true as tremendous detail behind a sense of that race that I already felt was true from experience with them).

Everybody should read this (or text to speech it).

Lazaris Procrustes
Lazaris Procrustes
24 February, 2022 9:37 am

Behold my miracles: mortar, cement, solder, copper pipes, electric saws, pencils, soil-meters, water-pumps, #12 electric wire. With these amazing things, and my own muscles, I have created a paradise in my backyard with garden ponds, fragrant plants, creative low-key lighting, statuary and stonework.

A knowledge of human anatomy helped with the faces that I chainsawed. The Greeks were way ahead on that, also. The concept of the ideal human form comes from them.

Mo' Gibbs
Mo' Gibbs
24 February, 2022 10:41 am

Blacks in sub-Saharan Africa before the arrival of White men:

Never discovered the wheel.
Never developed a written language.
Never built multi-story dwellings.
Never devised sea-going vessels beyond crude canoes.
Routinely practiced cannibalism and slavery.
Counted items as: one, two, many.

Blacks in sub-Saharan Africa today:

Suffer regular famines despite living on the most resource-rich, verdant continent on earth.
Survive as permanent wards of guilt-ridden, patronizing, White first world countries.
Engage in regular genocides of rival tribes.
Exist as the incubators of most of the worst plagues of modern times (Ebola, AIDS, West Nile Virus, etc. ad nauseum)
Routinely practice cannibalism and slavery.

Of what possible use are such primitive, savage creatures? Per Fred Reed, African-descended blacks are a failed race under permanent custodial care.

24 February, 2022 5:04 pm

No, apparently the cannibals of the jungles of the Congo invented and discovered practically everything, LOL.

24 February, 2022 6:14 pm

After I realized I had been misled a bit, after reading Mein Kampf, and pondering a bit more, I suddenly realized there was maybe a lot of other truth and treasure never taught me. Enter the Greek Philosophers — and branching out from there, exploring the massive heritage of thought and deed of our people ancient and modern. What an adventure and there is still more to learn, reflect on, thoroughly digest, and grow from. How impoverished I was, how robbed we — so many — were by what was, I realized, deliberate mis-schooling! Worn down as a techno-slave, I came to life again when the legacy of our people began to live in me. They didn’t know us, did they even imagine us?, but they blessed us and I… Read more »

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  b.smith
24 February, 2022 8:16 pm

Thank you, B. Smith. Yes, Nietzsche was a great genius but definitely eccentric, as was Ezra Pound, among many others. Not much has come down to us from Diodorus, but his idea that motion is impossible is beyond eccentric — yet I find it very amusing. It’s almost like he’s beckoning us to a truth hidden inside the nonsense, just as Zeno did with his paradox. He said something like: For a thing to move, it must go from where it is to where it is not. And, since nothing can be where it is not, motion is impossible.

Lazaris Procrustes
Lazaris Procrustes
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
24 February, 2022 11:22 pm

It can’t be where it ain’t be
And it is where it do be.
Therefore, it must have suchness
To demonstrate its be-ness.
Motion takes it where it be not
To where it do be,
From not it-ness to it-ness.
Suchness, be-ness and it-ness
Become bitchness.

25 February, 2022 3:35 am

This says it all? i did not make this, found it somewhere.

whites are the people of color.jpg
26 February, 2022 8:48 am

Now the only issue is the 80% of white Americans who are supportive of the Jews that are killing us.

Mencken's Ghost
Mencken's Ghost
1 March, 2022 1:29 am