David SimsEssays

“Hate Crimes” and Interracial Violence

The Jewish media narrative of a rising wave of “dangerous White racists” violently and hatefully victimizing non-Whites is the opposite of reality.

by David Sims

WHO commits more hate crimes?

The police don’t like attributing to non-Whites a “hate crime” charge. But non-Whites (especially Blacks) commit so many violent crimes with obvious racial motives that the police must charge them with hate crimes anyway.

Of the 8,552 hate crime offenses reported in 2019, 64.4% were crimes against persons, 32.8% were crimes against property, and 2.8% were crimes against society.

Of the 6,406 known hate crime offenders, 52.5% were “White” (including some number of non-White Mestizos), 23.9% were Black, and 14.6% were of unknown race.

Of the 5,443 known hate crime offenders whose ethnicities were known, 33.1% were NOT “Hispanic/Latino,” 10% were “Hispanic/Latino,” and almost all of the rest were of unknown ethnicity.

The federal government labels nearly all “Hispanic/Latino” crime offenders as “White.” (They are given a separate category when they are crime victims so as to lend more support to the anti-White narrative.) I will assume that the 10% of “Hispanic/Latino” [really Mestizo] hate crime offenders extends also into the unknowns who would have been, if known, identified as White by race.

So, of the 6,406 known hate crime offenders, 42.5% really were White, 10% were Mestizos (Latinos), 23.9% were Black, and 14.6% were of unknown race.

Whites are 60% of the US population. Whites commit hate crimes at 70.8% of their demographic fraction. Blacks are 13% of the US population. Blacks commit hate crimes at 183.8% of their demographic fraction. The Black-to-White per capital rate ratio for the perpetration of hate crimes is about 2.1. An average Black was more than twice as likely to commit a hate crime, as compared with an average White.

And, remember, the police are by far more willing to tack on a hate crime aggravated charge to a White criminal than they are to a Black criminal. The real Black-to-White per capita rate ratio for the perpetration of hate crimes is likely greater than 2.1.

Indeed, as I show below, the Black-to-White per capita rate ratio for the perpetration of interracial murder is somewhere close to thirteen. Yet the Black-to-White per capita rate ratio for the perpetration of hate crimes is only 2.1. That suggests that the police are about six-and-a-half times more likely to add hate crime charges against White offenders, as compared with Black offenders, for the same type of crime.

The total Population of the United States in 2019 was 328,239,523:

Whites, “not Latino”: 60.1%
“Latinos”: 18.5%
Blacks: 13.4%
Injuns: 1.3%
Asians: 5.9%
Pacific Islanders: 0.2%


The arrests for murder and non-negligent manslaughter in the United States in 2019 totaled 7,964:

Whites, not “Latino”: 28.9%
“Latinos”: 16.9%
Blacks: 51.2%
Injuns: 1.6%
Asians: 1.0%
Pacific Islanders: 0.35%

Race-to-White per capita rate ratios in arrests for murder in the United States in 2019:

Whites, “not Latino”: 1.00
Latinos: 1.90
Blacks: 7.95
Injuns: 2.56
Asians: 0.35
Pacific Islanders: 3.64


In 2015, there were 500 Black-on-White murders and 229 “White”-on-Black murders in the United States. However, of those latter an estimated 57 were actually Mestizo-on-Black murders. Removing the Mestizos from the 229 “White” killers of Blacks, we have 172 White-on-Black murders. The Black-to-White per capita ratio for the perpetration of interracial murder was 13.0.


Now, I’ll use the numbers often used by Jews and “liberals” to obfuscate these facts. Quoting one such:

“According to information provided by the FBI, there were 3,315 White victims of homicides in 2018, the most recent year available. 514 of the offenders were Black. There were 2,925 Black homicide victims. 234 of the offenders were White.”

Of those 234 “White” offenders, an estimated 59 of them were really Mestizos who the FBI habitually mislabels as “White.” After removing them we are left with 175 White-on-Black murders. The Black-to-White per capita rate ratio for the perpetration of interracial murder was therefore 13.2.

As I show above, the Black-to-White per capita rate ratio for the perpetration of “hate crimes” is about 2.1. Yet the Black-to-White per capita rate ratio for the perpetration of interracial murder is about thirteen. That suggests that the police are about six-and-a-half times more likely to add hate crime charges against White offenders, as compared with Black offenders, for the same type of crime: Table 43ucr.fbi.gov

* * *

Source: Author

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4 April, 2021 11:27 pm

I have pointed this out numerous times on the Faceberg page of a leading US newspaper, that despite being in a heavily hispanic region of the nation, has a curious fixation on negroes.


To add insult to injury, I ask why aren’t hate crime laws abolished since negroes are disproportionately prosecuted under them.

5 April, 2021 11:41 pm

Mr. Sims, thank you for this well researched information!

15 April, 2021 7:14 am

This leech in his typical “chutzpahesque” arrogance claims to believe in a “God” to whom he addresses “prayers” – but presumes to want to make God’s decisions.


What kind of a strange “God” is this, who demands revenge instead of forgiveness, and drags 100-year-olds before a self-appointed court to accuse them of “gigantic crimes”, only to consolidate their own agenda and legitimation (“Israel”)? 

Moreover, it is questionable how these hypocrites claim to believe in a God who allegedly abandoned them all at the time of the “Holocaust” (and vulgo thus made it unmistakably clear what he thinks of “his” alleged people)? Lies from start to finish!

23 April, 2021 7:41 pm

There was likely no hate involved in this murder of a White Amish girl by a latrino: https://nypost.com/2021/04/23/amish-teen-linda-stoltzfoos-was-strangled-suffocated-and-stabbed/ . Instead, there was likely lust, arrogance, satisfaction, and fear, in that order.